Lily was in panic.

Didn't seem to feel anything unusual.

But her figure suddenly became slower.

Until the end.

Unable to move.

At this moment.

She was desperate again.

Being able to cast spells so smoothly and control her behavior.

That was the only one among these Death Eaters.

If it were him, then his husband James would probably be in serious danger.

"Oh, dear Miss Lily, where are you going?"

A strange man without a nose walked over with a smile.

Charlie was still in the body of a dragon at this moment. He carefully looked at the person in front of him.

Yes, it was the Voldemort who was good at Avatar's Big Melon Killing Curse. He didn't run away.

Now Under such circumstances,

Zha Li and his team face this guy.

It can be said that there is no chance of winning.

We must be cautious in everything.

"Oh, I didn’t expect that you even raised a little dragon."

"My stupid servants turned into ashes"

"I guess it was you, the cute little guy, who did it."

Raising a dragon?

Zha Li was speechless.

You are the first dragon.

Your whole family is a dragon!

The next second,

Zha Li was blasted out. He hit the wall in a daze.

It really hurts.

This guy is serious

"I'll deal with you later, little one. If you surrender to me, I won't kill you."

Voldemort gave Charlie a self-righteous smile, causing Charlie to feel a chill.

"Lily, go away. I promised others not to harm your life."

Voldemort still has some principles.

"Please, you can kill me. But please let my child go."

Lily begged with some despair.

She had no choice.

Although she didn't want to bow to this force.

But for the love of her children, she had no choice.

At the moment, she still had a glimmer of extravagant hope.

Voldemort could let her children go.

Even if he gave up. She doesn't care about her life

"Dear Lily, you are still too naive."

Voldemort chuckled.

His eyes were full of indifference to life.


"Goodbye, despicable Muggle blood."


A life-killing curse was released directly.

The terrifying magic pressure made the whole earth tremble slightly.

"don't want!"

Lily cried bitterly, and flew over directly.

She stood in front of Harry.

Harry cried loudly.

Lily hugged him tightly.

An ancient magic power radiated from her body.

Then, a change occurred.

The killing curse directly Rebound.

Charlie let out a long breath.

No chance.

It's still the same.

In order to protect Harry, his mother used her life to cast the"Love Shield".

Voldemort was counterattacked by his own death curse and was about to die.

And he and Harry , will become orphans.

Zha Li is also a little powerless.

To be honest, he must still have feelings for his parents in this life.

However, he is still too young and has no chance to turn the tide.


Voldemort let out a sharp cry. He seemed to be crying bitterly.

Charlie looked at him coldly, waiting for his death.

His mother had lost the characteristics of life.

Harry was also frightened.

Right now, only Voldemort and himself are left in the entire house.

"How could this happen, damn Lily!"

"Impossible, impossible! How could my magic be rebounded?"

"Ahhhh! Damn it!"

Voldemort's whole body began to twist.

It was as if he had experienced endless pain.

The wailing sounds were endless.

But at this moment, Charlie began to feel that something was wrong. What's going on?

Still not dead?

Are you going to die?

I'll go.

I won't die......

Charlie had a vague feeling of bad premonition.

After all, the entire trajectory had changed a little.

For example, he became Harry's brother.

This time Voldemort came to visit and brought a group of Death Eater slaves with him.

Something unexpected happened, too. possible……

【You just saw someone else cast a powerful life-killing curse, and you also understood the unspelled version of the life-killing curse.】


Charlie's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.


This is not a timely help.


Voldemort roared in pain.

Black smoke began to appear all over his body.

Visible to the naked eye, the breath of life was fading.

But when it reached a certain level, it stopped.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Not dead, you despicable muggleborn actually wants to kill me"

"Hahahaha, impossible, absolutely impossible."

Sure enough.

Charlie guessed it right.

He was not dead at all.

Suddenly, a gust of cool wind blew by.

In the silent night, there was a trace of sound.

It seemed a little out of place.

Voldemort was sweating profusely at this moment.

Suddenly something bad flashed through his heart. Feeling.

Turning back suddenly,

I found that the fire dragon just now was gone.

Instead, it was a seemingly harmless baby.

And that baby was holding Lily's wand at the moment.

Looking at me with some fun.

Next For a second,

Voldemort was stunned.

A life-killing curse hit him.


"Why, why is this happening?"

"You are not a dragon at all, you are Lily's son"

"How could this be possible? It's impossible. How could you be able to transform and cast a life-killing spell?……"

Voldemort went crazy.

He was most broken right now.

It's not the death curse in his body.

But the doll in front of me.

It's really incredible.

A baby actually cast the Death Curse in a decent manner?

And it’s still casting spells without a spell? this series of operations.

All of them showed Chali's terror.

This was impossible for the proud Voldemort.

He doesn't allow such a genius wizard to exist

"Bring it, old thing."

Charlie snorted coldly in his heart.

He cast the Death Curse with all his strength.

A minute later, Voldemort, who had been seriously injured, died... before he died.

The eyes looking at Charlie were extremely complicated.






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