Inside the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

The whole place was silent.

No one realized what happened.

Didn’t you agree to demonstrate that powerful black magic defense skill?

How it looks.

It doesn't seem to be very powerful.

Ah no.

Classmate Zha Li made a sneak attack.

Slytherin and Gryffindor students.

They all looked at Zha Li with strange eyes. for a long time.

Quirrell slowly stood up.

Patted his head.

His eyes were a little dazed.

Looking at Zha Li with some fear

"Classmate Zha Li, this is a demonstration, please don’t make a surprise attack."

Qiluo tried his best to keep his emotions stable.

Zha Li showed an expression of confusion.

Then he glanced around the classmates.

"No way"

"No way? Quirrell and his classmates immediately showed puzzled expressions.

What do you mean?

Charlie is crazy?

"No, classmates, Teacher Quirrell"

"Don’t you think that the dark wizard will say hello to you when he fights you?"

"Don’t you think that a dark wizard would shake hands with you and salute you?"

"I don't approve. I think this matter is not logical at all."

Zha Li finished speaking.

The expression on his face was extremely firm, as if he was discussing the truth.

Those magic apprentices had a look of contempt on their faces just now.

After listening to Zha Li's speech full of bewitching power, they suddenly realized.

Yes, yes. Ah.

In a real magic duel, who would say hello to you?

It’s impossible. Before the dark wizard takes action, he bows in front of you and raises his wand.

He mutteres something.

"Please be careful, I'm going to use the Cruciatus Curse next."

"Please handle it with caution."

The students shook their heads one after another.

They shook this outrageous and funny scene from their minds.

It's too ridiculous.

"Teacher, I agree with what classmate Zha Li said."

Cassandra raised her hand and said she was born.

She agreed.

Charlie was absolutely right.

She was from a big family and knew some of the wizarding wars.

It was far from as peaceful as it is now.

With Cassandra's Speak up.

Other students also began to nod one after another, agreeing with Zha Li's point of view.


He is indeed a classmate of Zha Li. Not only does he learn magic very quickly, but his ideas are also to the point.

We study according to this line of thinking.

We will only become a greenhouse. The flowers inside.

Quirrell looked at the students in the audience and nodded.

Their expressions were uncertain.

In the end, he laughed.

"Classmates, please be patient."

"Teacher Qiluo didn’t say that classmate Zha Li’s views were wrong."

"First of all, the teacher wants to praise Mr. Zha Li for his point of view, which is very standpoint and correct."

"But we are in class after all. In order to achieve a better demonstration effect, I still hope that Mr. Zha Li will cooperate a little bit."

Qui Luo finished speaking.

He looked at Zha Li and asked Zha Li to answer.

"Oh, I got it"

"It's okay, Teacher Quirrell, I will definitely cooperate well from now on."

"Although the teacher had an accident just now, the students also learned a lot from it, didn't they?"

Zha Li nodded seriously.

"Yes, Mr. Quirrell"

"Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Quirrell."

"Classmate Zha Li has good intentions and has worked hard."

All the magic apprentices nodded.

Seeing this,

Quirrell's smile was a little stiff.

If there was no one around now, he would like to tear Charlie apart.

The other students, such as Malfoy and others, flashed a trace of anger on their faces. Yue.

He glanced at Charlie unconvinced.

Once again, Charlie stole the show.

Malfoy turned to look at Cassandra.

He found that Cassandra looked at Charlie with eyes filled with admiration.

Malfoy became even more angry.

Take a deep breath.

Try to calm down.

"Okay, students, let's continue the class."

Qiluo clapped his hands, indicating that everyone should continue to focus their attention.

Then he began to explain a little about the method of magic body tempering.

Then he faced Zha Li

"Classmate Zha Li, let’s continue. Please don’t make a sneak attack this time, okay?"

Qiluo said with a stiff face.

He was still a little scared in his heart.

This guy Zha Li always doesn't play according to the routine.

"Okay, Mr. Quirrell"

"Everything is at your discretion"

"Teacher Quirrell, are you... ready?"

Charlie shouted lowly.

Quirrell suddenly started up at this moment.

His whole body trembled.

This was conditioned reflex fear.

"Okay, the teacher is ready, classmate Zha Li, you can start~~."

Qi Luo calmed down and then looked at his classmates.

"Students, please watch the teacher’s palms"

"Next, when classmate Zha Li releases his magic"

"A magic barrier will appear on the teacher's palm"

"After everyone practices this method for a long time, instinctive conditioned reflexes will appear. Quirrell explained.

The students began to take notes.

Hermione, Cassandra and others looked at Charlie expectantly.

Ron nudged Harry with his elbow.

"Harry, I always feel that Mr. Quirrell still can't stop Charlie."

Harry didn't speak.

He just nodded.


Charlie began to cast spells.

This time, he said hello to Quirrell.

Quirrell felt a lot more at ease.

Finally, he no longer had to face that kind of sudden attack.

"Hello, classmates. Quirrell said sternly, looking at Charlie with all his attention.

But the next moment, his expression changed.

Charlie's spell casting felt a bit strange.



Charlie's magic is a bit unusual.

Quirrell's Sweat breaks out on forehead

"Teacher, please pick up."

Charlie began to recite a spell.

A green liquid was summoned at random.

Like a sharp arrow, it flew towards Quirrell.

All the students watched with interest. What will be the result this time ?


At this moment, a faint magic barrier was released on Quirrell's palm. The students' eyes widened. They were full of surprise. They all started to applaud. Awesome. Is this Defense Against the Dark Arts! This is too cool! But for a moment Seconds. A strange sound came. Stinging! A sound of tearing and corroding. The magic apprentices looked at each other. They saw the green liquid released by Charlie. It was like venom at the moment. It was wrapped around Quirrell's magic barrier.. In Quirrell's horrified eyes, the magic barrier was corroded cleanly. Within a few strokes, it fell directly into Quirrell's hands.

"Hiss~ah! Quirrell took a sharp breath.

His face was distorted.

It hurt.

Then he immediately jumped away.

He got out of his desk drawer and started looking for potions.

The students were dumbfounded.

This magic barrier didn't seem to be very powerful.

Why was it cracked by classmate Zha Li again?

He looked so cool just now.

Can't he even block classmate Zha Li's magic?

This Quirrell.

Tsk tsk tsk.

It's true.

For a moment.

Students look at it There was some pity on Quirrell's expression.

Zha Li sneered in his heart.

Just kidding.

This method was all written by himself.

The contents published in the"Magic Research" newspaper at that time were also castrated versions.

Zha Li understood and created by himself. How could you not know the disadvantages of the method?

In other words, what are the disadvantages of that public method? It is good to have a magic barrier.

But it does not mean that all magic can be blocked.

I am a corrosive spell.

How can you block it?

Unless What you are practicing is the method I learned and practiced by myself.

Of course this is impossible.

While the students were still thinking about it,

Harry started to applaud.

Soon, the atmosphere was ignited.

Ron, the admiration expert, also started to applaud crazily.

"Classmate Zha Li is awesome!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Classmate Zha Li showed us what magic attack is!"

For a while, the whole classroom became a little noisy.

For a long time,

Zha Li waved his hand to signal everyone to stop making noise.

Quirrell had already found the magic potion and applied it on himself.

The whole person felt much more relaxed.

He looked at Zha with some numbness. Li.

But I was shocked.

It turns out that this method of magic defense is afraid of the Corrosion Curse.

I didn't expect it.

When I learned and practiced before, it was always very effective.

Now it was broken by Zha Li so easily.

This is a coincidence. Why?

Why did he know how to crack it easily?

Quirrell was a little depressed. He was helpless. He looked at Charlie as if he was looking at a monster.

It took a long time. The burning pain in his hand gradually eased.

"teacher? Sorry, are you hurt?"

Zha Li said caringly.

Quirrell looked at Zha Li's expression as a top actor. He was furious.

His eyes seemed to be flashing again.

But after all, he had a strong heart.

He quickly suppressed his little thoughts. Go down

"Classmates, thank you Zha Li for teaching you a lesson"

"The corrosion spell he just used can indeed break this barrier to a certain extent."

"This is a new discovery and breakthrough. Let us applaud Zha Li."

Quirrell is worthy of being a man who can mount Voldemort.

When he spoke, his expression remained calm.

No one could detect Quirrell's problem.

"Classmate Zha Li is so awesome!"

"I want to learn from classmate Zha Li!"

"Genius, magic genius!"

Another round of applause rang out.

Everyone was applauding Charlie.

Malfoy and others felt even more uncomfortable.

They clapped their hands one after another.

"So teacher, shall we continue?"

Zha Li spoke again.

His eyes were full of expectation.

His performance was really good.

Quirrell looked at Zha Li's eyes full of curiosity. He was in a daze for a moment.

If he didn't know some details about Zha Li,

I'm afraid. Will be easily deceived by Zha Li.

But now,

Quirrell will not be easily deceived again.

After all, the last time he was beaten by Zha Li was a heavy hammer of love.

It hurt for several days. Just when Quirrell wanted to refuse, he found the students in the audience. They all had expectant looks in their eyes. They looked at Quirrell expectantly. Quirrell didn't want to refuse. He had always wanted to win a sense of recognition. Now seeing the expectant eyes of these classmates, he felt that he could do it again.. It doesn’t matter. Just demonstrate again. Just don’t let Zha Li use the corrosive spell this time. Is it possible that there are many other spells that can break this magic barrier? Not very good, right? Quirrell looked at Zha Li cautiously. A glance. The corner of Charlie's mouth raised slightly. He almost knew what Quirrell was worried about. Are you afraid that I still have many ways to crack it? Of course I do. I understand the method of creation by myself. I don't have too many ways to crack it. Do you believe that it's a treasure trove? But right now, Charlie has no intention of teasing Quirrell like this. He has to give him a taste of the sweetness. And then give him a touch of care that touches his soul.


"No problem, classmate Zha Li, let’s continue"

"I have to say, classmate Zha Li, you are a magic genius"

"But now that we are in the classroom, let’s stick to the teaching purpose, okay?"

"Next, please use the most common attack magic to attack me."

"Then let’s demonstrate a complete defense process, shall we?"

Qi Luo threw several in succession.


Cassandra couldn't sit still.

"Teacher Qiluo, the demonstration just given by classmate Zha Li was also very rewarding for us."

Hermione and others also nodded.

Quirrell's face changed slightly.

"It doesn't matter, Teacher Quirrell will listen to you and everything will be based on your teaching plan."

Charlie showed an obedient and considerate look.

Quirrell's face couldn't help but twitch at this moment. Best


"In this way, Teacher Quirrell"

"I'll just use the simplest magic shock wave, okay?"

"Then you can give us a good demonstration of the magical barrier."

Charlie turned the wand slightly.

Quirrell's eyes changed repeatedly.

He seemed to want to see clues from Charlie's eyes.

After a moment,

Quirrell nodded.

ThenLi and Quirrell immediately stood up

"Teacher, I'm going to start."

Charlie spoke.

Quirrell couldn't help but tremble in his heart. Here it comes again.

This familiar feeling.

Then Charlie sent out a simple magic shock wave.

Quirrell's cold sweat dropped.

But the magic barrier was still released instantly.

Magic shock and magic The barriers collided together.

A brilliant light bloomed.


The magic apprentices exclaimed.

It's so beautiful.

Of course.

Charlie had to retract his hand, otherwise Quirrell's barrier wouldn't be able to block it at all.


Charlie retracted his hand.

Quirrell also retracted his hand.

There was something on his face. Fortunately and proud.

There was no accident this time.

Perfect demonstration.


I glanced around the classmates, and they all looked at me with admiration.

It’s great.

"That's awesome, Teacher Quirrell."

Zha Li smacked his lips and clapped.

Soon , applause sounded in the classroom.

Quirrell was very satisfied.

His vanity was greatly satisfied.

He was finally recognized.

This feeling is so good..Suddenly


Zha Li’s voice came again.

"By the way, Teacher Qiluo, you said that after you become proficient in this method, you will form an instinctive reaction."

"If you are ready and I attack from behind, can you feel the magic wave and release the barrier? Quirrell didn't even think about it.

"That's fine, as long as you don't use the method you just used to divert my attention and then attack me secretly."

"Well, let's ask Mr. Quirrell to demonstrate it to us again."


After Quirrell finished speaking, he suddenly felt something bad.

Oops. He said it too soon.

But he looked around at the classmates in the audience, their expectant eyes. He just felt that he was already riding a tiger and it was hard to get off.

He felt that he had fallen into Zha Li's trap..That feeling came back.

It was so painful and hard to say.


Quirrell coughed dryly.

But the fiery gazes of the magic apprentices did not diminish at all. finally.

Quirrell took a deep breath.

Still went on stage.

Zha Li also stood on the opposite side

"The students are optimistic that after practicing this method to the end, an instinctive reaction will be formed."

"Unless the classmate who just checked is diverting his attention and then makes a sneak attack, under normal circumstances, as long as it is not particularly fast, it can be defended"

"Classmate Zha Li, you are ready to say something."

Qi Luo turned his back.

He was already prepared.

The eyes of the magic apprentices were full of hope.

This class was really lively and interesting.

It was full of useful information.

It was just a matter of seconds.

Charlie did not take it. He raised his wand.

Instead, he stepped forward with an arrow.

His figure appeared directly behind Quirrell.

Quirrell suddenly felt a chill on his back.

He was about to turn around, but found that the back of his head was facing a huge force.

"Teacher, assuming that the dark wizard does not use magic to attack, what should you do at this time?".

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