"Ouyang Feng, you lost."

I lost?

Why did I lose!?

Looking at the boy in white with a smile on his face on the other side.

Ouyang Feng was already mad at this moment, if it weren't for the fact that he couldn't speak at this moment, I am afraid that he would have greeted Xu Changsheng's family a long time ago.

And Huang Yaoshi, who was not far away, also had a strange expression at this moment: "What is this immortal little brother doing?" "

Although he could see that Xu Changsheng seemed to have an epiphany.

But I realized something specifically.

Huang Yaoshi really couldn't see it at all, at most, he found that Xu Changsheng's sword moves had changed somewhat.

But in reality, it doesn't feel like a big difference.

He didn't understand.

Zhou Botong was even more incomprehensible, he looked at the Huang Yaoshi beside him with a puzzled face and said, "Why did he say that Ouyang Feng lost?" "

Medicine Master Huang also shook his head when he heard this.

"I don't understand either."

Zhou Botong was a little surprised at the moment: "Even you can't understand?" "

Although he likes to fight with Huang Yaoshi, Zhou Botong has really never been afraid of this person for his personal strength.

After all, people are one of the five best in the world.

The ceiling of today's martial arts exists.

If even Huang Yaoshi can't understand it, then who else in this world can understand it? Your own senior brother?

Zhou Botong fell into deep thought.


And at the moment opposite the two.

Xu Changsheng was like a changed person, not only suddenly put away his sword, but he couldn't even feel a trace of battle intent on his body.

This inexplicable remark, coupled with Xu Changsheng's inexplicable performance before, made Ouyang Feng extremely annoyed.

Looking at the white-clothed boy in front of him.

Ouyang Feng glared angrily.

He admits that he underestimated the guy at first.

But now he's doing his best.

But the other party gave feedback with such a perfunctory attitude.

This kid is probably a little too arrogant!

Thinking of this, Ouyang Feng also decided not to wait, but was ready to take the initiative to strike, intending to teach the young man in front of him a lesson.

He wants to deliver the strongest blow!

With Ouyang Feng's secret decision in his heart.

Then only two toad calls were heard, and suddenly they sounded in the night.

It's very abrupt and terrifying.


In the next second, Ouyang Feng's whole body grabbed the ground with five fingers, and his back curled up even more, his thighs were tight, and his spine was curved and arched.

At the same time, a powerful True Qi began to emanate from his body, wave after wave, and the movement was very large.

The fallen leaves and rubble around were swept away by the True Qi Shock.

Within a radius of ten meters, only the pitch-black soil remained, and in the center was a human figure resembling a giant toad.

Toad Gong, the strongest state!!

Not far away, Huang Yaoshi also looked solemn when he saw this scene: "Ouyang Feng, this guy is starting to get serious. "

Zhou Bo channel: "What do you mean?" "

Seeing that he didn't understand, Huang Yaoshi could only explain.

"Toad Gong, to put it bluntly, is to use true qi to generate a true aura around itself, and after wrapping the whole body, it is like a balloon."

"Under the protection of the True Qi Shield, Ouyang Feng's body can attack without fear of swords, guns, clubs, and any means."

Without waiting for Zhou Botong to speak, Huang Yaoshi continued to speak.

"And you can't attack him yet, once your attack hedges against the True Qi Hood, you will be rebounded by True Qi."

"The stronger the force you use, the stronger the rebound."

"This is also the so-called strong when it is strong."

Zhou Botong was puzzled: "Then why did Changsheng cut that guy several times before and it was nothing?" I didn't see a backlash! "

Huang Yaoshi shook his head: "That's because the sword qi used by the immortal little brother before was not enough to threaten the True Qi Hood. "

"The sword qi is too weak."

"It was offset before it could rebound."

Zhou Botong was shocked when he heard this.

"Huh? Isn't that similar to Shaolin's King Kong not bad body. "

"What is the situation with Ouyang Feng now?"

Looking at Ouyang Feng not far away.

Medicine Master Huang took a deep breath and said, "Toad Gong is also divided into strong and weak states, and this technique will become stronger and stronger as the strength increases." "

"Just like now!"

"Now that Ouyang Feng's strongest state, I'm afraid that even if Brother Chongyang at his peak comes, he can only choose to temporarily force the edge!"

As soon as he heard Huang Yaoshi say that Wang Chongyang had to temporarily avoid the edge when he came, Zhou Botong was instantly unhappy, and he rolled his eyes.

"It's the same as the truth!"

"Then didn't this guy use this trick when you Huashan was discussing the sword? If I use it, then why is my senior brother still the first? "

"To put it bluntly, Ouyang Feng is not strong enough for my senior brother."

Huang Yaoshi's eyes narrowed slightly: "Because when Hua Shan was discussing the sword, this guy Ouyang Feng really didn't use this killing move." "

"So his Toad Gong was not in the strongest state at that time."

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Botong was instantly stunned.


He looked at Huang Yaoshi a little dumbfounded: "No, don't you Huashan swords all come up with the strongest moves to fight?" "

"This Ouyang Feng actually didn't use this trick?"

Huang Yaoshi shook his head: "This trick takes time to accumulate strength, we can't give Ouyang Feng this opportunity, not to mention he won't use it." "

Zhou Botong was puzzled: "Why?" "

"Because after using this move, Ouyang Feng's state will decline sharply due to excessive consumption of True Qi, and his strength will decline rapidly."

"That would be very bad for him."

"You must know that Huashan Sword is not the only one of your senior brother Wang Chongyang, but also me and the other two."

"So this is definitely the strongest killing move in Ouyang Feng's life, and in this situation, I'm afraid it's useless for anyone to come."

When Huang Yaoshi finished explaining.

Zhou Botong, who was beside him, instantly changed his face: "What? "

"That little immortal gave birth to him..."


Zhou Botong looked in the direction of Xu Changsheng, his face full of worry.

At this moment, he was in the position where Ouyang Feng and the two were.

With the toad cry constantly coming out.

Next second!!

When Ouyang Feng's power was completed, his whole person was like a cannonball, rushing towards Xu Changsheng, carrying a terrifying momentum.

Behind him, a pit of earth several meters deep had appeared on the ground, and dust was everywhere.

Countless soil rubble flew and made a harsh sound.

It's like a rocket launch.

Instant 100 meters away.


True Qi entered the ground for three points, causing great damage to the surrounding environment, and there was almost no grass in a radius of more than ten meters.

The strongest killing move.

But in the face of Ouyang Feng's all-out blow, Xu Changsheng just shook his head helplessly: "Why bother?" "

When the words fell.

That Ouyang Feng had already arrived in front of Xu Changsheng.

The body wrapped in true qi was indestructible, and it was really like a humanoid cannonball, as if it was going to knock Xu Changsheng into human-shaped flesh mud at this moment.

Seeing that the True Qi cannonball was about to annihilate him.

Next second!

Xu Changsheng raised his right hand unhurriedly, turning his fingers into a sword, and at the same time, the whole person also exuded terrifying sword intent.

Dugu Jiu Sword, Breaking Qi!!

That qi shape condensed on the fingertips like a sharp sword, colliding with Ouyang Feng, who had turned into a toad, to the point of being rigid to the strong.

Totally hard!!

Followed by.

Boom!! Boom-

In an instant, a terrifying movement came, as if a giant meteorite had fallen from the sky and smashed into the position where the two were located.

The terrifying collision wave instantly dented the surrounding ground.

The earth is overwhelmed.

Whether it is a wall or a house within a radius of 100 meters, or a large tree more than ten meters high, marble floor!

At this moment, without exception, all of them were shot away by the True Qi Wave.

Even uprooted!


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