Incubating The Black Dragon Clone, I Was Ying Zheng Sims

Chapter 13 The First Show In The Courtroom, This Book Should Be Burned!


If two words can describe Zhao Tuo's state of mind at the moment, it must be embarrassment.

If you have to add two more words.

That's super embarrassing!

Looking at Ying Zheng talking nonsense above, Zhao Tuo embarrassed and almost pulled out a four-bedroom and two-hall below.

Do you really dare to blow it?

I'm really not afraid that I won't be able to catch you after you blow it, and then you will slap you in the face?

Co-authoring is now all on my side.

On the other hand, Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Tuo's strange expression, how could he describe it with a cool word?

Dress up?

Are you going to keep pretending?

Anyway, I'm so arrogant, I have the ability to let my face fall to the ground today!

"Tuo'er, come and tell me and Baiguan, do you support Chunyuyue or Li Xiang in this matter? Why do you support them?"

Seeing more than a hundred pairs of eyes staring at him, Zhao Tuo could only help Ying Zheng head forward.

"I am ashamed to be so praised by my father and emperor."

"As for today's matter, Erchen thinks that Li Xiang's method is more suitable for the current state of my country in Daqin."

Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

It can be seen that he also supports Li Si's idea more than Chunyuyue.

Otherwise, there will be no such thing as burning books and ignoring Confucians in future generations.

It's just that Ying Zheng supports it, it doesn't mean everyone supports it.

"Fifteenth brother, this matter is related to the fortune of the country, so be careful!" Fusu hurriedly reminded him.

But Zhao Tuo just smiled apologetically and continued: "Pu She proposes to follow the ancients to divide the seal. In my opinion, the system of seals can be used, but at least it does not apply to our dynasty."

"Well... continue." Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

"Separation can certainly consolidate the rule, but there is a precedent in the Zhou Dynasty, and the descendants of the descendants will inevitably guard against the brothers."

"This move will not only deepen the estrangement, but will also lay the foundation for disaster."

Zhao Tuo's voice was not loud, but he heard a thud in the hearts of everyone.

"Although the eldest son succession system is destined to belong to the throne, what if other princes are better and more loved by the people of the world?"

"The feudal fiefs are far more prosperous than the capital, if they are properly managed."

"With precedents, coupled with ambition, Daqin has become the second Zhou Dynasty, and it is only a matter of time before the feudal lords are separated."

Zhao Tuo's tone was very firm.

Because this is the stark reality.

Historically, this has always been the case with every encapsulation.

The Zhou Dynasty was divided into seals, which eventually evolved into the Spring and Autumn Chaos.

Liu Bang's enfeoffment led to the destruction of flesh and blood and the chaos of the Seven Kingdoms.

Zhu Yuanzhang was enfeoffed with Emperor Jianwen to cut down his vassals, and Zhu Di, the King of Yan, enshrined Tianjing.

Not a single exception.

For a time, all the officials in the court were lost in thought.

Even Chunyu Yue frowned, as if thinking about how to avoid this problem.

But after thinking about it, I found that this is inevitable...

Because the prince cannot be destined to be excellent.

After several generations, there is destined to have such an unsatisfactory eldest son.

By then this problem is inevitable!

When everyone was silent, Fusu said aloud: "Father, the fifteenth younger brother can have such a vision, and my son admires it very much."

"But the fact that Li Xiang mentioned burning books has had too much influence, and Erchen feels that it is still up for discussion."

After hearing what Fusu said, Ying Zheng looked at himself again.

Zhao Tuo rolled his eyes and continued consciously: "Brother, don't underestimate the impact of this remark."

"It's the past and not the present. The sensible person can still play the father and the emperor like a servant, and discuss it with the officials."

"However, there are countless people who are ignorant and uncivilized, and listening to the wind is rain."

"Once it is used by people with a heart, the water that carries the boat will become the water that capsizes the boat, so you should be prepared for danger."

"Well said!" Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction and turned to look to the other side.

"Meng Shangqing, Feng Xiang, what are you two thinking?"

Meng Yi, Feng Quji, plus Li Si, can be said to be the people with the highest status in the current court.

Now that Li Si expresses his opinion, whether to adopt it or not, the views of the two are also very important.

I saw Meng Yi, the doctor of the censor, took a step forward, glanced at Zhao Tuo and said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, I also felt that Li Xiang's approach was a bit excessive at first."

"But I heard the words of the fifteenth son, and it was like a slap in the face, so...the minister also agreed with Li Xiang's proposal."

"This minister agrees." Feng Quji followed behind Meng Yi to make a compilation with a smile, but he picked up a bargain.

Undoubtedly, the attitude of the two and Ying Zheng's satisfied smile almost settled the matter right away.

And what played a key role in it was Zhao Tuo, who persuaded Meng Yi in one sentence.

Otherwise, one of Meng Yi and Feng Quji has a negative attitude, and this matter may not be discussed for a long time.

"Hahaha, Chunyuyue, do you have anything else to say?" Ying Zheng smiled and looked at Chunyuyue.

The latter's face was a pig's liver, a look of urgency and anger but unable to vent.

no way.

This is the truth.

"Sir...I have nothing to say!"

"Fusu, how about you?"

Fusu also smiled bitterly and said, "My son is ashamed. If the fifteenth brother hadn't woken up, he would have ignored the possibility that people with a heart would deceive the people, and it would eventually lead to a major disaster."

"Fu Su, I am also very pleased that you can wake up."

Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction, and looking at Zhao Tuo from the corner of his eye, he became more and more fond of him.

Why didn't this big baby boy discover his strengths earlier?

"Okay, I'll ask again, who else in the Manchu Dynasty has any objection to Li Xiang's proposal?"

The voice fell, and the civil and military officials looked at each other.

After what Zhao Tuo said just now, everyone is completely clear about the benefits.

Although the method is a bit tough, it is indeed necessary.

As for Zhao Gao, who was in trouble at the beginning, his face at this time was the same as eating Xiang, how ugly it was.

The peripheral vision that occasionally swept over Zhao Tuo was also extremely gloomy.


He never expected it.

After doing this, he not only underestimated the position of this sickly seedling in Ying Zheng's heart, but also attracted Ying Zheng's dissatisfaction.

Instead, it gave the sick seedling a chance to show.

Really stealing chicken without losing rice.

Seeing that none of the officials uttered a word, Ying Zheng was ready to give an order.

However, at this moment, Zhao Tuo stood up again.

"Father, my son has something to say."

"Oh? Tuo'er, but it doesn't matter." Ying Zheng waved his hand and sat back on the ninth-order dragon platform in his leisure time.

He wanted to hear, what other amazing thoughts his old fifteen had.

"My son thinks that Li Xiang's proposal is feasible, but it is not feasible."


Zhao Tuo said loudly: "The book burning has a very heavy impact, and it covers a wide range of areas."

"Now that the Great Qin Jiangshan is not stable, the hasty implementation of this policy may cause resentment to the people, and the country will be turbulent."

"It's even left behind to complain."

As soon as these words came out, the officials in the court couldn't help but look at each other in dismay.

Ying Zheng's expression sank after hearing the sentence "Failed to be blamed by future generations".

After fighting for decades, and after the sixth generation, he finally ended the centuries of strife in this land and ruled the world.

I don't want to add smudges to my name because of such a trivial matter.

"Then what should I do? Is it possible that this book can't be burned anymore?"

Zhao Tuo smiled slightly and said, "Father, don't worry, my son has a plan here."

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