Incubating The Black Dragon Clone, I Was Ying Zheng Sims

Chapter 16 The Wisdom Of The Fifteenth Son, Meng Yi With Numb Scalp!

suck yo...

"Huh...the mouth is slightly bitter but the aroma is pleasant."

"It's hard to imagine that this fresh and refreshing feeling is actually brought about by this cup of tea!"

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

For tea, Meng Yi was full of praise.

With a sigh, the maid has packed a pound of dry tea leaves and installed a new set of porcelain tea sets.

Zhao Tuo took the thing and handed it to Meng Yi.

"Mr. Meng, these teas should be enough for you to drink for a few months. When the time comes, I will have someone send them to your house."

" is this funny?"

"It's just some small things, you just keep them."

Seeing that Zhao Tuo couldn't refuse, Meng Yi finally nodded with a smile.

It's no wonder His Majesty loves him.

These fifteen young masters are really pleasing to the eye, and the more they get along, the more comfortable they are.

Mmm, this tea is really good...

Ying Zheng, who was in the palace at this time, had no idea.

Meng Yi, the imperial censor who helped him monitor Baiguan, was caught by Zhao Tuo with tea and porcelain.

The Shi Feng Shi Yu brothers moved extremely fast.

However, with the effort of Zhancha, the two went back and forth.

"Sir, I brought something back."

Zhao Tuo turned his head to look at Meng Yi and said with a smile: "Let's go, Lord Meng, and show you something good."

Hearing this, Meng Yi quickly got up and followed.

He would like to see.

These fifteen young masters tossed for a long time, what kind of good things did people bring back.

In the yard, a dozen or so servants carefully put down three huge wooden boxes.

The first wooden box opened, and above it was a pile of pale yellow flimsy things.

The top one is densely written with a lot of handwriting.

Below it, a large number of half-inch-square wooden blocks are neatly arranged.

As for the remaining two wooden boxes, they are all filled with the same wooden blocks.

"Sir, is this again?"

Seeing Meng Yi's confused face, Zhao Tuo just smiled mysteriously.

"Shi Feng Shi Yu, help me prepare some ingredients and seasonings, and send them back to the palace with me. I have almost used them in the palace."


In this way, Meng Yi had doubts, Zhao Tuo brought things, and the two returned to the palace all the way.

With Meng Yi accompanying him, things were delivered to Wangyi Palace very smoothly.

As soon as things arrived, Zhao Tuo got busy.

Each layer of wooden squares in the wooden box is supported by wooden trays.

First, remove all the wooden squares from the three boxes and free up a wooden tray.

Find the required wooden cubes in the order on the wooden board and arrange them on the wooden plate.

Zhao Tuo squatted aside and was busy, and Meng Yi also came over to join in the fun.

Looking at the wooden square that Zhao Tuo was playing with, his expression became more and more strange.

"Sir, why are the seal characters carved on the top of the wooden square upside down? What's the use of this carving?"

"Master Meng will find out later."

As the number of carved wooden squares on the wooden plate increased, Meng Yi gradually saw something.

"If a person is rude, there will be no life, if a thing is rude, it will not succeed. If a country is rude, it will be restless... Isn't this a famous saying by Xunzi?"

"That's right." Zhao Tuo clapped his hands, turned his head back to the house, took out the pen and ink, and smeared the wooden square with ink.

Before Meng Yi could ask a question, he turned his hands and pulled out a few pieces of paper to cover it!

Immediately, Xunzi's quotations were printed on the five pieces of paper.

Meng Yi was shocked!

"This... this this this..."

Zhao Tuo said while fiddling with the word blocks: "Master Meng, in these three boxes of mine, there are all the commonly used words in Daqin."

"The blocks are arranged in a certain order, and it is very easy to find."

"As long as I spend an hour arranging a few hundred words, I will use this paper to print them one by one."

"Do you think it is difficult to have ten thousand volumes of daily books?"

! ! !

At this time, Meng Yi was so shocked that he was completely speechless.

Although I only saw Zhao Tuo cover up a few pictures, it is not difficult to know the terrifying efficiency of this thing by seeing the big from the small.

It's just this set of words, after the typesetting, several skilled workers cooperated.

One or two thousand copies of him can be printed in an hour.

Working in shifts, thousands of books are really relaxing...

"Young Master is really smarter than ordinary people! To think of using such a simple method to do something simple."

"The old man admires it!"

With that said, Meng Yi seemed to have discovered something.

"Master... Master, the paper used for this printing is probably what you said..." Meng Yi looked at Zhao Tuo tentatively, and couldn't believe it.

"Yes, Lord Meng guessed it right."

Zhao Tuo grinned and said, "It's made from bark, dead leaves, linen, bamboo pulp and other materials."

"All the things used are cheap and cheap, and they are much cheaper than bamboo slips."

"Hey, Lord Meng, why are you trembling?"

Zhao Tuo smiled and looked at Meng Yi, who was trembling all over, his mouth was concerned, but there was really no movement in his hands.

It seems to have guessed the general.

"Young master, you...what exactly are you..."

At this moment, what made Meng Yi terrified like this was no longer a matter of paper and words.

But it was clearly when Li Sicai went to court today that His Majesty suggested burning the book.

Hence the mention of these two things.

But the man in that mansion kept saying that the son had already explained the production!

Could it be that Zhao Tuo, the fifteenth son, can count?

Or... at a young age, he was already able to understand the general trend of the world, deduce the situation in the DPRK and China, and thus prepare first! ?

and many more!

A question that had just been ignored suddenly appeared in Meng Yi's mind.

The reason why the fifteenth son had no sense of existence before was because it was rumored that the fifteenth son was frail and could not be favored by His Majesty.

So no one paid attention to it.

Only then can he do business as a merchant outside the palace without knowing it.

But now it seems that the fifteenth son is not only in good health, but also has great talents.

Being able to take out all kinds of strange objects such as porcelain, tea, paper, and the method of printing is a testament to his extraordinary wisdom.

So why are there such rumors?

Could it be that it was spread out by myself for the convenience of development?

As soon as this terrifying thought appeared, Meng Yi suddenly felt his scalp tingle.

Cold sweat broke out all over his body.

If so.

How scary is this fifteenth son?

For a while, Meng Yi's gaze towards Zhao Tuo became uncertain.

The current Zhao Tuo has an inexplicable sense of mystery in his eyes.

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