Incubating The Black Dragon Clone, I Was Ying Zheng Sims

Chapter 63: Ying Zheng: Tuoer, how much do you know about Heilong?

"Dragon saliva? Could it be that black dragon's saliva?"

Seeing the information in the simulation, Ying Zheng had to be suspicious.

Also curious.

If it is really dragon saliva, why did Tuoer give Baqing dragon saliva?

[When you heard about the miraculous effect of dragon saliva, you were so excited that you drank the dragon saliva in one gulp before you even heard what the fifteenth son said. 】

[As everyone knows, the efficacy of a large amount of ambergris is so high that after counting the money and grain in the treasury and handing it over to the national treasury, the days of being Baqing come to an end. 】

[You are Ba Widow Qing, the great Qin tycoon who was famous in later generations as a commoner.

" this the end?"

Ying Zheng looked at the message prompt of the simulator with an inexplicable look on his face.

He is still waiting to see the effect of dragon saliva, is this gone?

"Could it be, it's because I took too much ambergris at one time, and the effect was too strong, causing Madam Qing's body to have problems, so after she finished counting the treasury..."

Ying Zhengfu must ponder, the more he thinks, the more he thinks it is possible.

As the sky gradually brightened, there was more and more noise outside the palace.

Seeing that he couldn't lie down, Ying Zheng had to get up with his clothes.

"Zhao Yan, prepare some breakfast in the palace, and follow me out of the palace to visit Tuo'er."


Soon, Ying Zheng followed Zhao Yan, plus a group of Iron Eagle guards disguised as commoners, left the palace side gate and went straight to Zhao Tuo's mansion.

Let's talk about Zhao Tuo.

As soon as he got up, Ba Qing came over to report on the distribution of merchants in various counties.

Because of the blessing of the flying pigeon legend, Zhao Tuo's message transmission speed is obviously much faster than the current Da Qin.

In just two or three days, the news went back and forth.

"Sir, the funds escorted from various places to Xianyang are already on their way, and they should be able to reach Xianyang as soon as this afternoon.

"In addition, some new commodity manufacturing workshops such as paper mills and tea workshops have also begun to be constructed, and at the same time, they have begun to collect materials from the people."

"And the horse team led by Shi Feng also came back and said that they had left Langya County in the east and found a suitable sailor. 35

"In a few days, it will turn to the northeast and head towards the end of this continent.

Ba Qing reported the report he received yesterday.

Zhao Tuo listened while washing.

After he finished washing, the situation on Ba Qing's side was almost reported.

Zhao Tuo wiped his face and said, "I see, you should adjust to your new identity during this time. 35

"If my guess is correct, the royal father should come to see you during this time, so don't reveal your secrets.

"Don't worry, son... There is one more thing, I don't know the situation of the famine county, should we follow up?"

Zhao Tuo thought for a while, then nodded.

"Keep an eye on it, but it's not the people, but the people on the rivers and lakes."

"The black dragon has passed, and the young masters will definitely not be able to sit still after hearing the news."

"Well. 35

Just as Mrs. Qing was about to leave, the courtyard door was pushed open.

Don't think about it, there is no one else except Ying Zheng so directly.

"Tuo'er, how's the business of the Chamber of Commerce?"

"Oh? Who is this?"

Ying Zheng saw Ba Qing who was waiting beside Zhao Tuo at a glance.

When Zhao Tuo saw this, he first made a compilation, and then calmly introduced: "Father, this is Madam Qing's daughter, Wu Zi.

"Wu Zi, I have seen Your Majesty."

Ba Qing also bowed and saluted.

Without Ying Zheng's words, she took the initiative to take off the (cjad) veil.

Zhao Tuo's heart also came to his throat.

He is fortunate now that he does not know whether Ba Qing is thoughtful, or whether he loves smug beauty when he is young.

Originally, in the chamber of commerce, things like honey tofu slag mask, lipstick, liquid foundation, eyebrow pencil, etc., she would not even take a look at it.

But since taking the dragon saliva and becoming more than 20 years younger, these things are inseparable every day.

In addition, after the modification of ambergris, the body is extremely healthy.

So much so that there is still a big gap between her now and before.

The physical age of the fifties, but on the surface it looks like only in his early forties.

She looks like a lady.

"Your name is Wu Zi? This is the first time I have heard of you. 39

" and your mother do have some similarities. It's really better than blue."

Ying Zheng nodded happily.

Zhao Tuo was also relieved when he heard the words, and introduced with a smile: "Father, now he is also the mainstay of the chamber of commerce under my command...

After a brief introduction, Ying Zheng nodded.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think of his regret for Mrs. Qing.

After thinking about it, he suddenly asked: "Wu Zi, if the court opens an official business, would you be willing to become an official in the court and contribute to the people of our great Qin Jiangshan?


Ba Qing looked at Zhao Tuo for help.

In this regard, Zhao Tuo just smiled freely.

"Since the father and emperor need it, my son naturally has no opinion."

Don't say it's Ba Qing.

Even if Ying Zheng wanted him to directly merge the Chamber of Commerce into the DPRK and become an official merchant, he would not have any opinion.

After all, if you take a long-term view, the entire Great Qin Jiangshan will be yours in the future.

"Your Majesty, Young Master, the Chamber of Commerce still needs Wu Zi to take care of it, so I will retire first.

"Well, let's go."

Ying Zheng waved Ba Qing away, and immediately ordered someone to prepare breakfast.

The father and son chatted while eating, and soon had breakfast.

"Tuo'er, the royal father is looking for you this time because there is something I want to ask you."

As for the poison of cinnabar, how to ask him so as not to make him suspicious, Ying Zheng had already thought of his words.

"You make a lot of good people and different scholars on weekdays, can you help the royal father to see what is going on?"

Saying that, Ying Zheng opened his mouth and pointed to the black line on his teeth.

Zhao Tuo just glanced at it and frowned slightly.

"Father, how long have you been like this?"

"About half a year."

"Half a year..." Zhao Tuo rubbed his chin and his expression became solemn.

Another chronic mercury poisoning.

The symptoms are exactly the same as the previous Ba Qing.

If it is said that Ba Qing is because of the cinnabar mine at the time, it cannot be avoided.

That Ying Zheng is a typical one who kills himself and eats medicine pills.

Seeing that Zhao Tuo was lost in thought, Ying Zheng asked tentatively, "Tuo'er, how is it?"35

Zhao Tuo didn't think much, and replied directly: "Father, you are poisoned, the poison of cinnabar."


Ying Zheng nodded, a look of relief flashed in his eyes.

However, it was his calm attitude that made Zhao Tuo suspicious.

what's the matter?

When you hear that you have been poisoned, and if anyone else becomes the emperor, you must be furious and ask angrily who did the poison?

Why is my cheap father emperor so calm?

Although he had doubts in his heart, Zhao Tuo still said: "Father, don't worry, this cinnabar poison is caused by your long-term use of medicinal herbs."5

"The situation will naturally not continue to worsen after you stop taking it now."

"It's just that the human body has to write the mercury element... that is, cinnabar toxin will be more difficult. You need to exercise more and cooperate with some diet therapy."

Having said that, Zhao Tuo ordered someone to take a pen and paper, and swishly wrote a large list of fruit and vegetable names.

"Father, drink more water, exercise more, eat more, and rest more. 35

"Your poisoning is not too deep, and it will take almost half a year to recover."

"It's so good, it's so good..." Ying Zheng carefully took the paper slip handed over by Zhao Tuo, not daring to be careless.

This is something that could save his life.

After completing the purpose of this trip, Ying Zheng chatted with Zhao Tuo first.

"Tuo'er, how much do you know about the black dragon?"

"This son's knowledge is really limited." Zhao Tuo calmly put the question aside.

However, Ying Zheng didn't want to give up.

"Yesterday, I heard that someone in Xianyang City picked up a dragon scale and bought it at a high price.

"It is said that the dragon scale is invulnerable to swords and fire, so it can be seen that it is a treasure."

"I also heard that the black dragon just licked the dying baby, and the burns on his body healed in an instant. It can be seen that this dragon saliva is also a precious thing.

The more Zhao Tuo listened, the more he felt that something was not quite right.

To be on the safe side, he quickly persuaded: "Father, this black dragon is transformed by the fate of the country.

"Even if it is a treasure, it can't kill the chicken and get the eggs for the sake of Da Qin. 35

Ying Zheng laughed, and then said a little pitifully: "Don't be nervous, I'm just greedy.

"Hey~ that's ridiculous."

"I am the dignified first emperor, and now I am envious of a commoner.

"I don't know when I will also have the opportunity to get one or two treasures on the black dragon.

Looking at Ying Zheng's appearance, Zhao Tuo felt a little uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, this first emperor also has such a day.

Thinking of Ying Zheng's attitude towards himself since this period of time...

"Father, you will like this. 35

Zhao Tuo took out a porcelain vase containing ambergris from his arms and handed it to Ying Zheng.

With the lesson of Ba Qing last time, this time he strictly controlled the dosage.

This porcelain vase is one-fifth of ambergris blended with water, so there will be no problem.

But when Ying Zheng saw the porcelain vase, his eyes lit up.

It won't be...

"Actually, to tell the truth from the father, that the black dragon appeared many times and left behind a lot of things, and my son also ordered the people of the chamber of commerce to buy a lot of things.

"In this bottle is some ambergris. 99

Ying Zheng secretly said that as expected, but still forcibly kept his composure.

"Dragon saliva is a sacred object for healing wounds and diseases. It is like the poison that the father is now poisoned by. After taking it, it can be cured in an instant."

"At a critical moment, this thing can save a life.

"Good stuff, this is good stuff." Ying Zheng took a closer look and put it away carefully, but did not take it directly.

After all, the current cinnabar poison can be solved in half a year, and it is not life-threatening.

Good steel is when used on the edge of a knife.

At this moment, two Iron Eagle Guards rushed over.

Ying Zheng stood up.

Under normal circumstances, when the Iron Eagle Guards came over at this critical moment, they had to report other important matters.

Zhao Tuo also turned his head.

"What's the matter?"

The Iron Eagle Guard complied.

"Report to Your Majesty, the Black Ice Platform scouts are here to report.

"The black dragon appeared in Qianzhong County!

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