Incubating The Black Dragon Clone, I Was Ying Zheng Sims

Chapter 71: Forging soldiers, god iron, dragon scale gold!

Build a house out of steel and stone?

Hearing Zhao Tuo's words, Meng Yi was at a loss.

"Sir, this old man only knows how to use loess to ram, or to pile bluestone and pour rice slurry to cast the wall.

"But building a house out of steel and stone... I'm sorry for my short-sightedness, it's really incomprehensible.

Zhao Tuo smiled mysteriously: "It's okay, we are so close, if you are curious, you can come and see when the work starts.

"Actually, I just remembered this thing recently. As for whether it works well or not, I have to try it myself."

After selling it for a while, it was enough for Meng Yi to feel uncomfortable.

So for the next three days, he pestered Zhao Tuo to ask why.

But He Qing'er didn't reply to the letter, to make sure that the thing has been made, he is not easy to open this mouth.

Otherwise, the words are released, and as a result, nothing can be done.

That would be really embarrassing.

Fortunately, just when Zhao Tuo was overwhelmed, people from the Chamber of Commerce came.

"Sir, Madam, please come to the Chamber of Commerce in the afternoon for a talk."

"Know what?"

"Young Master Qi, it's the dragon scale forging armor, and the materials you explained."

As soon as these words came out, before Zhao Tuo could say anything, Meng Yi immediately stood up.

"Dragon scale forging armor?"

"Young Master, you're not kind enough this time. Why didn't you tell me about such a strange thing to open my eyes to Lao Meng? Hey... It must be that you and Wang Ben's husband are too close today..."

Zhao Tuo curled his lips and said, "There are so many dramas, do you want to go or not?"

"Go, go, go!"

So, after lunch, Zhao Tuo took Meng Yi all the way to the stronghold of the Chamber of Commerce.

It's just that this time the two of them didn't go to the stronghold they often went to before.

It is a large courtyard not far from Xianyang City.

This courtyard is so large that it covers an entire mountain nearby.

Looking around, there are many chimneys standing in the courtyard, and the surrounding temperature is actually 29 degrees higher than other places.

The attendant on the side saw that Meng Yi was coming here for the first time, so he introduced: "Mr. Meng, this is a large workshop of the Chamber of Commerce.

"The workshop here is responsible for the supply of porcelain, iron and glass utensils for all shops in the entire customs.

"I didn't expect it to have such a scale." Meng Yi couldn't help sighing when he saw the scene in front of him.

Under the leadership of the attendant, as soon as the two entered the door, they encountered Shi Yu who was waiting at the door.

"My lord, my lord, and my wife are talking to the craftsmen inside.

"Lead the way."

Entering the workshop, the first thing that catches the eye is an armor draped in a humanoid frame.

Or a frame of armor.

Judging from the frame shape that has been made so far, this armor can cover almost every part of the body, and it is very heroic.

Although the above nail pieces are only a few pieces.

But Zhao Tuo recognized it at a glance.

These armor pieces are precisely made of dragon scales!

"Sir. 99

I saw Ba Qing walked over with three armor-making craftsmen.

These craftsmen are treasures that Zhao Tuo "borrowed" from the temple workers.

After all, the laws of Daqin are strict, and armor is strictly controlled.

Not only did the private sector break the law, but they didn't even have a decent armor maker.

So for this dragon scale armor, he had no choice but to borrow someone from his cheap father emperor.

"How about it, two masters, is it still difficult to make this armor?

Seeing Zhao Tuo asking, the two looked at each other with a wry smile.

"Son, this armor is not as difficult as usual."


"It's such a young man, the material of the armor plate you provided is not known, it is extremely hard.

"To make it a suitable size, we need to cut it with a steel chisel and then grind it a little bit with a steel file until it reaches the right size."

"This process is time-consuming and labor-intensive. If it was just the two of us, this armor would take a year to complete."

"One year?"

Zhao Tuo frowned.

This period was really unexpected.

But think about it.

With the hardness of the dragon scale, it is indeed a bit laborious to grind it to such a size.

"Is there any way to save energy?

Zhao Tuo rubbed his chin, his mind started to work.

Suddenly, a bold idea came to mind.

"Mrs Wu, where are the remaining materials for forging the sword?"

"Young master, it's all locked in the vault.

"Bring it to me now.


Soon, six strong men walked over with dragon scales carrying three large boxes.

Zhao Tuo was not polite, picked up one of the boxes, and galloped towards the forest not far away.

The two craftsmen and six strong men who were shocked by this scene stared wide-eyed.

Soon, he came to the jungle.

After making sure that no one around would see it, the black dragon avatar wandered out, and after its size returned to a certain state, it stopped growing.

At this time, the scales on the dragon's body were about the same size as the waste scales in the box.

Without further ado, Zhao Tuo took out a few waste scales and stuck them into the scales of the dragon's body one by one.



The black dragon clone changed its shape as usual.

Amazingly, the waste scales that were stuck in the gaps of the scales began to shrink together!

Until the scales on the dragon's body are almost reduced to the size of the armor required for the dragon scale armor.

The dragon's body shook, and the waste scales fell to the ground.

Zhao Tuo leaned over and picked up one, his face full of joy.

"It's actually feasible, isn't this a ready-made piece of armor!"

Seeing that the method was feasible, Zhao Tuo immediately got busy.

A large box of scale cards, eventually turned into a bag of armor pieces.

And the time it took was only two quarters of an hour.

With a piece of armor, Zhao Tuo returned to the workshop.

"Two masters, see if this is possible now?"

Seeing the armor pieces that Zhao Tuo handed over, the two masters were shocked.

One of them even took the armor and trotted to the half-finished dragon scale armor, and compared it with the finished armor.

"Unbelievable... This sculptor is incredible!"

"Being able to carve such a hard material so delicately and agilely, like a snake like a dragon, is not comparable to the kind of rigid armor that the two of us made! 35

"What a genius!

"How? Can it be used?" Zhao Tuo asked.

The armor maker nodded repeatedly when he heard the words.

"Can, can, can! 39

"If there is such a piece of armor, the armor pieces of this dragon scale armor are closely connected, and the protective ability will definitely be far greater than before.

"It's also a lot more beautiful than the two I made before."

Zhao Tuo nodded with satisfaction: "Leave the armour to me, and leave the rest to the two masters."

"Mrs Wu, have someone move all the materials to the woods over there.


But an hour later, Zhao Tuo returned with two large bags of dragon scale armor.

But at this time, Zhao Tuo really had a pain in his face.

Because of the shrinkage of the armor pieces in the three large boxes, there were only two bags left in the end.

Originally more than enough materials, now I am afraid that the follow-up will have to smash the scales from the clone to make up.

"Son! How did you do it?"

It took a while to deal with the scales that the two of them should have dealt with in a year.

The armor maker was stunned.

It's just that Zhao Tuo obviously didn't answer their plans.

"These are the armor pieces for now. I'll send someone to deliver them in a while, and it will be enough by then."


After watching the progress of the armor, Ba Qing took Zhao Tuo and Meng Yi to a workshop with a blast furnace.

Before entering, Ba Qing said helplessly: "Young master, in fact, the dragon scale forging blade has also encountered some problems.

"Is there a problem too?" Zhao Tuo couldn't help but feel a headache.

Knew it.

This sudden moth will eventually be hampered by various practical problems.

"Let's go and have a look first."

As soon as the door was opened, there was even a scorching heat wave.

I saw that in the workshop, two blast furnaces were burning vigorously, smelting the materials in them.

In a ventilated corner of the workshop, the big shirtless man was frowning at the dark black metal ingot in front of him.

From the look of the big man, he seemed to be fifty or sixty years old.

But that exaggerated muscle, it is estimated that even a young man in his twenties and thirties can't compare.

"Master, this is the best swordsmith in Daqin, Hu Ye.

Seeing Zhao Tuo coming, Hu Ye hurriedly made a salute.

"Huye, the swordsmith, has seen the son!"

"Master is exempt." Zhao Tuo hurriedly helped him up.

He has always respected and respected this kind of skilled craftsman.

As a posterity, he is very clear.

It is precisely because of these dedicated craftsmen that the future Chinese civilization will stand at the top of the world's art and craftsmanship and the top of the pyramid.

"Son, the dragon scales forge the sword, this old man has barely completed the first step."

Hu Ye patted Tie Ding beside him, and introduced: "I heard that the young master wants to forge soldiers with dragon scales, so he took out all his wealth."

"This iron ingot is the iron ying sand collected by the old man with a magnet in the riverbed of the Longyuan Land where the ancestor Ou Yezi lived, and smelted into wool iron. 99

"Then grind the dragon scales into powder and add them to the iron to smelt together.""

"The old man calls 433... Dragon Scale Gold."

Seeing the black and cold light in front of him, Zhao Tuo clicked his tongue secretly.

He knew the land of Longyuan in Huye's mouth.

It is the Lishui Longquan two thousand years later.

It is said that Ouyezi settled here because of the high quality and high quality of the iron ore flowing down from the iron ore in the river bed, which is the most suitable material for forging swords.

Later, many famous swords were refined by this method.

"Young master, to be honest, the properties of this dragon scale gold far exceed any metal that this old man has seen in his life.

"While it is extremely rigid, it is also extremely tough, and it is really the magic iron for casting weapons!

"It's just..." Hu Ye changed his words, and the smile on his face was a little bitter.

"It's just that this dragon scale gold has two major drawbacks. 95


Zhao Tuo frowned.

Could it be that this is what Madam Qing just said about the problems encountered in the forging of weapons?

I heard Hu Ye say: "One of the problems is that the dragon scale is too heavy, so that the blade forged by this dragon scale gold is probably more than twice as heavy as an ordinary blade."

"That's it?"

Zhao Tuo was not surprised but delighted.


Now he has enormous strength, and things that are too light have no sense.

On the contrary, the heavier it is, the more he can exert his combat power!

Zhao Tuo waved his hand: "It's only twice as heavy. You can do it with confidence. What's the other question?"

"This problem is more serious."

Hu Ye said bitterly: "This dragon scale is inherently invulnerable to water and fire, so that after the dragon scale powder is mixed with wool iron and smelted into dragon scale gold, it cannot be heated to a softened state at the current furnace temperature.

"If you can't soften it, the old man will not be able to forge. More


Zhao Tuo scratched his head, this question was indeed a bit beyond his expectations.

As far as he knows, dragon scales are said to be invulnerable to water and fire, but they are only extremely resistant to high temperatures.

And this melting point obviously exceeds the temperature of blast furnaces that can be produced at present.

How to do how to do……

The roaring fire in the furnace was reflected in Zhao Tuo's eyes.

A bold idea came to mind again.

He is now able to control the flames.

It is also possible to control the temperature of the flame to some extent.

And in this ability, the black dragon clone is obviously better at it.

What if... let the black dragon clone burn the dragon scale gold?.

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