Incubating The Black Dragon Clone, I Was Ying Zheng Sims

Chapter 81 The solution to mounts, dragon blood!

Zhao Tuo leaned on the halberd and couldn't help falling into contemplation.

It seems...that's exactly what happened.

Not only Zhao Tuo, but also Mrs. Qing, Huye, and the surrounding craftsmen and handymen were silent.

A big eye stared at a small eye.

"This question really needs to be thought about carefully." Zhao Tuo waved the halberd and took two steps.

Every step leaves a deep footprint on the ground.

It is conceivable that this kind of weight is probably beyond what a horse can bear.

Even if it can be carried, I am afraid that it will not be able to go very far, let alone gallop.

"Mrs. Qing, let someone send things to Mengfu first, and I will solve the problem of mounts. 35


After taking off his armor and handing the halberd to the servants, Zhao Tuo took a long sword and rode back to Xianyang City.

Fortunately, a long sword, no matter how heavy it is, is not heavy.

After returning to Meng Mansion, Zhao Tuo sat in the courtyard with his long sword in his arms and began to meditate.

"With such a large weight, let alone an ordinary horse, I am afraid that the Shire horse with the largest body and the strongest load-carrying capacity in the world will not be able to do it."

Sharma's adult body weight can almost reach 900 to 1,200 kilograms in later generations.

Converted to the Daqin unit of measurement, it is about 3,600 jin to 4,800 jin.

The body size is even bigger than the current Daqin warhorse.

However, the load capacity of horses should be 20% of their body weight.

That is to say, even this kind of draught horse, which is good at carrying weights but not good at rushing, can't carry the weight when he is fully armed.

"Except 29 is other mounts." Zhao Tuo rubbed his chin.

'Cow... No, this thing can't run, and it can't make people laugh when they ride out. 35

"Elephant... It's not a problem to carry a thousand pounds, but this thing is a bit too stupid, and it's not very good."

"How about a camel? It doesn't seem to work either.

I thought about several kinds of mounts in a row, but I had to deny them one by one.

Either the load-carrying capacity is not enough, or there is no long-range attack ability.

Either it's too ugly, and it's just a joke to add to the enemy's army...

Anyway, after thinking for a while, Zhao Tuo suddenly found out.

Except for his own black dragon clone, there is no other species that is suitable to be his mount when he is fully armed.

"You can't really control the dragon all day long and fly around? This is too ostentatious. Nian

For a time, Zhao Tuo was completely stumped by this question.

Until the dragon scale armor and the halberd were pulled back to the Mengfu by the cart, the mounts were still missing.

Looking at the dragon scale armor on the underwear rack in the house and the halberd leaning against the wall, Zhao Tuo had a love-hate relationship in his heart.

Coincidentally, Meng Yi would knock on the door and come in.

Seeing the dragon scale armor and the halberd, Meng Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Master, are the armor and weapons ready?"

"This halberd is domineering and unparalleled, can I give this old man a try?"

Zhao Tuo smiled indifferently: "If you can handle it, try it. 99

Meng Yi laughed: "Young master, don't underestimate the old man, although the old man lives in the court now, he is also a general.

"In the early years, he was like a brother, galloping and killing for the Qin country, beheading countless enemies.

Saying that, he held the halberd with one hand.

"It's just a halberd, how could this old man not be able to take it..."

Under the force, the spurge did not move at all, and the smile on Meng Yi's face gradually solidified.

After trying again to no avail, Meng Yi clenched his hands tightly.

Whether it should be said or not, it is worthy of being a military commander.

Under the strength of both hands, this halberd was actually moved by Meng Yi.


With a loud shout, Meng Yi's forehead burst into blue veins.

The halberd pole finally lifted off the ground slightly under its full force.

But the next moment ^


With a muffled sound, the halberd slammed heavily, causing the whole room to rust and fall into ashes.

Seeing this, Zhao Tuo hurriedly took the spurge and carefully pushed it back against the wall.

Looking at the ground again, the planks were broken, and the blue bricks below were also broken into countless pieces.

Meng Yi was very shocked to see this scene.

"Young master, with such a heavy halberd, I'm afraid it's not going to fight to kill the enemy, but demolishing the house?"

Zhao Tuo rolled his eyes.

It's obviously you who demolished the house.

Meng Yi sat down for a long time and then slowed down.

Seeing Zhao Tuo's appearance, he couldn't help asking: "Young Master, this armored weapon is still in good shape, why is it so frowning?

"Could it be that this armor is not to your liking?

"That's not it."

Zhao Tuo told Meng Yi about the mount with a wry smile.

"It's... a bit tricky indeed."

"Why don't you do it like this. In the stables at my brother's house, there are a few pure-blooded horses captured from the Huns. Let's try them first."

"I'm afraid it won't work."

Zhao Tuo shook his head and brought Meng Yi to his stable.

"Lao Meng, without modesty, say that my horse is better than that of the Xiongnu. 95


Meng Yi was shocked when he heard the words.

Since becoming an official in the dynasty, he has not paid as much attention to mounts as when he was a military commander before.

So that since this time, he has not paid much attention to Zhao Tuo's mount.

Looking closely now, I can see that this horse has slender limbs and a well-proportioned figure.

The entire body of the horse is half a circle larger than Daqin's current horses.

The fine horsehair suddenly reflected a metallic luster in the setting sun.

It looks like a superhero!

"Good horse, really good horse! 35

Zhao Tuo caressed the horse's head, and introduced while feeding the fodder: "This horse is called the Ahal Jiejin horse, also known as the sweaty horse, and it is a good horse that can travel thousands of miles a day."5

"At that time, the horse team of our Chamber of Commerce traveled westward and brought back dozens of such good horses."

"My Chifeng is a pure-blooded horse."


Zhao Tuo sighed and stroked Chi Feng's head reluctantly.

This Chifeng has been with him for many years, but one person and one horse have never been able to gallop on the battlefield together.

Now, prepare yourself.

But this armor has become an obstacle for Chifeng to gallop on the battlefield.

"Pullululu. 35

Chi Feng snorted, and the huge horse's head rubbed Zhao Tuo's palm.

He seemed to be able to feel what he was thinking.

Strange to say.

I don't know if it was the ability brought by the black dragon clone, but at this time Zhao Tuo could also faintly feel the emotion that Chi Feng wanted to express.

"Do you want to try it?"

"That's right, since you were born, you haven't been able to run freely, and you must have regrets."


Zhao Tuo turned his head to look at Meng Yi: "I wonder if Mr. Meng is free at night, go out with me for a walk?"

"Hahaha, Young Master invites you so kindly, how can this old man ruin the fun?"

So, wait until it gets dark.

Zhao Tuo changed into a dragon-scale black armor, boasted a long sword at his waist, held a halberd, turned over and boarded the Chifeng.


Chifeng snorted.

Zhao Tuo can clearly feel that the moment he just got on the horse, Chi Feng almost lost his footing.

"Is it really okay?"

Zhao Tuo stroked Chi Feng's neck.

As if feeling the master's intentions, Chi Feng pretended to be strong and took a step towards the city gate.

Meng Yi followed behind on horseback and couldn't help sighing.

"Young master, this horse can still walk with you on the back, it is indeed a good horse.

Zhao Tuo didn't say anything, just looked at Chi Feng with some worry.

The two of them rode all the way out of the city without attracting anyone's attention.

In the daytime, just wearing Zhao Tuo's clothes would attract countless people's onlookers.

"Chifeng, are you alright?"

Although he was just walking all the way, Zhao Tuo could already clearly feel that Chi Feng's breathing under his seat became thick and long.

The steps that should have been brisk were slow and heavy.


Chifeng let out a high-pitched cry, and after taking a step, he started to run wildly.

Seeing this, Meng Yi also urged his horse to get off his seat and follow.

However, although it is a sweaty BMW, it can't stand Zhao Tuo's armor and weighs more than 1,000 catties.


This side has just started, but Meng Yi's Daqin warhorse overtook it, and was left far behind.

Chifeng is a fierce horse, how can it be tolerated.

The four hoofs tried to catch up again.

However, he has already reached his limit along the way, and now he is running vigorously.

After just a few breaths, Zhao Tuo suddenly felt that something was not right, and hurriedly flew down...


Chifeng's feet were weak, one staggered and fell to the ground, and then rolled out all the way under the blessing of inertia.

"Red Wind! 35

Zhao Tuo hurriedly stepped forward to check the situation.

Seeing this, Meng Yi in front quickly turned his horse's head.

"Sir, what's going on?"

Zhao Tuo inserted the halberd into the ground, crouched beside Chi Feng and stroked the horse's head.

I saw Chifeng sweating like blood at this time.

His breathing was heavy and rapid, and his four hooves were still kicking mechanically.

"I've seen people who are stubborn, and I haven't said that there are people who are stubborn. If I knew this, I couldn't bring you out."

Looking at Chi Feng's pitiful appearance, Zhao Tuo felt very guilty in his heart.

In this situation, even if Chi Feng recovers, his physical fitness will not be the same as before.


After hesitating for a while, Zhao Tuo took out the porcelain bottle from his arms.

Meng Yi was shocked when he saw this.

"Young Master, this is... Dragon Saliva?"

After getting along with Zhao Tuo for so long, Longxiao Mengyi still recognizes it.

It's just that he never thought of it.

For a horse, how about using such a precious treasure?

After hesitating for a while, Zhao Tuo suddenly put away the dragon saliva again.

"Young Master, you scared me to death, I thought you were going to give this horse ambergris." Meng Yi said with a sigh of relief.

Hearing this, Zhao Tuo shook his head: "It was originally intended to be used, but I suddenly thought of something.

"If it is as I imagined, maybe the problem of the mount can also be solved.

"Oh? What is so magical?" Meng Yi asked curiously.

Zhao Tuo stroked his left sleeve.

"Better than ambergris...dragon blood.

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