Incubating The Black Dragon Clone, I Was Ying Zheng Sims

Chapter 99 Curse? That's the Black Death!

"Report to Your Majesty! Great Victory in Northern Xinjiang!"

"Young master set up a chain plan, first use 3,000 iron cavalry troops to defeat the enemy's main 18,000 cavalry, and then use an empty camp to trap 30,000 enemy elite cavalry!"

"In the whole battle, our army did not lose a soldier or a soldier, but only lost two horses!""

Above the court, the Iron Eagle Guards detailed the details of the entire battle.

Hearing the Chinese military officials, the eyes are full of brilliance.

And Ying Zheng sat on the dragon platform and burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha! Tuo'er will really embarrass me.

"I didn't even dare to post the record in the newspaper.

"Otherwise, the people will not be able to say, my Xianyang Palace fighter jets are fake? Hahahaha!

When the officials in the court heard the words, they also looked at each other and smiled.

As His Majesty said.

During this period of time, the battle reports sent back from the northern border were all related to the fifteenth son, and there were no casualties of any soldiers.

Such a terrifying record is not only unprecedented, I am afraid that it will be hard to come by later...

Ying Zheng waved his sleeves and gave the order: "The order goes on, the iron cavalry army has done a good job in killing the enemy in this battle. In the future, the 'Great Qin Shenyong Iron Cavalry' camp will be set up, directly under the Xianyang Palace."

"Northern Xinjiang defender Meng Tian, ​​deputy general Wang Li, and fifteenth son Ying Tuo jointly take charge. 99

"The army will set up 30,000 people, and the follow-up recruitment of soldiers is to be determined."


Ying Zheng gave an order, from now on, in addition to the Heijia Imperial Army and the Black Ice Terrace Iron Eagle Guards, the army directly under the Xianyang Palace will have an additional iron cavalry army.

And with the release of the new issue of the newspaper, people all over the world are numb.

Because of the limited space in the newspapers, they did not know what secret weapons the Qin army possessed like Ying Zheng and all the officials in the court.

I don't even know what method Zhao Tuo used.

All I know is that the fifteenth son of Daqin made great achievements in less than two months.

Even Meng Tian, ​​the defender of the northern Xinjiang, swallowed the main force of 50,000 Huns without costing a single soldier.

How brave is this?

In addition to the previous papermaking method, printing method, and steel filling method.

Promote the publication of newspapers.

He even made a curved plough and columbine cart, and proposed the method of deep ploughing and meticulous planting...

For a time, the good story of Zhao Tuo, the fifteenth son, spread throughout Daqin with the newspapers.

In just a few days of work, no one in the entire Daqin knew about it.

Even babbling children can say a thing or two about Zhao Tuo's contribution to Daqin.

But as the saying goes.

There are many popular people.

As Zhao Tuo's name spread throughout Daqin with the newspapers, the fifteenth son of Daqin, who was previously unremarkable, also entered the field of vision of some people with ulterior motives...

In their opinion, Daqin must be urged.

Once, there was only one Ying Zheng that hindered their "great achievements".

As long as Ying Zheng falls, Daqin will be in chaos.

However, during this period of time, Zhao Tuo's achievements like a god of war, and his voice among the people, made these people realize.

I'm afraid, if you want to overthrow Da Qin's rule, except for Ying Zheng's death.

The fifteenth son, Zhao Tuo, must also be removed!

Ying Zheng lived in the Xianyang Palace and was heavily guarded. He was guarded by Iron Eagle Guards and Heijia Imperial Army when he traveled.

But the fifteenth son lived in the northern border.

The vast grasslands are full of wars.

This is without a doubt a great opportunity!

On the other side, inside the blocked Qin army camp.

In a few days, the fire here has been completely extinguished.

There was charred debris everywhere.

You can see either blackened and rancid corpses, or Hun cavalry soldiers with deteriorating wounds lying on the ground.

Death was everywhere.

Inside a relatively intact half-seat tent.

Touman Shanyu was lying on a temporary wooden bed.

In the previous explosion, fortunately the lieutenant next to him was about to step forward to check and blocked him, allowing him to survive by luck.

But even so, he also suffered extensive burns and was hit by many fragments.

Even one arm was cut off after the fragments pierced through the bones.

That is to say, he had a great life and good physique, so that he could survive until he was discovered and rescued by several Huns who were not injured.

But even if he survives, he is living like a year now.

"My son, where is it now?"

Touman's weak voice came from the bed.

At this time, his lips were chapped and his complexion was sallow.

The place that had been cut by the rust debris before was extremely inflamed and purulent at this time.

Around the wound, a large piece of yellow carrion had appeared, emitting bursts of stench.

Pale yellow tissue fluid, along with blood and pus, continuously oozes out of the wound.

Originally it was only two inches long and half a finger deep wound, but now it has doubled in size, and bones can be seen deep.

The whole body has a high fever due to inflammation.

Severe pain from the wound, headache, dizziness, nausea, cough, chills, weakness…

A large number of complications are tormenting him endlessly.

If it wasn't for his will, he would rather draw a knife and kill himself than suffer from such torture.

Seeing Touman asking, the Xiongnu soldiers who were taking care of him helplessly said: "Chanyu, we can't leave the camp at all right now."

"Just...cough cough...just because of a camp gate? 35

The Xiongnu soldier shook his head: "A few days ago, the lieutenant led someone to knock the door open, but outside the camp was already surrounded by Qin troops."

"The main thing is, at the gate of the camp, and... and the fire pot."

"Fire pot..."

Touman's mind flashed the horrible scene of that day.

"I... should have listened to what my son Mordun said... otherwise the Huns... wouldn't have ended up like this. He closed his eyes in pain.

When he was rescued a few days ago, he thought he was lucky to survive.

Who knew that was the beginning of the nightmare.

I don't know what kind of magic the Qin army used.

Everyone including him, from the night they came back, the small wound began to deteriorate rapidly.

And the speed and extent of its deterioration far exceeded the wounds on the battlefield in peacetime.

In the whole army, all the injured people, no matter how big or small, could not run.

until this moment.

Originally, more than 30,000 people were on the expedition, but at that time, only 2,000 people were killed and burned to death.

But it has been reported in the past few days that tens of thousands of people have died because of the deterioration of the wound!

A large number of corpses filled the entire camp.

And the remaining 10,000 people are not much better.

Death is only a matter of time for them.

However, this is what makes them ignore an extremely fatal problem.

That's why these corpses are piled up here... will cause even greater disasters!

Another few days passed in a blink of an eye.

When the ten days were up, Zhao Tuo, Meng Tian, ​​and Wang Li rushed to the camp with the Iron Cavalry and the Black Dragon Guards in the early morning.

Everyone was rushing towards this side, and it happened that a messenger rushed over.

"General! Young Master! Please forgive your subordinates for their poor guarding."

Wang Li frowned, "What happened?"

"General Qi, Young Master." The messenger replied, "Dozens of Huns cavalry suddenly rushed out of the camp this morning, don't run out as if ordered.

..........For flowers 0・・・

"These guys are like being hit by evil. Even if the person in front is killed by a bomb and shot by us, they still rush out."

"It's still muttering that the camp is cursed."

"Oh?" Zhao Tuo narrowed his eyes slightly, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Anyone escaped?"

"Yes, a man was shot by an arrow in the arm, but he still escaped. The Xiongnu horses are fast, and we can't catch up. Nian

"Something's wrong, let's hurry up and take a look." Zhao Tuo pulled the reins, and Chi Feng went straight to the camp.

Meng Tian and Wang Li looked at each other and quickly followed.

Soon, everyone came to a temporary camp outside the main camp.

It was built for the archers who besieged the place.

At this time, dozens of corpses were being carried in.

Zhao Tuo just glanced casually and frowned even more.

I don't know if it's been dead for a while, or for some other reason, but without exception, the dozens of corpses were all pale and sickly.

"Master, let's go to the camp first." Wang Li was about to set off with the reins.

However, Zhao Tuo stopped him because of a moment.

"It's not quite right, you stay here first, and I'll go and see for myself."

"How about that? In case..."

"It's up to me." Zhao Tuo said decisively.

It was a little difficult for the two of them to resist.

He took out a vial containing ambergris from his arms and handed it to Meng Tian, ​​Zhao Tuo instructed: "I ordered people to burn those corpses and horses, including their belongings.

"Then pour this into water to dilute it. Let all the soldiers, including the two of you, drink it."

"The rest will be explained to you when I get back. 35

After all, Zhao Tuo's horse went straight to the camp not far away.

However, as he got closer to the camp, Zhao Tuo's face became ugly.

I saw a few soldiers who were supposed to be guarding the camp, running out of it in horror.

Zhao Tuo jumped off his horse.

First, he put his foot on one of the soldiers, and then lifted the other soldier by the collar.

"Who let you privately enter the camp!

"Say! 99


Seeing that it was Zhao Tuo, the two of them quickly said with tears in their faces, "Young Master, we are just curious about what would scare the Huns like that."

"So... so..."


Zhao Tuo pushed the soldier aside and angrily said, "Do you know that your leaving without permission will harm your comrades.

"It will even harm the entire Daqin!"

"Huh? 35

Hearing Zhao Tuo's words, the two soldiers were completely dumbfounded.

"Say, what did you see inside that scared you like this."

Seeing Zhao Tuo asking, one of them quickly replied: "Young Master Qi, the main reason is... the mirror image inside is too terrifying. 35

“The camp was full of corpses, some from festering wounds, and some from seemingly inexplicable.35


Zhao Tuo frowned even more: "Come on, what kind of inexplicable method is it?"

"Those who died are as if they have been infected with evil, their bodies are black and festering, covered with abscesses, and their death is truly terrifying!"

all black...

Could it be... gangrene!?

In Zhao Tuo's mind, the horrible disaster that swept Europe in the Middle Ages suddenly flashed.

"It happened!

"It's the Black Death! Three.

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