Indescribable cyberpunk

Chapter 59 Technology versus mystery

The bullets will eventually run out.

The moment the gunfire dimmed, the faceless monster disappeared into the forest.

The faceless monster has wings and its flying ability is quite outstanding, which gives Zhu Jue a headache.

What made him feel even more helpless was that the monster flapped its wings without making any sound, or the sound was extremely light. When Zhu Juejing calmed down, he heard more of the sound of wind moving through the forest.

Only a huge black shadow could be seen looming among the surrounding branches.

It seemed to be teasing Zhu Jue in this way, invisibly increasing his psychological pressure and leading him to behave irrationally.

Zhu Jue, whose only long-range attack method was the Green Wing Pistol, felt uncomfortable with this guerrilla type.

Holding the long knife in one hand, he frowned and glanced around, but the blue bird was not on his shoulder.

Behind him, the faceless monster was climbing down the tree trunk in a head-down position. The long and narrow tail behind him gradually approached Zhu Jue in front of him, and at a certain moment, it rushed towards the back of his head.


There was a crisp sound of impact and sparks flying. Zhu Jue turned around and slashed at the tail with a knife.

The faceless monster roared, and used the tree trunk as a pedal with its feet. It was not a fight. The moment it jumped up, the wings on its back were spread to the maximum extent. It used the momentum of gliding to forcefully draw an arc in a low-altitude dive, and once again Rising to mid-air above the forest floor.

Zhu Jue, who was planning to fight head-on, jumped into the air, but suddenly found that the faceless monster had no intention of engaging in a fight. He could only kick the tree trunk, use the force to turn around and try to intercept the faceless monster in mid-air.

Facts have proved that those with wings are different. Zhu Jue's agility is not enough to be able to fly into the air with a temporary help, so he can only watch the faceless monster slip away from his eyes.

"Tsk, you are so determined to waste time with me."

As long as the faceless monster with air superiority does not want to fight Zhu Jue, it can just fly away now. Zhu Jue will definitely not be able to catch up. After all, he does not have a jetpack or other three-dimensional maneuvering device on his body. Wandering around in the woods.

Looking at the screen in front of him, the faceless monster was currently on a tree branch in the northeast.

That's right, Zhu Jue had previously discovered the faceless monster through Blue Bird's high-altitude reconnaissance. These monsters knew nothing about machinery, and Zhu Jue's supposed concealment was actually seen by Zhu Jue.

What was supposed to be a sharp counterattack just now turned out to be such a big flaw. This guy was so cowardly that he chose to attack with his tail.

"Since you won't leave, you will definitely plan to attack me. If you are discovered by me, you will escape by gliding. In the opposite direction, there is a way."

Press the control core of the blue bird with your thumb, and the control interface appears in front of you. Select a tree in front of you on the video interface, and the blue bird falls and faces Zhu Jue.

It continued to pretend to look for monsters and exposed its back. As expected, the faceless monster circled again and prepared for a sneak attack. The previous collision made it believe that the human in front of it could not cause harm to itself. Even if the sneak attack failed, it could still retreat calmly.


A familiar plot, with the blade blocking the tail, Zhu Jue rushed towards the tree trunk where the faceless monster was, and it was about to escape by gliding.

"If you like the gliding show so much, I'll light it for you."

Press the strong light mode on the blue bird lighting interface with your finger, and the eyes of the blue bird parked on the branch in front of the faceless monster's gliding position immediately erupt with dazzling white light!


The faceless monster was suddenly hit by a strong light. Although it had no eyes, it obviously had other organs that provided vision. The stimulation at this moment inevitably caused its movements to make mistakes, and its body lost balance. This was a chain reaction.

Zhu Jue's movements were different from the last time. Before, he turned suddenly, but this time he was well prepared. When he jumped up, his body began to rotate, and finally he put his feet on the tree trunk and turned to accelerate. Compared with before, Zhu Jue's movements were different. The movements need to be steady and quick too.

The faceless monster kept shaking its limbs, trying to re-stabilize its flight. However, time was not on its side this time. Before it could fly to a safe height again, the bat wing on the left was directly slashed by a long knife.


The nearly one meter long wings fell to the ground. Zhu Jue inserted the long knife directly on it, shook his hands, moved his shoulders, and watched the faceless monster with only one and a half wings in front of him unable to maintain its movements and falling into the forest.

"If you have the ability to fly with half the wings missing, I will admit defeat this time!"

He drew his sword again and walked towards the faceless monster, his steps getting faster and faster, and finally turned into a long sprint.

The night wind in the mountains and forests blew against his cheeks. Zhu Jue lowered his body and increased his speed to the limit. This was his first time to run without reservation.

The trees beside him couldn't even see their shapes clearly.


No matter what kind of monster it is, if a wing is broken, unless it can grow a new one immediately, it will definitely not be able to fly. The faceless monster got up from the ground and landed on all fours. The damage to its body made it extremely angry. However, its movements were still retreating, trying to climb a nearby tree.

It's scared!

The reason is simple, the guy in front is not a human either!

The aura on his body panicked the faceless monster, which was obviously more intelligent than the fish monster and the human-faced rat.

The blue bird behind him was still illuminated by strong light, and the lines on Zhu Jue's face were clearly visible, his arms expanded rapidly, and his silver-gray hair fluttered in the wind.

"I still want to run away and drink!"

With a loud shout, his mutated arms clenched the long knife and slashed directly into the middle of the tree that the faceless monster had just climbed onto without hesitation. Without even the slightest pause, it penetrated through and chopped directly into the faceless monster behind.

The castration of this sword was done, but it did not mean the end. Zhu Jue used the momentum to drag the long knife from the faceless monster's chest and abdomen, rotating his body and injecting new kinetic energy into the long knife.

From the upper right to the lower left, the knife slashed diagonally, splitting the flesh and bones!

He took another step forward with his right foot, put away the knife, and retracted his hands to the left waist and abdomen. The next moment, it was like a spear protruding, the tip of the knife going straight into the monster's chest.


With a shrill neighing sound, the faceless monster could no longer support its body and knelt down towards Zhu Jue.

Sheathing the knife again, the arm returned to its original position, slashed horizontally, and the head rose into the sky under the blood. Zhu Jue had already jumped back and stepped away from the blood splattering range.


He took a long breath, adjusted his breathing, pursed his lips, and continued,

“That’s it for today’s video, don’t forget to collect it and reward it!”

Taking off his sunglasses, he thought that the sudden change in his arms had also been photographed. After returning home, he would have to ask Wutong to specially process it and change this section into a normal human arm.

As for what Wutong thought after seeing the content of the video, Zhu Jue didn't really care. If he really wanted to ask, he would just say that he had used the ability injection.

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