Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 14 Chapter 92: Magical skill

What is divine character? The item closest to God's grade is God's character, which means that practicing such exercises is the most likely to become God.

Although for many years, no one knows whether there is a **** or not, but if there is a magical method in the hand, there will definitely be many unqualified beast cultivations that may also take risks to try cultivation.

The authentic solitary copy also means that a practice method that few people practice, may be new, or it may have been passed down for many years. In any case, such exercises are even more popular.

However, people with rich experience will be suspicious. How could such a treasure of extraordinary treasures appear at this level of trade fairs? Should at least enter an imperial auction?

However, there are not so many rational people, but not many, at least they will not affect the mindset of other ordinary people.

Lu did not give up, but he could feel the atmosphere around him, but at the same time he saw a scorn of that handsome man around him.

Then Lu did not give up and heard a hiss, which was a sign of extreme disappointment.

Lu Buqi suddenly found that what caused this was because Mu Yu Qianrou lifted up the exercises, exposing the four characters on the cheats of the exercises, "Immortal Golden Body".

Some people are as surprised as Lu Buqi: "Why do everyone boo? Isn't this 'immortal golden body' a divine skill?"

Then this person was despised: "You are so ignorant, don't you know that this is the most difficult magical skill in history?"

"How do you say?" The man wasn't afraid to continue to show his ignorance.

"Indestructible golden body" is actually spread in the market as many topographies and handbooks, and it is the most widely used magical method. But countless people have cultivated, but almost no one has succeeded. "The person who answered was a strange one. The expression, as if to say, "I will tell you that I have a copy?"

"Almost nothing? The golden body lord Cang Haiyao, the golden body demon Ji Tianshuiyi, are not the peerless strongmen who successfully cultivated the golden body?" Mu Yu Qianrou smiled lightly: "As far as I know, Both of them are because they are holding this genuine orphan, so I think that the reason why so many people fail in the cultivation of the immortal gold body is not entirely because of their talents. It is estimated that many transcripts held in their hands are actually There are a lot of mistakes? This practice method is a word difference, a thousand miles away. Everyone thinks what I said is correct? "

Many people think that Mu Yu Qianrou said that "the cultivation of indestructible golden body will fail, not all because of talent." These words are very reasonable, so they nodded.

Mu Yu Qianrou smiled charmingly: "I think that if you are in the hands of a good gifted monk and you have this authentic lone copy, then you will definitely be able to practice the magic."

It is precisely for this reason that Mu Yu Qianrou originally let the Chamber of Commerce accept this "orthodox gold body", which is indeed a genuine copy.

"The starting price is five pieces of five-grade crystals!" Mu Yu Qianrou laughed: "A genuine solitary copy of Shenpin Gongfa is equivalent to a medium-level crystal soul. Such a price seems to be the lowest in history. But there is no such shop. "

But no matter what Mu Yu Qianrou said, no one shook the Qian Yu Shuangzhu drum in his hand, because many people muttered the phrase "Who buys who SB".

No one wants to be this SB. Even some people who were very emotional before, after listening to the crowds of words around them, did not have the courage to shoot.

After all, five priceless spar, this price is not low.

If there are other magical methods, I am afraid that five of the four grades of spar are required, but "The Immortal Golden Body" is in the hands of Mu Yu Qianrou, and it has become something that nobody cares about.

Mu Yu Qianrou frowned, streaming shot, never appeared at the Qianyu Chamber of Commerce source trade fair.

"Can it be that no one here is balanced by the most mediocre five genus?" Mu Yu Qianrou smiled.

Because the immortal golden body is widely spread, everyone who has contacted knows that the minimum requirement for practicing the immortal golden body is that the roots and bones of the practitioner must reach a balance of five genres.

This bone can sometimes be said to be qualifications or physical talents, which are settled in life. Acquired changes are also possible, but they require very strict conditions. Some exercises require the root bone to be close to the fire, and some exercises require the root bone to be hydrophilic, while the golden body is not destroyed, but they require the balance of the five genera.

However, in the concept of the master of the gods, the balance of the five genera is actually equal to mediocrity, because there is no characteristic. In other words, the cultivation conditions of this immortal golden body are actually not harsh at all, but the gospel of many mediocre people.

But there are countless guys with mediocre bone qualifications who have also contacted and cultivated the immortal golden body, but none have achieved results, like Cang Haiyao and Tianshuiyi mentioned by Mu Yuqianrou, which are all gods in the sky for thousands of years Only two of the long history of cultivation.

"Mumbling ..."

When Mu Yu Qianrou was about to accept the reality of streaming, the drums sounded, she was overjoyed and looked at it: "Lord Lu Yun?"

Lu Buqi chuckled: "President Mu Yu, I want it!"

"SB!" "Idiot!" "Second goods!" "Is it the Gege tribe?"

Numerous whispers of contempt sounded endlessly, but Lu did not abandon them just as a breeze.

"Still Lu Yun has eyesight ..." Mu Yu Qianrou was just as refreshed and full of vitality as his **** resurrection, and his fighting spirit re-emerged: "Now the No. 101 VIP has been bidding, but who else is willing to bid?"

No one responded with a drum, and Mu Yuqianrou knew in her heart that it was luck for Lu Yun to give her a ladder. So she didn't force it, and after two symbolic questions, she decided it completely and shot "The Immortal Golden Body" to Lu Buqi.

As one of the three important treasures of the source trade fair, the auction is settled immediately.

Lu Buqi also used 500 Qipindong spar this time, and bought "The Immortal Golden Body".

If in the past, Mu Yu Qian Rou will definitely make up the difference with the client, after all, she is a businessman. But today, because of a grateful gratitude in her heart, she directly accepted five hundred Qipindong spar.

Handed "The Immortal Golden Body" to Lu Buqi: "I think His Excellency Lu Yun is going to use it for juniors with good qualifications?"

"Perhaps!" Lu Buqi chuckled: "But I think the" Eternal Gold "is estimated to be more valuable than practical value!"

Lu does not abandon the meaning of the words, if the "Immortal Golden Body" is sold as antiques, to people who know the goods, perhaps more valuable than the magic method.

However, not many people can accept this antique for the price of five Wupindong spar.

Mu Yuqianrou smiled: "Lord Lu Yun, you need to take a good collection, maybe one day, its value will increase a thousand times."

How could Mu Yu Qianrou never think of her joke, but it came true.

However, almost everyone who was present looked at Lu Fuqiang's eyes, which was like looking at an idiot.

Lu did not give up but also understood that in the eyes of others, that was the head of injustice, but he didn't matter at all.

Five hundred Qipindong spar, for the current Lu Buqi, although occupying one fifth of his cave spar reserve, after taking 52 Jiupingdong spar in a bottle of thrombin, He didn't worry about the problem of travertine anymore.

Five hundred pieces of Qipindong spar, using this ratio, isn't it a thousand bottles of thromboxane? That's 10% of the total amount of clottan.

For one day of labor and minimal cost, it is extremely cost-effective to get a magical exercise, even if it is really used for collection.

What's more, after feeling that the exercises of the Tushendong Tianshou Xiu are likely to be suitable for the practice of the mysterious beasts, Lu Buqi has more plans to purchase some good exercises and reserve them, which may be used in the future.

Of course, there is another reason to purchase "Immortal Golden Body", that is, when he heard the balance of the five genera, he asked Lie Ran at the time: "Uncle Lie, am I not the body of the five genealogy? "

Lai Fen said at the time: "You are a balance of the five genera. They are the two concepts of the five genus balance of the root bones, and in terms of rarity, that is also very different. The balance of the five genera is the root. There is nothing strange about the bones, but your five genera are balanced, they are all five attributes with strong affinity, and still maintain an extremely harmonious, regardless of level of balance. Otherwise, you think I can excite any garbage ability for a long time ? "

Lu Buqi now had a dark mood in his heart, but at that time, he also had a strong interest in this "Eternal Golden Body".

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