Thunderstorm trembling violently with his purple-gold slender knife. He is now indignant.

In fact, taking the veins of the earth vein, Thunderstorm had thought of Huai's guilt, and it is likely that someone would chase him.

But thinking about it, but it has become a reality, this anger will still naturally erupt, because he is very anxious inside, he eagerly hopes to return to the valley as soon as possible, and use the veins of the earth to save Xiaoman.

"Leave the veins of the earth veins obediently, I can let you go!" Cao Muyuan blocked the thundercloud storm and went to the side, her somber complexion was full of evil spirits.

Just before Thunderstorm stormed against her, Thunderstorm stormed sadly to find that the Wolf woman was much stronger than him.

Thunderstorm is just a few years after breaking through to the lower stage of the Crystal Soul period. How is Caoyuan's opponent in the middle stage of the Crystal Soul period?

"It's impossible!" Thundercloud storm clenched the hand of the long knife tightly: "I want the veins of the earth to kill you unless you kill me!"

"Then I will kill you!" Cao Muyuan snorted coldly and shot suddenly.

I only heard a clear high drink, and the red light of the crystal soul shined on the grass and wood source, the light and shadow were like a fire wolf, the two claws were agitated like playing Tai Chi, a huge red wind and fire ball was spinning, and suddenly hit thundercloud storm.

The speed of the thundercloud was still quite fast. He dragged a shadow over the northeast. He wanted to avoid this powerful fighting technique and wait for the opportunity to throw away the vegetation. As long as he was close to the Valley of Forgetfulness, someone would naturally Come and answer him.

However, when the thundercloud storm moved, the red wind and fire ball seemed to have eyes and dragged its tail to refract suddenly, still locking the thundercloud storm.

Can't hide!

The speed of the forming bucket skills released by the mid-level strong is too fast. Thunderstorm can't hide, but can only block his teeth.

The best attack is defense.

Thunderstorm screamed angrily, and the power of Crystal Soul flowed all over his body, and quickly gathered on the Zijin Taidao in his hand, suddenly condensing a light of wind and thunder, and chopped to the ball of fire.

"Boom ..."

Under the loud noise, the energy ripple oscillated, and the red light at this moment completely suppressed the purple light.

When the grass and trees in the jungle were scraped off by the turbulent wind and thundercloud, the thunderstorm also spit out blood, and the body was blown out.

At this moment, a figure rushed from the south, a tall Wolf man.

The man's figure paused in the air, then punched out, the beast's fury and madness rolled wildly and turned into a huge fist shadow, which fell like a sledgehammer towards the thundercloud storm.

This man, however, cooperated with the source of plants and trees to buy the healing medicine.

Poor Leiyun Storm has not completely digested the attack of the plants and trees, but has encountered the attack of the winds and trees, but now the wolverines resist, but the beast is angry and angry, and his face flushes again with a spit of blood.

The turbans of Douyu and Baotou were scattered, and the long gray and silver hair was thrown away. They also revealed a pair of beautiful ears like the elves, especially the pair of earlobes, which were long and round, like two drops of hanging water.

"Another orc !?" Cao Muyuan's eyes flashed with astonishment, but he stopped the prepared killer.

However, the wind and grass were laughing: "General Gen, we are lucky this time. We can also encounter a strange orc in the Crystal Soul period and kill him. If you do n’t say it, you can reward one hundred six-pin holes. Spar for us? "

Gray and silver hair drifted away, and was hit by the blow of the grass and trees directly on the messy woodland. The thundercloud storm with blood on the corners of his mouth narrowed his pupils, his eyes were full of despair and unwillingness.

Thunderstorm is not afraid of death. If it was not for the previous generation of the landlord, he would have died and no bones left. But Thunderstorm didn't want to die. At least he didn't want to die today. He shouted in his heart, "Oh my god, please take my life one day later, just let me send the veins of the earth vein back to the valley, and die without regrets!"

But the thunderstorm understood that he couldn't escape today.

A source of plants and trees is enough to put him to death, not to mention that there is a plant that is not weaker than him. And knowing that he is a strange orc, then the two have more reasons to kill him.

In this world of weak meat and strong food, as an orc, it has been difficult to survive. And as a strange orc, it is even more impossible to survive.

The so-called orcs are babies born from the crossing of different races. They are also called blasphemy hybrids.

This baby's genetic changes will make her look completely different from her parents. What ’s amazing is that no matter what two races intersect, the babies born will have a fixed feature, that is, they will produce pointed and slender ears, and the earlobe will look like crystal water droplets.

Because the alien orcs violated the temple regulations and were considered blasphemy, the Temple of the Gods had issued a lore order as early as the first orcs appeared.

Any orc, when they see an orc, must do everything possible to kill it, and killing other orcs of different levels can get rich rewards.

Under this lore order, the orc is undoubtedly like a street mouse, everyone shouts.

The only thing that makes Orcs breathe is that in addition to their obvious ear characteristics, they can fool other ethnic characteristics.

So when you go out and cover your ears with a headscarf or hood, it becomes something an orc must do, but most of the time, they use hair or feathers to make fake ethnic characteristics, which makes it harder to be suspicious.

One hundred pieces of Liupindong spar, such a reward, Caomuyuan will also be excited. Thinking of not relying on auctions to obtain the Vein Spirit Vine, then more than 300 pieces of Liupindong spar have been saved, plus this Hundred, more than four hundred pieces.

And these cave crystals do not have to be handed over to Kumu Yamin, and they can give some of them to the wind, and others can keep it by themselves. Thinking of this, because the depressive mood brought about by the death of the elder brother has improved a little, There was a vicious smile on his face: "Then let him run away and fight to the death!"

"Hello!" The plants and trees were shocked, but there was no suspicion of foxes and fake tigers.

If he is the only one, he really has to weigh it. After all, although his strength is better than Thunder Storm, but it is said that the alien orc has different talents than the ordinary orc. If you are not careful, it is really possible to capsize the gutter.

But now that there are plants and trees around him, he is not worried at all.

Therefore, the trees and trees were violently attacking the thundercloud storm.

As for Cao Muyuan, she was not in a hurry to attack. She stared closely at the storm of Thundercloud and was always ready for him to escape.

As long as Thunderstorm can't run, the more he drags on, he will be close to death today.

This is the idea of ​​Caomuyuan, and so is Thunderstorm.

So Lei Yun storm knew that if he wanted to escape, he had to be early, and it didn't matter that his killer was exposed now.


In the face of the horror of the grass and trees, Thunder Storm suddenly formed a powerful tornado on his body.

The power of this tornado was enough to startle the plants and trees, and at the same time, he was accidentally swept away by the wind that was rolling like a blade, and throbbing, leaving a deep visible scar on his body.

This storm not only has a strong defensive counterattack ability, but also has a ghostly moving speed, but in a flash, this storm suddenly moved north after knocking down a forest. Even Caomuyuan shot in time and blocked it with the wind and flames, and was actually escaped by this storm twisting "Xiaoman waist".

And even if it is a source of grass and trees, it is a bit big to resist the wind blade that is coming over.

This is Thunder's talented fighting skill "Brazil Blade Storm", which he dug out after being guided by the former owner of Forgotten Valley.

But today, this big killing move was used by Thunderstorm to escape his life, because he had to move with the high speed of the storm.

Unfortunately, Storm of the Blades is an attacking skill, and it is an explosive skill. It is impossible to let Thunder Storm run too far, but it only makes him appear physically.

At this time, Caomuyuan and Caofengfeng will soon catch up, especially Caomuyuan. Although she failed to stop the thundercloud storm that is the incarnation storm, it is not a problem to keep up with the thundercloud storm.

Thunderstorm stormed his silver teeth secretly, and he could only bury his head and ran.

Soon, he was caught up. In the face of the strong attack from Cao Muyuan, Thunderstorm could only perform "Furious Blade Storm" again.

However, talented fighting skills are not so light-handed and very energy-consuming. After breaking through to the Crystal Soul period, he will perform at most three times a day, and no matter how much, it will consume the essence and even Shouyuan.

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