Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 14 Chapter 100: be honest and open】

"Your frankness makes people happy to see it. Lu Yun does not give up. Is it because you are chasing and killing plants and trees, so you saved the storm by the way?" The owner of Wangyou Gu still explored something.

"If you just want to reduce the weight of kindness, then you can understand it this way." Lu Buqi shrugged indifferently. "But the truth is ... I was hearing Mu Yu Qian Rou said that the grass and trees are strange. I should go north to chase after the thundercloud storm vine. I didn't know at first that the source of the bid was us.

"Do you really want the spirit veins too?" A little curiosity appeared in the eyes of the owner of Wangyou Valley.

Lu never gave up frankly: "Of course, in your hands, Dimai Lingteng may be an invaluable treasure that can save lives, but in my hands, I can expand its energy efficiency."

When he said this, Lu did not give up and didn't mind expanding his aura, showing the pride of the alchemist.

"Gu Zhu, Your Excellency Lu Yun is an alchemist, a very powerful alchemist. The blood clotting he refined is very popular, and the pure blood alchemy he refined is able to quickly restore the essence of my overloaded use of talented fighting skills. blood."

As soon as the storm of thunderclouds came out, not only the faces of Bingyu Heiwang and Yan Shuyan changed greatly, but the expression of Wangyou Gu also changed: "Really?"

Lu Buqi smiled proudly: "Otherwise I'm here for a little curiosity? I don't think what Thunderstorm said, you strange orcs really do not reject purebred orcs, just like now, am I not in In danger? "

Wangyou Gu's face changed again: "Why, Lu Yun, why are you here?"

"Of course, in order to complete a beautiful love." Lu Buqi laughed: "But of course, this is only one of the purposes, and another purpose is not to let the veins of the earth veins be violent. I already told the storm, I healed the little dew, and my veins returned to me. "

"Haha ..." The owner of Wangyou Gu suddenly laughed.

Lu did not abandon his mouth and grinned, "Gu Zhu, why are you laughing?"

"Because of your frankness!" The owner of Wangyou Valley extended his hand: "Lord Yun Yun, my cloud sky, represents Wangyou Valley, and welcomes you."

Lu never smiled, but did not reach out: "You don't doubt it?"

"The doubts in my heart have been alleviated, why do you still doubt?" Yun Qiong Ling smiled brightly, and the whole person's free spirit burst out.

Lu Buqi laughed again, this time he reached out and lay down with Yunqiong Lingtian: "Then I also ventured to ask Gu Zhu a question, please answer me frankly."

"You ask!" Yun Qiongling said with a smile: "As long as it doesn't involve the secrets of other thousands of people in Wangyou Valley, I must be frank. I should be sorry for my question."

Lu did not give up a small smile: "It's not that serious, I just want to ask, how high is Master Xi?" I was by your side, and I really felt great pressure. "

Yunqiongtian didn't respond proudly: "It's just a split period ..."

"Split period! Is it just?" Lu Buqi shook under his heart, this is equivalent to the strong out of the period, but in the cloud sky Lingkou, it seems not satisfied.

In fact, if he does not abandon himself, he may one day be dissatisfied. After all, his purpose is a demigod, or even a legendary god.

"Even the golden body is not cast, and nothing can be changed. What is proud of?" Yun Qiongtian had a loss of dark pressure in his eyes and smiled on his face: "Sometimes it ’s not useful to be high Yes, like Xiaoman's injury, I can't help it. "

"There is a specialty in surgery, and the owner is the leader of the whole family of strange orcs, not a healer." Lu Buqi laughed.

Lu's words were undoubtedly talking about Yunqiong Lingtian's heart. Haha smiled, and patted Lu's left shoulder: "That little girl can count on you ... Hello, Lu Yun, please!"

Then, when Lu Buqi followed and entered the valley, Leiyun storm glanced at Yan Shuyan proudly, and entered the valley as a winner.

Although Lei Yun storm knew that he was the master and the punishment for bringing outsiders into the valley was still indispensable, but he was undoubtedly the winner in the dispute with Yan Shuyan.

And now that he has watched the conversation between Lu Buqi and Gu Zhuji, the Thunderstorm is more confident that Lu Buqi can rescue Tulu Xiaoman.

Wangyou Valley is not small, but Wangyou City is not large. After all, there are less than 10,000 people living there, and some people are still going out. The unit capacity of Wangyou City in unit time should be in June or July. A thousand looks.

And because the Valley of Forgetfulness is completely isolated from the world, and there are outsiders coming, this will be very interesting news. After all, this generally means that new orcs have joined the group.

But this time it was not the case, but Thunderstorm brought back a doctor, a doctor who cured Tuluman.

After entering the valley, after a section of forest road that was often walked out, he entered a community of wooden houses built against trees. Since he walked over, Lu Fuqian's eyesight could not do his best, but he felt that he should There are many such wooden houses.

There is no obvious street plan. The wooden house community is not specially neatly built, but it also gives a very coordinated feeling. However, if there is a map, the street between the tree houses is obviously not drawn by a ruler. Yes, but graffiti.

It's like a large village, a village of elves.

Lu Buqi did not expect that as soon as he entered this settlement, he had already faced the situation of being caught in the channel before he had come to the place where Tulu was resting.

"This is the doctor that General Storm has retrieved? Why doesn't it seem to be reliable?" The residents of Wangyou Valley who heard the wind obviously had a lot of similar ideas to Yan Shuyan.

"Yeah, you are all wounded. Is this the case where the legendary healer does not heal himself?"

"Will it be a spy from the Temple? General Storm storms fiercely, but sometimes it is too easy to believe people ..."

"If General Storm couldn't believe people, little girls wouldn't come to our valley."

"Yeah, what a good girl, not only fell in love with General Storm bravely, but she was willing to give her life for General Storm, and she was usually as friendly to us as discriminated orcs."

"Yeah, I told my son, I will find a woman like Xiaoman in the future. I really hope this doctor is not a liar, he can cure Xiaoman, so I don't mind the respect of Xiong Lijiu Give it to him. "

Among the various opinions, Yun Qiong Ling smiled at Lu and gave up: "Lord Yun, we are like this here, everyone is hospitable ..."

Lu Buqi laughed: "It's hospitable ... but I think if it is a spy and a liar, it is estimated that they will be drowned directly by their spitting stars?"

"Haha ..." Yunqiong Tian laughed, "It's also possible ... OK, here it is, in front of me is the Medical Museum of Forget You City, I think your arrival, our elder Moyun will welcome you of."

Lu Buqi quickly saw Elder Moyun in the mouth of Yunqiong Lingtian. This is an old man with obvious Xupu characteristics. He is thin and wears a linen loose gown and a half-length sparse goatee, but from His sharp ears like the Elves can be seen that he is not a Xupu, but an orc.

Elder Moyun is also called Fengmu Moyun. He is not the highest elder in Wangyou Valley, but he is the most respected because he is the highest medical person in Wangyou Valley.

Fengmu Moyun saw Lu never give up, and when he heard that he was here to save Tulu Xiaoman, a smile of relief appeared on his face: "It's great, if you can really save Xiaoman, you Will appreciate you. "

The true healer's heart did not feel unbalanced because Lu did not abandon his appearance or do something he could not do.

But not everyone has the qualities of Fengmu Moyun, and the medical museum in Wangyou Valley is not just a doctor like Fengmu Moyun.

No, another half-fortunate doctor who came along with Fengmu Moyun greeted him with an intriguing expression, saying something weird: "Elder Moyun, you deserve this person too, you all He can cure people who can't be cured? I don't smell a little doctor's smell on him. I'm afraid he can talk about healing and healing? "

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