Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 14 Chapter 7: The way to seek the answer]

So next, you have to figure out where Huoyun's cold eyes are locked!

It's a pity that Huoyunying is freely moving. Otherwise, if she doesn't abandon, at least you can ask them what parts of Huoyun Palace are suitable for detaining repeat offenders.

No one can ask the answer, you need to find it yourself.

At the intersection of Tiantong, this is the gathering and departure road for officials of Huoyun City to leave after seeing the lord daily. Many people who want to work in various fields will usually see if they can meet the official they are looking for.

Pretending to be an old camel, Lu Buqiu became one of them, but what he wanted to find was someone who could bring him sufficient information and opportunities.

The bait, such as Huoyun Lengmou, used to lure Lu Fubu, non-official officials probably don't know where they are being held. Lu's goal is to be a good, high-profile Huoyun clan master.

"It's her!"

When Lu Buqi saw a proud expression and a happy cloud of fire in his eyes, he had a decision in his heart.

Before the Huoyunpu mutiny, Huoyunyue and Huoyun Ketan were one of the two deputy leaders of Dongchengwei, and the two supported them differently.

Huoyun Ketan has always supported Huoyunyan and finally died. Huoyunyue has become the leader of Dongchengwei and one of the four main guards of Huoyuncheng. Among the generals, in addition to the three heads of the Fire Ministry, the Cloud Ministry, and the Palace Guards, they must be counted in the highest position, which can be described as a high weight.

Lu didn't give up and let Lie Fen help him hide his breath, trot towards Huoyunyue, and said hello: "Huoyunyue commander, Huoyunyue commander."

Because Lu Buqi directly called his name, Huo Yunyue was a little curious, so he did not stop Lu Buqi from approaching.

However, Lu did not give up but understood that Huo Yunyue must have deep defenses at the bottom of her heart, so she didn't go too close, and nodded, pretending to be familiar.

This kind of thing happens a lot at Tiantong intersection every day. Some officials hate this kind of behavior and will reprimand those who want to clear the relationship, while some people decide to get some oil and water, but they also make people serious. Follow behind.

"Who are you? How do you know me?" Huo Yunyue stared firmly at the landing.

"I'm Xinghe Qin. I used to eat with the boss of Huoyuntong. I've been fortunate to have met you twice. You won't remember such a small person." Lu Buqi gave himself a set The name of the guy who received him on the black market is ordinary enough to make people forget.

"Oh, I'm a bit impressed, you are the Xinghe ... the Poper who is doing business!" Huo Yunyue looked like a stunned look.

Lu Buqi nodded his head again and again: "Yeah, that's right, it's awesome. The leader of the moon remembers the villain ..."

Huo Yunyue laughed, "But Huo Yuntong already ..."

"Yeah, it was his old man who was caring for me before, now ... oh, we outsiders want to toss in Huoyun City better, without a backing. I remember the boss once said that it is best to lead you To get along, and the most promising person, I just want to ... "Lu Buqiu took out a small brocade bag prepared in advance, and then exposed a hole in which a pile of Wupindong spar flashed with milky light. .

Huo Yunyue coughed slightly: "Are you planning to just tell me on the side of the road?"

"Ah ... am I not worried about Yuetuan's noble affairs?" Lu Buqi quickly put away the small brocade bag: "Otherwise, Yueyong would like to invite you? Sit down at Hanshe?"

Thinking that he might accept a loyal slave, Huo Yunyue also had the heart to understand the details of this person, and nodded: "Not far away?"

"It's okay ... from here, you can cross the corner of Yinyou Road." Lu Buqi did not do the preparatory work. Yinyou Road is south of Xitong Road in the four branches of Tiantong intersection. A trail, because it is not a regular road, but the gap between the walls of some courtyards, so there are usually fewer people walking.

Huo Yunyue was thinking about the number of Wupindong spar in the small brocade bag, and how much he could give her in the future. How could she think that this unsophisticated Puer tribe wanted her life.

Choosing Yinyou Road is one of Lu Buqi's two options. That is, if Huo Yunyue is alert enough, there are more topics in the middle of the inquiry, and conflicts arise, then Lu Buqiu can use this Yinyou Road to let Lie He burned it into Xinluo Lei prison.

With the help of God's consciousness, it is still easy to forcibly remove a lower-level beast repair of Crystal Soul.

However, if Huo Yunyue was very intentional and did not see through it, Lu did not give up but did not want to use the strong, because fighting with Huo Yunyue, Lu did not give up to guarantee that she could kill her, but did not dare to guarantee the harvest of a crystal soul. There is no guarantee that she will be able to use God Search.

The best way is to really invite Huo Yunyue to tea at home.

However, this home, which still looks very homely, was temporarily rented out by Lu Bu.

"A lot of servants think I'm gone, and they're almost gone." Lu Buqiu introduced Huo Yunyue into the hall: "So a bit deserted, please don't laugh at me ..."

"Xinghe ... Believe me, you have great vision and will be fine." Huoyunyue proudly said that she didn't care about this indifference. On the contrary, she felt that this person was dead end, and she would pass by without relying on her. I ca n’t go on, so she feels more at ease.

"I saw hope after seeing the leader of the moon, but fortunately, there are still people who bring tea to the water ..." When Lu Buqi said this, a long-awaited woman of the Puer ethnicity waited a long time in two mornings. In the prepared quilt, they poured tea for them.

"You can go down!" Lu Buqiu kicked out the hired "extra actors" and then made an invitation to Huo Yunyue: "This is our camellia made in the vein of Xinghe. Absolute treasures, please taste it. . "

Huo Yunyue, who was attracted by the fragrance of tea, did n’t worry about him. He opened the tea cup to taste it, took a sip, the temperature was right, and it tasted really good. He took another sip before asking, "Xinghe, what do you buy and sell?" Is it? "

"Tailpieces, you know, you Faks have beautiful tails that make many races envious. Decorating the tails is a habit that your people take pride in." Lu Buchao showed off a little fur just now, wantonly Bragging: "Even today's Lord King, and the past ... have used tailpieces sent by the boss."

Huoyunyue was a little proud, and took another sip of tea: "Of course, we of the Fawkes family not only have the most beautiful tail in the world, our women are also the most beautiful in the world."

"That's ..." Lu Buqi nodded again and again: "This tailpiece, the market is extremely huge. When the boss of Huoyuntong was there, I made more than half of the market in Huoyuncheng, and no one dared to treat me. How ... But now, my opponent knows that the boss of Huoyuntong has an accident, and he knows that I have no background, and come to me every day! "

Huo Yunyue said suddenly, "You come to me, what do you want me to do for you?"

"I can do something for you to lead the moon!" Lu never gave up his respectful expression: "In the past, I honoured Huoyuntong's boss with ten five-pin spar every year. If the moon leader can keep me safe, I can Give you twelve Wupindong spar every year. "

"Twelve yuan? Only one month?" Huoyunyue pretended to be upset: "You can make more than that, right?"

"So what do you do by month?"

Huoyun Yue thought about it, and thought of slaughtering Lu seriously, but she drank a price tag and drank another tea: "Three yuan a month, thirty-six yuan a year!"

"Ah? So much?" Lu Buqi frowned. "I can't make so much money ... moon leader, what's wrong with you?"

"I ..." Fire Yunyue frowned, and suddenly her eyes flashed with terror: "I ... I can't control my Crystal Spirit power, what's the matter?"

"Maybe it's because you're too greedy!" Lu Buqi stood up slowly at this time.

"What did you say?" Huoyunyue was angry, and she did not expect that Lu Buqi would be so respectful.

Lu did not give up sneer: "I mean, you better be an honest person in your next life, too greedy will not end well."

"Do you want to find death?" Although Crystal Soul had a problem, Huo Yunyue still had the power of the Dongcheng Wei commander.

"Huo Yunyue, you are really a big-brained guy." Lu Buqi sneered: "I also prepared two plans because I wasted my brain cells."

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