Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 14 Chapter 76: Triple reward two suggestions]

"Well, take good care of each other. When I come back, I hope to see you are all well." Lu Buqiu said without turning back, and resolutely turned away.

Seeing that the upright back was not abandoned by the landing, thinking that he was going to face the endless killing alone, Huo Yunying felt that her heart was going to be crushed.

When Lu Fuqiu's figure was about to disappear, Huoyunying suddenly shouted: "When you are alone on the moon, don't forget to remember me, I'm waiting to toast with you!"

Lu did not give up his body for a moment, then did not turn around, raised his right hand and waved, then Lang smiled and took off.

Soon, Lu Fuqiu appeared in Leiyun City.

He did not go to Mu Yu Qian Rou for the first time, but entered the God Union of Thunder God.

At this time, some people were talking about the new killing of the King of the Gods Union, because on the display of the God of the Gods Union, the scrolling blood color information has become "The King of Killing Wood Flower Real Iron, was killed at Zam Volcano, The new King of Kills announces the countdown ... "

"I didn't expect that Muhua and Iron could be killed. It seems that the new King of Killing will be upgraded again."

"Yeah, Muhua Zhentie claims to be an invincible player under the split period. Those who can kill him must be the masters of the split period. I think this may be the century-old killing king."

"Good death, during this time, knowing that Muhua really iron is moving in our oak, made me more careful when I was out of tasks, for fear of running into him, now it is good ..."

"What is it? Muhua really iron is dead, the new killing king is still here. Maybe it will also be active here. Anyway, it ’s just for you. If there is any killing king nearby, you have to be careful. ? "

Everyone is happy to say a few words about this hottest current event, and what they have in common is that they have great curiosity about the new killing king.

Lu Buqi did not participate in this exchange, but walked to a union attendant with few people nearby, and threw Muhua Zhentie Qingzhuang two-star servant token in front of him.

"Ah ..." The union waiter's face suddenly changed, but he did not dare to make other voices, and quickly put away the token, bowed in awe to Lu Buqi: "Please come here."

The union attendant introduced Lu Buqi to the VIP room of the Tushen Union and offered the incense stick and said, "My Excellency, I'll ask the union leader to come over, please later."

In the case of the replacement of the killing king, such as Lu Buqi, only the union chief has the power to deal with any mercenary union. In addition, no one can disclose this information to others outside the rules. Once it is found, it will be ignored.

Lu did not give up and waited quietly in the VIP room of the Tushen Trade Union Maid of Armed Forces.

Before long, both a Bill woman and a Yijing man entered the VIP room.

The Bier women are not young, wearing burlap gowns, and when they see Lu Furen, they are a little surprised: "Lord Yun, hello, I am the union leader of Leiyun City Tushen Union, Lei Yun Baiyi. This is Vice Chairman Yan Leizhou! "

Yan Leizhou seemed to be a bad-spoken person, and he nodded his head towards Lu, and those sharp eyes did not leave Lu Buqi from the beginning.

Lu did not give up a slight nod, and after the two sat down, they opened the door and saw the mountain: "Muhua really iron was killed by me. I'll take my reward and see if this reward can help me through the following ten years. "

Lei Yun smiled slightly: "The rewards are quite generous. I think with the help of these rewards, as long as you are careful, there should be no problem."

"Is that so?" Lu Buqi raised his eyebrows lightly. "So what rewards are there?"

"First of all, as a killer's welfare, you can fully capture Muhua true iron's helper points and levels. This can be operated in the magic bucket dedicated to the killer king next to your god, how many helper points, You can also check on your own. "

Lu did not give up Wei Wei: "That is to say, I can immediately become a helper of two zinc stars?"

"It's the sum of your grade and Muhua's real iron's grade points. The exact amount depends on the data displayed on the magic bucket treasure box." Lei Yun said in response.

"What about the next reward?"

"Second, the killing reward is calculated according to the **** degree of the previous killing king. The **** degree of the killing king is obtained by calculating the level of mercenary killed by him. The higher the **** degree, the higher the reward. And this value By the time Mu Zhenzhen was killed, it had been calculated. "

Lu never gave up, "How much?"

"One thousand eight hundred and ninety one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four points!"

Lu never gave up, startled: "So much?"

"It's quite a lot!" Lei Yun said, "So I said, the rewards are quite generous. You must know that these points can be exchanged for many good things."

"Is there a third reward?"

"Yes!" Lei Yun said in response: "Before the union announces your whereabouts for the first time, you will have the right of asylum in the domestic labor union without any conditions."

"What kind of reward?" Lu Buqi rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes. As long as the Tushen Union did not announce it, no one would come to hunt him down.

"Don't care," Lei Yun said, "If you kill Muhua true iron in the Empire of Haixi, Muhua will surely chase you for the first time, in three days, Enough to find you. "

"If something like this really happens, it's considered to be protected by you for three days. Isn't it a dead end after the asylum time is up?" Lu Buqi flattened his mouth flatly.

"That's right, because from the time you make your news public, until the end of the century-old killing king, you will lose the right to be sheltered by the mercenary union."

Lu did not abandon Weiyi: "Even if I spend commission points?"

"Yes, otherwise, with your 10 or 20 million points of domestic helpers, you can at least ask the domestic helpers to take refuge in you for a few years." Lei Yun Baiyi, a domestic helper, has no loopholes to follow.

Lu Bu shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "Are there any good suggestions for the two new killing kings?"

Lei Yun Baixi smiled gently: "My suggestion is that I hope that His Excellency Lu Yun and the like will carefully choose the baby for redemption of points. Sometimes, a good magic weapon and a lot of good potions can make you survive the crisis of life and death. . "

Lu Buqi nodded slightly: "Thank you for your suggestion, Vice President Yan Lei? Can you give me some advice?"

Yan Leizhou frowned slightly: "Don't stop, this is my suggestion."

"Don't stop ..." Lu did not abandon his heart suddenly: "A really good suggestion!"

With Lu's unstoppable strength and speed, if there has been no regular flight and keeps flying, I am afraid no one can really catch him. After all, he will announce his whereabouts once every five days. Wanting to find Lu Fuqiu is undoubtedly a dream.

But let's not say that power can't withstand this consumption, even if it can withstand it, who can have such a tenacious heart and keep running around for more than ten years?

Lu Buqi confesses that he is a persevering person, but really wants him to live like that, he might as well ... he won't choose to die, he can't die, but he must be very painful.

At least, do something else?

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