Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 16 Chapter 50: One does not stay

Lu Yun did not give up, but today's Killing King, his appearance and cultivation can be said to be very clear, and some people recognize him as normal.

Therefore, Lu Buqian was able to resist Tian Yan Tingnan, and even reversed the pressure of Qiankun as soon as he appeared, at this moment it was slightly weakened.

Not to mention, the eleven guardians of the temple at the lower stage of the cleavage period, together with Qili, actually blocked the stegosaurus transformed by "Sword Shadow Vientiane".

But it can be blocked for a moment, but it can't last.

When Lu Buqi erupted with a monstrous yellow sand-like magic, the sword dragon opened his teeth and danced his claws, and once again hit the joint defense circle. Some of the Jianguang, which has no real magic weapon to resist, have strangely penetrated the energy defense of the joint defense circle and bombarded some of the temple guards.

With the first sword light, there will be dozens of similar sword lights. Although the destructive power of these sword lights will not seriously damage a temple guard in the lower stage of the split period, but will not disrupt the defense line of the eleven people. difficult.

The defensive front is chaotic, so the sky's sword shadow is all-pervasive, and it will soon force eleven people to act independently. Especially when two of the eleven were captured by the power of Xin Luolei prison, the remaining nine were no longer able to stop Lu Furen's crazy attack.

Wan Jian penetrated the heart and became the same treatment for the remaining nine people.

In one fell swoop, the temple guards at the lower stage of the Nine-Life Split Stage were killed. Lu did not give up one move with one hand, and collected three of them together with nine corpses.

At this time, Tian Yan Gu Qing and Yan Mu Song have also resolved the second batch of two temple guards.

But it was just a moment, and the thirteen temple guards of the lower stage of the split period were solved. In this scene, Tian Yanting and Nanhai Dilin both saw it.

Tianyan Tingnan is not a person for the sake of others, but Haidilin suddenly responded, and then shouted: "Guardians of the Temples, listen to orders. Today's battle situation has changed, you quickly evacuate here!"

The remaining fourteen Crystal Guardian temple guards had long wanted to run away. After hearing this sentence, if they were pardoned, they turned and fled towards the entrance.

"Want to escape at this time? Is it too late?" Lu Buqi snorted coldly, and the madness of the world bloomed on him.

Then the fourteen Crystal Soul Temple guards who have just leapt out of a few dozen feet have slammed into a tough wind wall.

"Merry Sleepy Devil"

Although Lu Buqiu was unable to use this auxiliary spell learned through the wind tide to differentiate fourteen small cages to imprison fourteen people, but now he is a man who has risen so much that he can completely deceive the "dangerous spirit" The scope has been greatly expanded, and fourteen people have been imprisoned in one area at the same time.

But just as Lu Buqi was preparing to kill again, a force of force broke through.

Lu didn't give up and didn't dare to belittle him. When he couldn't look back, he suddenly protected the body of Xuan Zang's body with a golden shield while flying forward at high speed with "Xin Luo's Thunder Flash".

Suddenly, an earth-colored stick-shaped energy was pumped fiercely at Lu Fu's back, which was flying at high speed, and he was pumped out. That was the fighting skill that Haidilin chose to be released by being attacked by a fighting skill in Luoshui. He didn't want his order to come out, but no one could escape.

Lu did not give up and did not suffer too much injury. The protective ability of Xuan Zang's body shield and the power removed from the high-speed Feiteng completely resolved Haidi Lin's full blow.

However, in this way, the fourteen temple guards of the soul period escaped from the "drift magic" and fled at high speed.

Unfortunately, people are not as good as the sky.

Haidi Lin counted it out, but did not count Yanmu Song and Tian Yan Gu Qing in Xinluo Lei prison. Although the fierce burning was beyond the reach, he could completely release the two.

This is not, at the same time that Lu did not give up trying to resolve the defense against Hai Dilin's attack, the fierce firewood Song suddenly appeared, and later came to the speed, blocking the exit.

The reason why Tian Yan Gu Qing was not released was because Lie Yan had known Lu Lu's concerns.

Once Haidi Lin and Tian Yan Tingnan cannot be killed, at least Tian Yan Gu Qing will not be involved in the next storm.

Yanmu Song is also an old-fashioned planner. When he came out, he didn't rush to hunt down those temple guards. He knew that as long as the exit was blocked, no one would be able to run away.

Of course, along the way, Yanmu Song did not mind pointing out **** and directly killed two temple guards.

But Lu Buqi, who had not been pursued by Haidi Lin, naturally raised his butcher knife again, chasing away from the temple guard who was going the fastest and intended to escape.

Two masters with intermediate or higher strength in the split period hunt down the remaining twelve Crystal Soul period temple guards. There is no suspense for such a battle.

When the red-gold sword qi of "Blood Sword Promise" split the last temple guard into pieces, Lu Buqi gave an account of Yanmu Song: "Elder Song, please work hard to keep you here, so as not to run away Drop. "

Yanmu Song quickly shook her head and said, "Lord Lu Yun, you can rest assured, I will never leave."

"Okay, then I used to help the owner of Luoshui Island." Lu Buqi uttered something suddenly: "Yes, you know, who killed my elder brother?"

"Your elder brother?" Firewood Song stunned first, then suddenly responded: "You are talking about Elder Ling Tian?"

"Yes!" Lu Buqi nodded.

"It's the silver-haired woman of the Phoenix family!" Firewood Song gritted her teeth and said, "Elder Feiwu and Elder Lan also died from her hands."

"It's her!" Lu Buqi gritted his teeth. "I'll make her pay a bitter price for it."

The words fell, and Lu Bufei hurriedly flew back to the two most critical battle groups.

At this moment, both battle groups have almost completely entered the state of heat.

Whether it was the battle between Luoshui and Haidilin, or the battle between Jiang Caoche and Tianyan Tingnan, they were in a stalemate. The four people on both sides showed their magical powers, and the radiant energy shot the entire sky.

Seeing Lu Buqi flying over, Haidi Lin and Tian Yan heard Nan Nan's heart full of anger.

"Lu Yun does not give up, don't you think it should be explained now? Why should you go against the temple?" Hai Dilin muttered in a deep voice, but she didn't stop counterattack on Luoshui.

Lu did not give up sneer: "Is there any good explanation?"

"Counter against us, do you want to find death?" Tian Yan heard Nan angrily as he resisted Jiang Caoto's submerged attack.

"Look for death? Do I look like I look for death?" Lu Buqi not only sneered, but also waved the intestine sword and red-golden sword gas coldly on his hand. Yan Tingnan went on.

Tian Yan heard Nan Yi's body fighting and fighting hard to block this attack, but did not think that Jian Qi ignored the body fighting and fighting's defense and went directly into her body, letting her suffer a little while in pain, and the defense method appeared A leak, almost not split into two by Jiang Caoru's tyrants.

Although she finally got in the way, she was repelled to the outside of Baizhang Kai, and she found that the internal concubine was injured.

Hai Dilin's eyebrows frowned tightly: "Lu doesn't give up, I really don't understand. Why do you, the promising one, be a tiger and help other orcs?"

"Taking a fight for the tiger? Who is doing it for the tiger?" Lu Yun did not give up a scornful smile, the fish bow sword slashed sharply, and several swords slammed directly into Haidi Lin who likes to stand still and fight.

In terms of combat power, even Lu Buqi, who is in a state of mad thunder, will not be the opponent of Haidi Lin and Tian Yan Tingnan. However, if it is only an auxiliary attack, then Lu Fu's attack intensity can definitely reach this level.

First of all, the power of chaos in Tai Chi has a certain restraint ability for the basic five-element fighting spirit; secondly, the power of invincible golden light can strengthen the destructive power and penetrating power of the energy; further, the viper's magical energy The power of breaking will often cause unexpected damage.

Lu never gave up, and the original form of the two battle groups' equal strength suddenly changed dramatically.

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