Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 16 Chapter 136: Is it a prophecy?

"Of course there is! When you get too deep into demon robbing, in fact, your consciousness has changed unknowingly, just as if you watched a play. If you go into the play too deeply, you will also be experienced by you. It affects a reason. If this effect causes confusion in your three perspectives, it will be enough to get you into the horns of the horns, and you will not be able to extricate yourself. The mad **** has said that he would rather go to the devil than to know the devil. "

Lu did not abandon his heart and said, "Yeah, I almost lost power just now ..."

"You are really dangerous this time." Lie Xiao laughed and said, "Many people, although they have spent the savage sacrifice, have succeeded in breaking through, they have become crazy because of the sequelae of the sacrifice scam. They can defeat themselves But will not defeat other things, such as fetters, but also principles ... "

"If I hadn't enlightened your enlightenment this time, I'm afraid that I would also become a lunatic." Lu Bingxin was very grateful that the path of cultivation was really difficult.

No wonder in many classics, it is always mentioned that cultivation is how to achieve what, it is no small perseverance and wisdom, it is true.

"Renzi, I believe you can actually get out even if I do n’t enlighten you. You are not a person who is easy to lose yourself, at most it is a matter of time." Heart, he understands that a person's true self-confidence seems to have collapsed, and it is absolutely difficult to establish.

Lu Buqi smiled gently: "Anyway, you are happy with your uncle."

"Haha ... I made you feel happy, and I will be very happy, is this the power of fetters?" Lie Yan was in a good mood.

"Of course it is." Lu Buqi nodded suddenly but frowned suddenly: "Yes, Uncle Lie, the process of my demon robbing, you may see?"

"Of course I can't see it!" Lie Fen said: "That was the battle in your consciousness. I can only feel the change of your spirit and spirit, so I can roughly understand whether you have encountered danger in the demon robber. And I except I ca n’t help you except to pray. The only person I pray to is the mad **** who has disappeared, which is probably useless. "

"No, it's very useful! Your prayers have given me great strength, and I can feel it." Lu Buqi replied sincerely: "I think the mad **** may be protecting us in the midst of it?"

Lie Haha laughed: "I believe that the guy who has fought with God all his life will definitely die before he meets you. We must complete his last wish and embark on the road of slaughtering God. God showed him. "

Lu did not give up the emphasis: "and help him complete his unfinished business."

"Renzi, you have a heart!"

"This is what I should do!"

Lai Fen laughed with relief.

"Uncle Lie, do you know what I saw this time?"

Lie burning curiously said, "What did you see? That made you sink so deeply? It stands to reason that you have just gone through three years of soul-remembering and spiritual cultivation. You shouldn't see the magic robber again. It didn't appear last time. ? "

"I first saw a woman who seemed very familiar, but I searched the entire memory, and I didn't know who she was ..." Lu Buqi frowned. "Did my memory not fully recover?"

"Women? Are there any other characteristics?" Lie burning curious.

"It looks a little like inseparability and regret. They are not as glamorous as they are. They are a little more beautiful than the fireworks of the world. They have a special temperament and are different from all the women in my memory."

"Such a woman? Do not leave and regret their mother?" When Lie Zhan said this, he also felt a bit foolish: "Renzi, don't roll your eyes and tell me what you see about her?"

"It should be a lover or a husband and wife relationship ... she said, keep my spirit for my life."

"Such a heavy bond?" Lie Yan suddenly said: "It is impossible, I have seen all your women, there is absolutely no such person ..."

"She should be called ... Qing Qing." Lu Bugui frowned.

"No, there is absolutely no such person!" Lie Yan said resolutely.

"But such a unique person, if it is not what I should have in memory, I am afraid that there may be no copied material in my demon robber?" Lu Buqi at this time, thinking very clearly.

Lie Chen answered: "Yes, even if the jealousy knows how to copy your vision of the future in the subconscious, it also needs to be the material of the conscious concept you have come into contact with. If you have not seen a pig, your jealous There will be no pigs running, although the metaphor of pigs is a bit tarnishing to your woman, but this is the reason. "

"Then why do I have such a person in my demon robber, such a sentence?"

Lie burning smiled bitterly: "I don't know, maybe there is only one explanation, that is what we mentioned before, it may be the memory of your previous life ..."

"Is it still a past life?" Lu Buqi abandoned Wrinkle: "But why is it so much like this life ... And in my impression, she also appeared faintly in the last time he had known the Devil."

"Ah ... what else?" Lie burned wrongly: "It's a pity that you didn't talk to me in detail about what you experienced last time."

Lu Buqi gave a sigh of relief: "Then I will not talk about this problem for a moment, but there is another question, do you know what I saw last?"

"I'm waiting for you to answer it yourself!" Lie burned this words, faintly scolding Lu Buqi.

"I saw regrets turning into dragon bodies ..."

"Ah?" Liezhan cut off directly, "You first paint a picture of what you see."

"Hundred feet long, curled up on the lake like an island, with a head like a bull, horns like antler, a body like a snake, covered with silver jade scales, and four claws like a phoenix ... very similar to my Dragon Gate totem."

"Oh, that should be a subconscious fantasizing of your subconscious. It is estimated that you have secretly thought about where you will be held without regret." Lie Yan analyzed naturally.

Lu Buqiu nodded slightly: "Along with her, there is an old digger with a gold body guarding her. I don't know if it is guarding or guarding ... I have never seen this old man, even if I do n’t think so. Repenting as a dragon may have something to do with the people of the Dugong tribe. What I see should also be waiting for the sky. At least I have seen him. There is material in my consciousness. "

Lie Weiwei: "The old man's appearance is clear?"

"Yes ..." Lu Buqi nodded and said, "Wearing a silver crown, holding a silver scepter, and wearing a white cape, like a clergyman. I can even count the folds on his horns clearly. How many laps will there be laps on the horns of people of the Gengan family? "

"This is indeed a very confusing thing." Lie Yan said, "Is it possible, this is also the memory of your previous life? Regret has also appeared in your previous life?"

Lu Buqi rolled his eyes and said, "Uncle, can't you think too fast?"

"If there is even a previous life, you will meet you in the past without regrets. She is still a dragon. What is impossible?"

"It won't be a past life, because I used the shield of Xuan Zang and Xian You Ding in the battle." Lu Buqi said decisively: "Don't you say that it is in accordance with the power of the law? The protagonist can only do specific things in a specific fantasy? If he does something that is advanced or super-powerful, is it only because he got rid of magical consciousness temporarily at that moment? "

Lie Nod nodded: "If this is the case, there is another explanation."

"What's the explanation?" Lu Buqi asked in doubt.

"That is, your demon robber may contain a certain ability to predict!" Lie Yan still imagined very wildly.

Lu did not give up but suddenly his eyes brightened: "Dream can have the power of prophecy, and the possibility of demon robbing is completely possible. If this idea is true, I should go to the Dugong tribe?"

"Why do you want to stay close?" Lie reminded.

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