Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 18 Chapter 66: Fire Dragon Hall

Menghuang and others who originally stayed in the congenital fetal blastoderm let Lu appear as a second shock when they didn't think it was necessary.

Although this did not help, Lu Buqiu planned to let them reappear on the day when the Fire Dragon Hall was inaugurated, which could also have the same effect.

Yes, Lu Buqi did not continue to use the name of the Dragon Gate here, but chose the name of Fire Dragon Hall, which does not pull hatred.

At the Fire Dragon Hall Ceremony held two days later, seeing the sudden addition of powerful people such as Lu Miejie, the disciples of the former Honglianmen became even more awed.

For the mysterious man brought back by the burning stone and wing cloud, he was more curious and afraid.

The former Honglianmen had a total of 931 combat members.

Among them, there are 29 members in the Jade Body Period, 250 members in the Chuqiao Period, and 652 members in the Infant Period.

After reporting information to the Emperor, these combat members will receive a piece of fire dragon jade, which is also a status symbol of the disciples of the fire dragon.

These fire dragon jade pendants were mass-produced in Luo Fire Prison by Lu Fenyu.

Only the combat members can receive it, and the disciples of the fire dragon jade received by disciples of different strength levels have different colors. The stronger the strength, the more red.

And when you receive the fire dragon jade, you can also receive a corresponding "entry ceremony".

The worst monks in the infant stage can receive 10,000 pieces of Jiupin spar, plus a bottle of Lingxue Dan and ten pure blood Dan. The most powerful Lu Suxiang received 10,000 pieces of Liupindong spar, plus five hundred bottles of Lingxue Dan and 3,000 pure blood Dan.

Lu did not abandon the atmosphere of this new boss, no doubt immediately won the favor of these monks, if you have a mobile phone, it is definitely a thousand praise.

However, there is no mobile phone in this world, so it is a praise, even for monks who still have some ideas, at this time they have expressed their willingness to be loyal to the "Fire Dragon King".

What kind of joke is a joke. When I was in Honglianmen, I didn't have any outstanding results, and the sum of the monthly money I received in one year was not so much. There are so many introductory ceremonies, what about the money and rewards?

Then, on the same day, Yan Xuan announced the door regulations and some regulations, all of them could not help exulting.

The treatment is really good. Except for the elixir, the travertine in the moon money is three times the original, and the value of the elixir can reach at least six times. And like the income from collective warfare and the income from the management of sectarian resources, you can still leave 30%, and only need to turn in 70%.

What made these former disciples of Honglianmen truly willing to pledge their allegiance to death was another provision of "death pension".

Regardless of accidental death or war death, the martial arts will send pensions to the people closest to them, and the family martial arts will take care of them and train their descendants. If there is reasonable hatred, the martial arts can even graft the hatred to avenge it.

Everyone suddenly felt a sense of belonging and a feeling of finding home.

In Xuangan Dongtian, especially in the troubled world, most monks actually came from other Dongtians. Some of them are dragging their mouths and some are solo travelers.

The dragging family usually walked on thin ice and did not dare to die, because once he died, the family behind him would probably not live long.

And solo travellers are even more afraid to develop new feelings, not just afraid of losing again. People who don't have a guard in their hearts, in fact, no matter they are practicing the spiritual path or fighting, they can hardly reach the extreme.

But now, with this kind of warm door regulations, those who drag their homes are even more afraid of dying, and solo travelers seem to be able to find a place to trust themselves.

Therefore, the same day Yan Xuan said this customary regulation of the Dragon Gate, whirling and kneeling.

"Follow the Fire Dragon King and pledge allegiance to the Fire Dragon Hall!"

Yes, Lu did not abandon the name used at the Fire Dragon Gate, that is, the dragon never ceased, and the large mouth of the burning stone directly gave him the name of the Fire Dragon King.

Lu Buqie didn't mind what his name was, whether it was Mad God or Fire Dragon King, it was just a code name.

Maybe the Fire Dragon King is more suitable for this Xuan Gandongtian than the Dragon is always. If Lu does not abandon the current state, I am afraid that he will appear in front of Li Tian face to face. As long as he does not use the Five Prison Burning Furnace, he cannot recognize the slightest, right?

So, Sai Weng loses his horse, knowing that he is not a blessing?

In the past few days, in addition to the establishment of the Fire Dragon Hall, Lu Buqi also cleaned up the relics of the King of Red Lotus and Doro and others.

What makes Lu never give up is that the wealth of the Red Lotus King and Dorothy is a bit sour. Even the single-hole spar, Dai Xiang and Confucianism are not too bad for these two big guys.

Lu Buqi now understands why Liezhan always talks about how poor the prison days are, and how he is so rich.

If it is said that the jail prison cave sky is a poor and white cave sky, the Tushen cave sky is the Jinyu Manshi cave sky, but this Xuangan cave sky should only be regarded as a well-off level.

Dignified party overlord, Dongtianqi master of the sky, the wealth in the mustard ring, in addition to magic weapon props elixir, there are only hundreds of thousands of Wupindong spar "cash".

The Red Lotus King is 700,000, and Doro is only 500,000.

Compared with them, Lu Buqi is really a super rich. Now he still has 50 million pieces of Wupindong spar cash on him.

However, the sky and rain butterfly reminded Lu not to abandon. Perhaps the Red Lotus King would save some of his wealth for the sake of accident, just like his father who burned the stone.

Lu never gave up deeply.

Menghuang's ability to draw treasures has finally shown its attraction again this time.

A moment's dream, a detailed treasure map, led the landing never give up and others to find an underwater chamber located between the east and west islands of Honglian Island.

This underwater secret room is hidden by a rather good formation. Even a powerful cave-day monk cannot be found by relying on telepathy.

Without the power of the Dream Emperor, I'm afraid this treasure has to be left to the fate.

The underwater secret room is obviously also a place of retreat. It is arranged like a luxurious study room, which contains some furniture and bookshelves made of gold and jade. If these things are thrown on the earth, it will be an enormous amount wealth.

On the bookshelf, there are some high-grade exercises, as well as various materials and small implements that should be used to assist in the practice experiments.

The real wealth is the red gold single bed head, the little purple gold box.

Lying inside were two mustard rings and a book.

Two mustard rings, one containing travertine, and one containing batch magic and elixir.

In the mustard ring containing cave crystals, there are a total of 10 million cave crystals.

In the mustard ring containing magic weapon and elixir, there are nearly a hundred pieces of spiritual meditation, thousands of pure yang treasures, and countless elixir.

These wealth, could not help but let Lu Bu abandon the small fortune of Xuangandongtian wealth.

Perhaps the natural wealth on the Tianming surface of Xuangan Cave is not as good as that of the God Cave, but because it is a trade distribution center for monks of multi-party caves, its wealth is also growing in circulation.

Someone like the Red Lotus King has a wealth of hundreds of years of accumulated wealth.

In addition, the book is called the autobiography of the Red Lotus King. In addition to the cultivation experience, there are some things similar to travel notes, which look like a fantasy novel.

Lu Buqie likes this kind of thing very much. Being able to learn something while watching the story and grow up easily is indeed a happy thing.

Moreover, this handwriting is the strongest proof that Lu Buqiu himself killed the first caveman.

The harvest of wealth always makes people happy.

This is also the reason why Lu Buqi gave up the "Introductory Ceremony" a little bit more than the original one, so that Fenshi couldn't help but jokingly said that he would join the Fire Dragon Hall.

"Still stick to your father's inheritance!"

This is what Lu Fuqiu said to Fen Shi, and this is undoubtedly his position. He has no idea of ​​annexing Fen Ye Qi, nor will he burn the wealth of Fen Ye Qi.

After all, as the Fenye Banner not worse than Honglianmen, the hidden treasure in the secret is estimated to be no less than Honglianmen.

On the day the Fire Dragon Hall was established, with a team of less than fifty people, Fenshi and Yiyun also had a small martial art revival ceremony.

Among the more than forty people, there are more than twenty disciples of the Fenye Banner that have been found these days, and the rest are the disciples donated by King Honglian, including Gulai.

At this time, Fenshi naturally knew that Gulai belonged to the dead. After all, more than twenty disciples of the Fenye Banner were fooled by Gu Lai to join the Red Lotus Gate.

However, Fenshi did not find Gu Lai in trouble. Instead, he was entrusted with a heavy task, which really impressed Gu Lai and swore his life.

After the first order was issued, and Gu Lai was asked to do the cleaning, Fenshi couldn't help but look at Yiyun: "You said you didn't join the brother's fire dragon hall, what do you want me to do?"

Yi Yun chuckled: "Follow you!"

Burning stone rolled his eyes, and for the first time he did not fight.

In the heart of Fenshi, there was no doubt that a warm current was flowing. He suddenly found that Yiyun seemed more handsome than Lu Shijie.

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