Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 19 Chapter 34: Keep waiting for the rabbit to come]

If Li Tian is really ready to break Xin Luolei prison, then Lu Buqi will have to confront Li Tian duel.

With Lu not giving up his current strength, there is almost no chance to fight against monks in Mahayana territory.

If you really want a chance, it's on the formation.

Perhaps, in Xin Luolei prison, set up a few powerful formations to hold Li Tian to rest, and then Lu Buqi took the opportunity to use the Quartet's heaven to break the Quartet's extremist array.

It's impossible to brute force.

However, with the formation ability of Lu Fuqia and Sifang Tianju, there should still be more than 50% of the opportunity to break the Quartet's extremist array with a professional method.

When Lu Buqi gave the idea to Lie Fen, Lie Fen immediately agreed.

This is undoubtedly the only way to survive.

After all, although the formation method is powerful, it is dead after all, and it is undoubtedly unrealistic to want to use the formation method that Xin Luolei prison can withstand to kill Li Tian.

The energy fluctuations that Xin Luolei prison can bear are related to Lu Buqiu's cultivation.

Although Lu Fuqiu's fighting power is very strong, his cultivation is actually very hindering. This has also led to severe inadequacies in some aspects.

For example, in Xin Luolei prison, the short war just consumed a lot of spiritual energy.

Lu did not give up thinking of surrendering Sang Yongtong. Another big reason is that if it is necessary to maintain the open state of Xin Luolei Prison for a long time, then an extra monk who peeks into the sky will put a burden on Lien. Much heavier.

As a result, Lu did not give up and began to study, what kind of matrix combination can hold Litian enough time.

This study took half a day and one night.

In the East turning white, Li Tian didn't say anything, but Yuan Qing and Yinyue, who supported the Quartet's extremist array on both sides, couldn't help talking.

"Li Tian, ​​why hasn't Lu Buqi yet come out?" Yuan Qing's question was somewhat reproachful.

If you expend energy to support a matrix for so long, but you find that you have done nothing, it must be very annoying.

Yinyue also doubted: "Yeah, aren't you saying that there is a time limit for the five prison spaces of the Five Prison Burning Furnace? It's been so long, so why didn't Lu Buqi come out?"

Li Tian opened his eyes and flickered with confidence: "Relax, he will come out in time. At this time, he is more uncomfortable than us. No matter how he tries to delay, the space of the five prisons will be exhausted. The power of spirituality is closed. At that time, he must come out. "

"The two elders are calm and restless, please work hard to maintain the stability of the formation. Lu does not abandon the stare of the situation outside. He will definitely come out if he finds that the formation is unstable, and then use the method of moving Qiankun Teleport to a position that we simply cannot track. "

After hearing these words from Li Tian, ​​although Yuan Qing and Yinyue felt dull, they could only continue to support it.

If Lu Fuqi can be killed and the Five Prison Burning Furnace can be captured, it will definitely be a great achievement. I am afraid that even the Lord will not reward him then?

"It looks like my research will not be of much use this time."

Lu did not give up a small smile. The formation he studied needed to consume at least 20 billion Jiupin spar.

This is still the case where the success rate can be maintained at a certain height. If you are unlucky, this consumption may have to be doubled.

After all, not only must the pursuit of the team's strong imprisonment ability, but also the pursuit of strong anti-attack ability, but also control within the scope of the fierce burning can be too demanding, which makes Lu Buqi to accurately calculate each step, Control all aspects of the formation needs above a critical point.

This is like setting a precise auxiliary script, which requires a lot of effort. After all, there is no way to experiment. After all, an experiment costs tens of billions. Even if you do n’t give up, you ca n’t carry it.

Although the matrix method is strong, it consumes too much.

It would be best if Lu Buqiu could not use the group named "Shenyan".

Lie Fen also began to relax a bit: "If he just hopes that Xin Luolei prison will be closed when my spiritual energy is completely exhausted, then he may not really find a way to break Xin Luolei prison."

Lu Buqi laughed: "Uncle Liezhan, how long does he want to wait until Xin Luolei prison is closed?"

"Let's do it for a thousand years!" Lie Fen's answer was very straightforward: "You gather the spirits controlled in the infant's puppet, and you can make psionics that are enough for me to support the millennium ... but you can survive another thousand years What? "

Lu Buqi could not help but laughed: "It depends on whether Li Tian can support a thousand years."

"Don't say a thousand years, one year can't support it!" Lie Fen laughed.

Lu did not abandon his heart and knew that Lie Hong was not contending Li Tian's endurance.

In order to reach this point, patience is generally well trained.

The reason why Lie Yan asserted this is because there is a very important problem, that is, the Quartet's Extremist Array can also consume energy.

Although the monks from Yuanqing and Yinyue had powerful magical powers, they still needed to control the Quartet. They also had to pay attention to the outbreak of energy and organize the movement of the Five Prison Burning Furnace. They could support for a month.

In fact, they will not really carry this array for a month. If the mana is exhausted, don't overturn the boat in the gutter.

Time flies and another day passes.

When Yuan Qing and Yinyue asked again in time, Li Tian's self-confidence had faded a lot, but he still insisted on his theory.

"Wait three more days and work hard!"

This is Li Tian's proposal for Yuan Qing and Yinyue, and it can also be regarded as his second judgment.

Li Tian is willing to believe that when they waited a little impatiently, Lu Buqi would certainly support very hard.

Only this time, Li Tian didn't wait for the old **** in the air to wait in the air. Instead, he released his fierce field, strengthened the induction, and explored the boundary of Xin Luolei prison.

However, as Lie Yan once mentioned with Lu Buqi, Lie Yan did not use spiritual power in front of him. In a state of no trace, unless he is a monk who masters the laws of space, he ca n’t find it at all. Where is the boundary?

After all, there are no regular energy fluctuations in the space boundary. Some are just some strange inductions in the space category, which are difficult for non-professionals to capture.

Li Tian undoubtedly returned without success.

Three days passed and Lu Buqi did not show up.

"Li Tian, ​​shouldn't Lu Luren have left?" Yuan Qing's voice showed a little unhiding anger.

"That is, why do I have the feeling that I am a fool?" Yinyue's cold face with a bit of wrath: "Elder Li, are you sure he is still here?"

"I'm sure and sure!" Li Tian said decisively.

"So sure? Why hasn't he come out yet?" Yuan Qing poked his lips: "Don't you say that the spirits of the Five Prison Burning Furnace support the space of Five Prison at most for hours? Now dozens of hours have passed Why don't you see anyone? "

Drinking moon is also a skeptical look: "Did you underestimate your instrumental ability, or did you underestimate the ability of Lu Buwa?"

Li Tian Shen said: "I didn't underestimate anything, so ... the two elders insisted on it for ten days! If he doesn't show up after ten days, I ..."

"So how are you?" A smile flashed in Yuan Qing's eyes.

Yinyue also asked playfully: "Li Tian, ​​what do you want to give?"

If it's good, maybe waiting for another ten days is not a problem.

Li Tian's eyes were stunned: "If he doesn't show up for another ten days, then I will cultivate a heavenly blood avatar for the two."

Yuan Qing and Yinyue phase laughed.

The blood spirit incarnation cultivated by Li Tian is well-known, and even the palm teacher teaches Witch Creation has a blood spirit incarnation cultivated by Li Tian as his incarnation.

Although Xiu achieves their level, cultivating out-of-body avatars is more entertaining than purposeful, but having an excellent out-of-body avatar is undoubtedly a good pursuit.

What's more, the blood spirit incarnation nurtured by Li Tian is said to have a very good length. It is said that as long as it takes enough time and energy to cultivate, it may even be cultivated to have a strength equivalent to a demigod.

If you become a demigod and have an out-of-body avatar equivalent to the demigod strength, this kind of power will make people quite happy?

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