Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 20 Chapter 57: Grasp hope

In the beautiful valley of the soul, he taught Lu Xun the power of the rule of the Emperor, and Lu Xun did not waste a trace of time while trying to cultivate.

Lu Buqi, standing in the wind, couldn't help sighing, "It's not good to put hope on others."

"Renzi, you don't have to be depressed. You can gather the seven gods together and help them have the ability to defeat the dragon god. This is already a great thing."

Lu Buqi shook his head gently: "I'm not hurting my personal ability, but I'm worried about staying safe with them, and I don't know where the dragon **** will imprison them. If the dragon **** is defeated, he can't be rescued without them. What can I do? "

"Regardless of where they are imprisoned, but regarding their safety, you don't need to worry too much about people," Lie Yan answered.

Lu did not abandon his eyebrows lightly: "What do you want to say about the scroll?"

Lie Fen responded: "Yes, as long as they use ** to scroll, not to mention ** to divine blessing to protect themselves, if they use it directly, at least they can be transmitted to the altar of true gods."

"If you spend only ninety-nine days at the Altar of True God?" Lu Buqi said, "Will they still be in the same place or imprisoned after they come out? What's the point?"

The last time this topic was discussed, the burning was also speechless.

No one knows how long the scroll will allow them to stay in the real altar.

"Not to mention, Uncle Lie, do you think that with the extermination of nature, he might abandon his hope of becoming a flame to the true God at this time?"

Lie Fen reluctantly responded: "That's ..."

"I know their temperament. Unless they are in a mortal situation, they will never use the ** scroll." Lu Buqiang Shen said: "That means a lot to them. And their trust in me will make They believe that I must be able to rescue them. "

His voice faded, Lu continued, "I can't live up to their trust!"

"I think judging by the arrogant nature of the dragon god, he should not be too secretive to keep them in detention. It may be in the dragon domain and guarded by some powerful war dragons."

"I hope so!" Lu Buqi took a deep breath.

This is also the purpose of Lu Buqi's efforts at this moment, because if this is the case, as long as the seven deities can hold the dragon god, then Lu Buqi will be able to rescue his wife and children.

It concerns the new pattern of Dongtian, and concerns its own power. The three deities, the tyrant demon god, the **** of demon, and the **** of Xuan Yan, received the call of the deity, and soon came over.

After realizing that God of Wealth, a **** that appears in Xuangan Cave Heaven unconsciously, the three of them were also very surprised, but after the surprise, it turned into a surprise.

After all, with the participation of the God of Wealth, they can practice the Seven Kills.

With Seven Kills, he can defeat the Dragon God, and even if he cannot be killed, he can be expelled from the cave.

At that time, there is no need to cross the river to dismantle the bridge. This **** of wealth, but a **** who practiced the law of the Taiping system, threw him into the troubled world's source world to check and balance the six sides.

This is undoubtedly a happy situation.

At this meeting of the seven deities, Lu Buqi was the only mortal who was not a deity to participate.

After a consensus has been reached, the gods of wealth, **** of gods, and **** of **** Xuan Yan all welcomed the joining of the **** of wealth, and their attention to the three gods was once again put on Lu Buqi.

Before the meeting, Xun Shen had introduced Lu Fuqi, knowing that he was the "mummy" saved by Xun God before, and attracted more attention by the God of Wealth, so he did not care about Lu Buqi at that time.

"Hey God, what is this kid doing here?" He looked closely at the landing.

In fact, in God ’s impression, Lu never gave up, because the last time the Heat taught his disciples to be sniped, and Li Tian was killed in a series of things, God knew that because Wu Chuang had already He reported.

He did not give up on Lu, nor did he just want to avoid any contradiction in this kind of knot.

But he was unhappy in his heart, and definitely used it.

"Yeah, what are you doing when you ask a martyr who you martyred to appear in a meeting of our level?" The demon **** glanced at Lu Buqi coldly.

"I'm curious, why did your martyr Ke Qing choose a monk who wouldn't even get a glimpse of the sky?" Xuan Yanling looked at Lu Buqi curiously. Not for watching? "

But after the three questioned, they found that God had a strange smile on their faces.

Moreover, Lu Buqi's calm expression as the windless lake surface also surprised the three gods.

In fact, there are less than half an hour for the meetings of the seven deities. During this time, each deity couldn't help but give some momentum when speaking, just like ordinary people can't help but talk The sound improves generally.

Ordinary mortals face the mighty coercion of a deity, and most of them are the ones who can directly profess the court. Even if they are better, they will naturally show a respectful attitude.

But Lu did not give up in the momentum change of these seven deities, but showed such calmness, as if it is strange to see strange?

"Of course not!" He said, "He is here to participate in our meeting, because he also has a direct grudge against Dragon God."

The three unknown gods suddenly expressed a very surprised expression: "Direct hatred?"


The God of Roughly roughly explained the contradiction and status quo between Lu Buqi and Dragon God, and frankly told that God of Wealth was found by Lu Buqi.

Of course, the God of Wealth did not deny it in the slightest, and it was considered to be a bounty. He even said such a sentence: "Lu Luqiu is benevolent to me."

When the three major deities looked at him gradually, Lu Buqi smiled: "God of God of Wealth speaks heavily, I'm just helping you with mutual benefit."

Although Lu Buqi is humble, but the three gods are not idiots. From the attitude of the **** of God and the God of Wealth, Lu Buqi thinks that he is not an ordinary mortal.

Coupled with the thought that Lu Buqi could even escape his life in the hands of a powerful **** king like Dragon God, they understood even more that they probably looked down upon Lu Buqi.

"I will venture to participate in the conference of several deities this time, hoping to use the power of several deities to ensure the safety of my wife and children and rescue them."

Lu never gave up looking at the Demon God and others.

"Save people?" Wu Shen sneered: "When are we going to take care of such trivial matters?"

The Demon God nodded and said, "To save people, you can save yourself while we are dealing with the Dragon God."

Although he looked a little higher at Lu Buqi, he didn't let a few deities really value Lu Buqi.

Especially the God of God, he can see in the face of God of God and God of Wealth, not to care about his resentment with his believers before, but he will not want to make good.

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