Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 5 Chapter 33: For whom】

The only one who seemed slightly anxious was Lu Zhang, who was waiting for tomorrow's quarterfinals to arrange it.

Lu Zhang knew that if he wanted to go one step further, it was very difficult to make it into the semi-finals, and even the opportunities were slim, but as a warrior, he must have the courage to move forward.

At the very least, Lu Zhang has to fight his last battle at the Xuanwu Conference, which is also the last battle in his life that he can fight on the ring of the Xuanwu Conference.

Lu Zhang did not want to be able to join the Yunze School. He only wanted to leave a more intensive stroke in the history of the Xuanwu Congress. The quarter-finals ... still seemed to be a bit less in color.

Besides, Lu Buqi and Lu Shaoqiu who are still on the list of the Xuanwu Conference ... The Xuanwu Conference's senior group, the Lu family took two seats, which is absolutely convincing.

The former is quite easy, because the first group in the younger group has no suspense, even if the other two in the semi-finals have developed blood, but Lu did not give up.

However, Lu's heart is still somewhat stressful, because his goal is not the young champion, but the real champion. That is the world's number one among the young talents of Yun Zeguo. He wants the penetrating Dan! In fact, if ten years from now, Lu Buqi is definitely the champion who will not let go.

But Lu didn't give up what he didn't want ten years later. He lived in the present, and he wanted to be in the present. But in that case, he only has about eight days ... but the millennium blood sacrifice is still not moving at all.

Lu didn't give up and was in a hurry, because he couldn't rush, even if the millennium blood cricket had been restraining his blood, he would definitely challenge the champion of the senior group. That win rate is really not high, but you must try!

The latter is not easy now, for no reason, he started his first date in the history of life! The date is Yun Canyue. This character is hearty and generous, with a proud woman in his bones, he takes the initiative to meet him.

Dating place ... Xuanwutai, although this is really not a good date place, but many people are here.

Fortunately, when the two arrived here, there were no other people on the Xuanwu platform, or it should be said that there were not many people at the Xuanwu Pavilion at this time. After all, many people were still interested in the game on this day.

The two didn't talk too much. Yun Canyue was very direct ...

First of all, she said that this time she and her elder brother Yun Pori participated in the Xuanwu Conference. The goals of both brothers and sisters were their top three.

It was completely possible to use the strength of Yun Wanyue originally, but this year the level of the younger group is really high, and there are actually three evil-like characters. Lu Buqi is not the first point of Yun Canyue. The order of her chanting is "Yun Luo, Yun Ziang, and Lu Buqi". These three people are undoubtedly unable to be defeated by Yun Canyue, and Yun Mingyue was in the quarterfinals. In the middle, it was defeated by Yunluo from Duanmenghou House.

However, Yun Yueyue said to Lu Shaoqiu, who had been taciturn, "If you can defeat Yun Luo, I will marry you!"

Lu Shaoqiu was stunned, his face flushed, but his eyes had never left Yun Canyue's face, and he was a little dazed.

"How?" Yun Canyue kicked Lu Shaoqiu a little dazed.

Lu Shaoqiu nodded almost conditionally: "If I can meet him, I will try to defeat him!"

"Damn, he has developed blood, although he is only one heavy, but his strength is at least three thousand pounds stronger than you." Yun Canyue laughed, so big eyes could even narrow into two crescents.

Lu Shaoqiu still nodded: "I understand, but the four masters of my family, when the bones are seventh, can still drive away the **** dual warrior, and when the bones are nineth, they can defeat the **** dual warrior."

"Lu Buqi is so strong?" Yun Canyue is obviously a little bit confused. After all, Lu Buqi has not used blood energy so far. Compared with Yunlu and Yunziang, two young **** warriors, his appearance is still Worse.

"That is of course! I can defeat you, also because I learned the five-bionic bionic fist he created!" Lu Shaoqiu is also a loyal supporter of Lu Buqi: "Of course, I must be worse than him on the basis of talent and foundation. Some, but when the bones are so strong, it's not impossible to bite your teeth, fight hard, and defeat a **** one! "

Yun Yueyue has never seen such a person, and when he said that he was worse than others, he seemed so proud. Moreover, she could really feel the blood of Fang Gang expressed by Lu Shaoqiu, and her eyes were a little confused: "Then you are doing this for me, and can you do this?"

Lu Shaoqiu was stunned again, his face was redder and brighter, like a ripe red apple, but he was speechless.

"You nerd, if you don't say anything, then I can go!" Yun Canyue flattened his mouth, but his eyes were flamboyant.

"Don't ..." Lu Shaoqiu hurriedly retained: "I ... I don't know how to say it, but since you want me to defeat Yunluo, then I will try to defeat him. Is this for you?"

Fluttering out a laugh, Yun Canyue shook his long hair lightly and turned into a ladylike hand: "Although it doesn't sound sweet, but it seems to be this way, then you have to cheer!"

Having said that, Yun Canyue shook the long black hair of the waterfall, and the models left, taking away Lu Shaoqiu's thrilled but embarrassed heart.

Then in many people's expectations, the most exciting senior group competition, the quarter-finals and the quarter-finals began ... Compared with the previous rounds, this round of competition has more work to host the press After all, those who can enter the quarterfinals will undoubtedly have some qualifications that make people shine and need to pave the way, and also make the game look more profound.

Just like Lu Zhang, when the reporter told me on the phone, he couldn't help but feel that Laozi was the first in the world. Who makes the reporters praise and enthusiastically with what kind of players are the most common objects in the world?

But when he saw his opponent, Lu Chang's feeling disappeared, because he understood that the person in front of him was better than him.

Even if he can now beat the quartet opponents, and even if he has practiced the five-bionic bionics, the gap between the five levels cannot be surpassed!

It is not that the enemies are not together, but Lu Zhang's opponent is Lian Feng today!

"The hot-blooded warrior, Lu Chang, I don't know what **** you carried today!" Lian Feng's face sneered with scorn, and the wound in his hand seemed to have healed.

Lu Zhang tightened his fist and stared straight at Lian Feng's gaze: "You'll know after a while!"

"Really?" The contempt on Lian Feng's face was even stronger: "I will beat you to lie on the ground and call your mother later, let you know, to the end of my wild family!"

A bell rang when "Dang" heralded the start of the duel.

Lian Feng's self-sustaining level of his refining body is much higher than Lu Zhang, and his strength is one or two thousand pounds, which can completely suppress Lu Zhang. Therefore, after the bell rang, he rushed out as soon as he was in the Division of Xuanwu Congress It ’s the same with Lu not giving up on the outside. His shot is the **** killer.

Lu Zhang is not Lu Luren, he can't use the tricks like "Crane Dance Dragon Snake" to dodge the leakage force as a whole. After all, he hasn't even reached the whole strength. Such a move will only seek his own way. At the same time, he can't use the "Red Deer Alien" tactics to evade as he did against Lian Chery, so it is a dead letter if he can't do it.

Therefore, Lu Zhang can only resist, even if he cannot carry it, he must resist!

"Zhangjinding", Lu Zhang can only use this beating method to fight, while his body is standing on the "ape arm cart".

The blood-red palm struck Lu Zhang's body fiercely, and his blood flew wildly, Lu Zhang's face flushed, and he stepped back five or six steps, but he barely accepted it.

"Look at how you can stop it!" Lian Feng stunned himself and chased him again suddenly, kicking sideways, but it was another **** combat technique, the **** combat technique of the prefecture-level middle-class "drug dragon drill".

Faced with this powerful and continuous blow, Lu Zhang couldn't find any other good response. He could only continue to block, using the old method to block!

This time, he seemed to be more efficient in blocking, but he stood still after taking three steps, and even Bong returned to a position.

However, this seems to be nothing for Lu Zhang, because Lian Feng tumbling and falling down, a little bit under his feet, people rushed over again, and the "blood killer" showed up again.

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