Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 5 Chapter 61: Breaking through the sense of Xuantong]

Although the method of forging weapons in the third step was an oolong from the beginning, it did not affect Lu Buqi but still regarded it as the main submerged repair method. It was only that he temporarily abandoned the practice of using the force of mind in the smithy to evoke the "qi" in the world, and adopted Lu Tai's method of breaking through the mysterious general.

At first Lu Tai planned to break through to Xuantong by squeezing his own potential. In fact, this theory is not strange to Lu not giving up. In previous lives, he was miserable by this theory, because his master was usually giggling, but when he forced him to practice martial arts, he hung this theory on his mouth all day long.

What to say, everyone's potential is actually infinite. Only by repeatedly challenging the limit and breaking the threshold can we squeeze out the potential little by little and finally reach the peak.

But it has to be said that many powerful characters were cultivated in that way.

Therefore, Lu Lu abruptly followed this method after a temporary failure. But at this time, Lu could not help but found that the blood strength was too strong, and the blood strength recovery speed was too strong, which would cause distress.

That is, Lu Buqiu will rely on this third step to consume his physical strength and blood strength, and chase his physical strength and blood strength recovery speed, then he must at least replace with a more solid material iron pier, not like the load pier, It is absolutely impossible to bear the explosive force of Lu Buqiu exceeding 150,000 kilograms.

In addition to this third step, Lu Buqi also has a fourth step, that is, when the physical strength and blood are completely squeezed out, and the whole person is like a guy who is about to die of thirst, he has to endure the strong discomfort of the body , I ran to a quiet place to meditate and meditate. I could n’t recover my energy with the help of bearish piles. I just rely on my mind to sense the “qi” between heaven and earth.

This method is actually fighting against your own body and will, using the illusion that your body is "on the verge of collapse," forcing your body to make some kind of evolutionary mutation.

But this method is really a bit difficult for Lu Buqi, because every time he consumes his blood power, it is a bit difficult, but in just two days, someone has been unable to stand the thunderous movement and protested Already.

In the end, Lu never built a larger open-cast foundry base in the northeast corner of the Iron Eagle Stone Forest in Lujianeibao.

But after seventeen days passed, Lu Buqi still didn't feel where the "qi" in the heavens and the earth was, and he still couldn't get rid of the dilemma of being able to leave his body only by the flame.

Moreover, Lu Buqie's body is very abnormal now. Even if he does not use any auxiliary methods to assist recovery, his body self-regulation can quickly restore his "on the verge of collapse." Lu Buqie can use a few time intervals. Perhaps that's why it's difficult for him to succeed.

Of course, the biggest reason is that Xuantong is not so easy to repair. Otherwise, Yunli Shizi will not have been unable to repair Xuantong, and there are so many blood-thirsty warriors in history, and he will not regret it for life, and he will not close his eyes to death.

But Lu did not give up, nor did he gain anything. Although he had two failures, he still succeeded in creating more than ten weapons with outstanding strength and power, and all except the long sword that was created on the first day. Heavy soldiers!

For example, the Fangtian painting halberd created with Lu Puxin, such as the edgy sword without sharp edges, such as the Xuanhua axe, the sky hammer, the overlord gun and so on. No longer ordinary materials, but those rare materials that He Jingzhou sent to him.

After the fourth step is over, it's generally late into the night, and Lu Buqi still stands still on the piles and scaffolding. Until the body function returns to a strong state, Lu does not give up and then chooses the fifth step ... to relax and relax.

It is estimated that many people think that Lu Buqi ’s "relaxation" is to go to the dragon and give him a bath and massage. After all, the time conditions are just right. Many people will do this. After all, he ’s practicing late all day. He does n’t The boring people are boring.

But in fact, these people think wrong. In the past 17 days, Long did not regret and did not help Lu Buqi to take a bath. She all missed Lu Buqi's smooth skin and solid muscles.

What did Lu not give up? He rode a blood lion out for a ride, and then found a quiet place to play the flute, driving out the irritability and boredom desperately trying to achieve his goal.

At this time, Lu Buqi, who was following Lu Buqi, was still regretful, but she didn't talk much. She always obediently followed the landing and played different tunes, but they were very pleasant.

In the end, Lu Buqi will return to a small lake in Lujianeibao and swim with the company of Dragon's Regret. Occasionally, there will be Lu Feng and Lu Zhang who are also training late at night. Naturally, it will not be naked. This is the right to bathe, then go ashore, change clothes and sleep for two hours!

On the eighteenth day, however, there was good news. Lu Yang, who retreated with Lu Hongshan, successfully repaired Xuantong, reaching the level of Qi introduction, ending him for more than thirty years. Life of a blood warrior.

After Lu Yang came out, he found Lu Buqi for the first time. He also told Lu Buqi his experience while not disappointing his Tongdan.

In the quiet room, Lu Yang adjusted his mood and body to the best state, and then swallowed Tong Dan. The feeling of swallowing Tang Queen is that he is full of body, feeling that from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, the air holes in his body have expanded, and he has a state of desire to breathe.

Until the morning of that day, Lu Yang, who had been constantly adjusting the feeling of consciousness, finally succeeded in making consciousness feel the intangible but existent source of energy between heaven and earth, as if the pores of the whole body began to devour greed and clearness under the driving force of consciousness The intangible and indifferent breath, which breathes into the body, makes people like a spring breeze, quickly nourishes the meridians, bone marrow, and blood, and also has the feeling of blowing the acupuncture points and reaching the internal organs.

This feeling is extremely magical, and if you can grasp this feeling with your mind and run it on a fixed route of Qi, you will be able to gather more energy in your strength. Release it, you can form a strong shapeless blade energy, the initial blade energy is like air waves, but the power is better than blood vigor.

Just breaking through to the introduction of Qi, Lu Yang has n’t even mastered the complete mystic technique, but he can use the pattern to cast his mystic technique. That way, the power is much more powerful than simply exposing mystic energy. And the effect of different magic patterns is naturally different.

This news undoubtedly inspired the whole Lu family, and it also inspired Lu not to give up. Moreover, Lu Yang's sense of breakthrough in the first time made Lu Buqi vaguely grasp a key point, although It is not very clear, but Lu does not give up but has intuition. He is one step away from Xuantong.

In order to congratulate Lu Yang for his breakthrough to the introduction of Qi, Lu Buqi generously gave away another championship prize he won at the Xuanwu Conference to Lu Yang.

At the moment when Lu Yang saw Hu Wei cut off, he was also deeply attracted by it. Knowing that Lu did not give up, he even owns the Yuanqi, so he had no pretense, and took over this rare Chinese product law. Device.

Then Lu Yang was pulled by Lu Hongshan to test the pattern, and Lu Buqi also planned to hit the iron while the heat was on, to find the feeling that Lu Yang shared. However, the news brought back by Xu Chengzhi made Lu Buqi not immediately apply this intuition to practice.

He Jingzhou arrived in Hongshan County!

Although Lu Buqie felt that he was not here at the right time, but an old friend arrived and he was visiting Hongshan County for the first time, as a host, no matter how important personal matters were, he couldn't neglect others.

Therefore, Lu Buqi gave up a small vacation on this day, carefully stored the feeling that Lu Yang conveyed to him, and then adjusted his mood, and came to Huaxia Seiko with Long Bugui and Xu Chengzhi.

He Jingzhou and Jin Nianyan talked very well. When they saw Lu Buqi, a slightly exaggerated, but sincere smile appeared on his face, and then he gave a strange laugh that Lu Buqi occasionally dreams: "Hehe ...... Do n’t give up your brother, I ’ve seen you for a while, you ’re more handsome, although it ’s still a little worse than me… I heard that you shined in the Yunze Guoxuanwu Conference, and even the son of Longyuan Hou and the **** nine-boy Kill, you're only seventeen years old, it's amazing ... "

This was indeed something to be proud of, but nowadays, Lu does n’t give up but ca n’t laugh, just nods indifferently: “It ’s just luck ... Boss He came from afar, it ’s better to go into the inner castle, I am ready. A simple reception table, taste our special food in Hongshan County? "

"This relationship is good!" Naturally He Jingzhou wouldn't lie, but he turned his eyes to Lu Bugui and Long Bugui to look behind him: "Why ... how can I only see the regret girl and not leave the girl?"

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