Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 6 Chapter 25: Who is a man

"Ding Ding Ding ..." Three consecutive sounds, Lu Buqi abandoned the three swords with the blue dragon and the moon knife, but eventually failed to block the fourth one, but it was a fatal one, right in his heart.

When Lu Qiwei overturned to the ground, dozens of sharp arrows gathered like locusts quickly, and landed exactly on Ji's body, which was a hurriedly propped up shield Xuanqi shield.

When the arrow flew, Ji Xuan felt the mysterious energy disappear quickly. At this time, the soldiers around Hong Shan did not become timid because of Lu Qiwei's death. On the contrary, they became more heroic. Long guns and broad knives turned on Ji Xun. call.

People have more strength and ants kill more elephants. Never underestimate the power of unity. Ji Min obviously did not expect Hongshan soldiers to be so brave and unafraid of death, nor did he think that at this moment, there were so many archers locked him, and even more unexpectedly, he hid among the arrows. of.

With a single arrow, Lu Feng has a power of nearly 20,000 kilograms. In addition, a flying vector attack has a physical base penetration effect. With a fluttering sound, Ji Min's right shoulder was shot with an arrow and penetrated into the bone marrow.

This arrow undoubtedly killed Ji Min's arrogant heart directly. Under the crossbow under the rain, he was taking a picture of a nuclear nucleus, and blessed himself with a more rigid shield of mysterious law. At the same time, he chose to evade the frontier extremely unpromisingly. However, his re-attack on the battlements was inevitable.

On the other side, Yun Xiao, who came to the battlements gracefully, was much more calm than Ji Yue. A pair of black and white swords in his hands dazzled the evil light, striking the void, and the streak of the nuclear pattern strobe. The sword qi flew, and every time the mysterious spell was cast, dozens of soldiers died.

Lu Puxin didn't recklessly go to Yun Xiao desperately, very calmly followed a group of soldiers who planned to trap Yun Xiao. Several times, fortunately, there was a crossbow like a rain curtain behind him, so that Yun Xiao was above the city wall. The combat speed of movement has become much slower. But when the number of deaths and injuries exceeded one hundred, no one could still hurt him.

Feeling the fierce gaze of Yun Xiao approaching under the arrow tower step by step, Lu Feng's face became more and more dignified, and the bow in his hand drew back and forth, and greeted Yun Xiao with one arrow, but failed. Injured Yun Xiao like Ji Ji.

Xuandu Jingxuan Xiu is not the same as Qi Yinjing Xuan Xiu, who can't pose a threat to him with dozens of crossbowmen alone.

And as Ji Min attacked the battlements again, the battle progress of Long Yuanjun completely entered the process of robbing the city walls, but under the fearless death of the Hongshan Army, even if there were two major monks, they slaughtered there. But it has not shown a clear downturn.

However, when a beast roared like a landslide, the bronze shiny rhinoceros rhinoceros stepped on several oblique ladders and rushed onto the level. When dozens of soldiers were hit directly and fragmented, they fell to the level. The morale of the Hongshan Army began to decline rapidly.

"Long Yuanhou is here, who dares to fight with me!" Yun Zhen stood firmly on the copper scale rhinoceros, arrogantly soaring into the sky, and those sharp eyes were staring closely at each other but not more than ten Zhang's Lu Feng: "Lu Feng, my child, I'm here to take your life!"

It's just a distance of more than ten feet, but there are two or three hundred soldiers in it, and an arrow tower that is five or six feet higher than the checkpoint battlements is needed. However, for the combination of Yunzhen and Bronze Rhinoceros, it is not difficult.

The sound of "噗噗 ......", the weapons of Hongshan soldiers were cut on the bronze scale rhino, leaving only a faint trace, and the arrow shot on its skin, but the tip of the arrow penetrated into the skin, and then was again It fell like a lice, and the skin was not damaged at all when it was looked at.

The bronze scale rhino is just a sullen roar, and then suddenly stands up and tramples on it. There are no less than twenty Hongshan personal soldiers trampled to death or shocked to fly.

Longyuan Hou Yunzhen didn't even look at it. He had a five-foot long rhino-nosed golden-backed sword in his hand. The sword fluttered, the sword flew, and it was indestructible. The weapons and armor of Hongshan County soldiers were here This kind of knife is like mud casting.

And while Yun Zhen opened the killing ring, he did not forget to slash out a few knives to attack the wind.

The 20-foot range of the Xiu Xuan Xiu were extremely dangerous. For the land wind that had been mentally prepared for this, it was timely to land Shaoqiu and Yun Canyue to hide away, and scattered in the wood and stone At that time, the three of Lu Feng resolutely jumped from the arrow tower.

The direction of the arrow tower toward the pass was vertical, with a height of more than ten feet, thirty or forty meters, and fell, and the **** warrior would also be seriously injured if he died.

However, the three of them will not be killed, of course, this arrow tower is already equipped with fast-falling ropes, and the three fell unharmed inside the pass.

At the same time, the four corners of Dongzhiguan blew a deep horn, sobbing, giving a feeling of sadness.

"You help Puxin lead the army to retreat as planned!" Lu Feng talked, stepped on a dark horse, but marched toward the checkpoint: "Yun Zhen, if you want my life, it depends on whether you have this ability! "

After speaking, Lu Feng lashed his horse, and his angry horse flew eastward.

"Want to run away?" Standing high and looking far away, Yunzhen quickly saw Lu Feng's galloping figure, and now he sang a cold drink, and the bronze scale rhino under him communicated with his heart, but his body sank and he was shocked. The ring of invisible ripples suddenly jumped when dozens of Hongshan soldiers and several Longyuan soldiers were killed and tossed down the battlements.

The bronze scale was awkwardly awkward, but he couldn't stop him from standing tall by one person. He shook his head and swung his tail awkwardly, and his body had fallen towards the pass.

Suddenly, the bronze scale rhino fell from the air like a hill, and several elusive archers were stepped on the spot and became smashed into mud.

Hundreds of private soldiers were shocked by this, but in Lu Shaoqiu's loud applause, he bravely encircled the copper scale rhinoceros and Yun Zhen and shot arrows, which really made the movement of copper scale rhinoceros a bit awkward.

However, Yun Zhen's body turned dark and angry, and his rhino nose and golden back knife swept in all directions, just like cutting wheat, harvesting the life of Sergeant Hongshan.

Above the checkpoint, Lu Puxin had organized the Hongshan Army to retreat, but without retreating for a while, dozens of soldiers in the queen's army died.

Screaming and screaming, it seems that Lu Feng saw Yunzhen not chasing him, and Lema looked back: "Yunzhen, if you want to kill me, come!"

"Ignorant child, you have broken into Hell without doors!" Yun was so angry that he slapped the spine of the copper scale rhinoceros with the back of the sword lightly: "Catch up, I will kill him!"

"Roar ..." The roar of the bronze scale rhino rang again, its pair of raised eyes flashing bloodthirsty red mansions, suddenly rushing towards the land breeze, shining with a dark red light, like a high-speed bulldozer Similarly, all the soldiers standing in front of them were rushed away like scum.

Of course, that's the soldier. The last point of life's energy slightly blocked the speed of the copper scale rhinoceros sprinting. Even so, the speed of the copper scale rhinoceros was only faster than the black horse under Lu Feng.

Lu Feng fled quickly and ran straight toward the east gate of the Guandong Gate. It was not a long pass, but he was out of the East Gate a moment later.

"You don't need to close the door, let it out!" Lu Feng's voice calmed the sergeant at the city gate, but shot at Yunzhen and the bronze scale rhinoceros with a crossbow.

In a blink of an eye, Yun Zhen also chased the door. The distance from Lu Feng was less than fifteen feet, and Yun Zhen waved his sword to stimulate a few meters of blade energy, directly hitting Lu Feng's back.

A good land breeze showed amazing riding at this moment. As soon as he fell down, he ran with the black horse, and turned over after the leap of energy. The speed was not reduced.

In a blink of an eye, he had run more than 50 meters from the pass. Because the road was quite straight and the copper scale rhino sprinted a few times, it even narrowed the distance from Lu Feng. Yun Zhen's face smirked a bit: "Look at you Where did Huangkou children flee! "

The words fell, and the rhino-nosed golden-backed knives once again issued several blades of air, which seemed to cover the height of a foot, such as the flying knives flying side by side, allowing Lu Feng to hide nowhere.

However, at the moment when the blades flew out, Lu Feng seemed to know that Yun Zhen was about to kill, but he jumped from the dark horse and pierced into the bushes on the side.

The sad horse is wailing, short and abrupt, and under the powerful edge of the crossing environment, no matter how strong a good horse is, it is just as fragile as paper, and it is instantly cut into neat pieces. Until it falls to the ground by inertia, those internal organs will not rush. Spilled, the blood water instantly bloomed a blood-colored rose.

Bronze scale rhinoceros just blinked, already rushed to the black horse, and looked at the fleeting white shadow of the bushes, but stopped. Bronze rhinoceros likes to live in a flat environment. Only when it is angry, it will use brute force to solve the problem. Usually, it will let itself feel as wide as possible.

"Don't worry, even if there are thousands of troops lying in ambush, I'm not afraid, I will definitely grab the boy of Lu Feng today!" Yun Zhen patted the copper scale rhinoceros and rushed to the side if it was hard to find if he did not search carefully Trail.

Yun Zhen is not a fool. Naturally, he can see the intention behind Lu Feng's naked provocation. Although his son Yun Lei died on the platform of the Xuanwu Conference, and Lu Hongshan has always been disrespectful to him, his heart is full of resentments, and he will appear more impatient, but as one of the three major statesmen, he is definitely not so reckless. man of. In Yun Zhen's own opinion, he was not reckless, but he was daring.

In fact, Yun Xiao and Ji Min who are still massacred at Dongzhi Pass are worried about the deep-seated cloud earthquake.

Although their information was clearly informed, Lu Hongshan and Lu Tai both went to Duanmengzhou, at least half a month before they could return. Moreover, the combination of Yunzhen and bronze scale rhinoceros, even if he is a monk in Fucheng Realm, may not be a tenth threat to him. Can threaten Yunzhen and Bronze Rhinoceros.

However, at this moment, Yun Zhen chose to chase Lu Feng at this moment!

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