Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 12 Chapter 98: Death pace

"It depends on whether you have such a skill!" Lu Buqi laughed: "But Litian, you don't need to be angry. The more angry you are, I'm not wrong?"

"Lu doesn't give up, you shouldn't be too self-righteous!" Demonized Li Tian sneered: "The new body change does make me a little uncomfortable, but it will definitely not affect me to kill you. I will let you understand, How ignorant are you? "

"Really?" Lu Buqi sneered: "I bet you can't support it for an hour! When you are weak, I will make you want to change your body without any chance."

The words fell, and Lu did not abandon the fish intestines sword, blooming my **** sword shadows, and blasted to the demonized Litian in the manner of "Tianlong Xiangkong".

This is a courageous attitude of whoever we are.

Lu did not abandon himself for only half an hour, but he had the courage to dare to say that.

This is actually a real heart-war.

From the subtle changes in the expression of Demonizing Litian, Lu Buqi can be sure of one thing, that is, the state of Demonizing Litian is definitely time-effective.

But how long this timeliness is intriguing. At least it's not like a quarter or two. Otherwise, it's already a long time since Lu Tian's mindset and Lu did not abandon such an offensive mind.

Lu did not give up the sudden strong counterattack, so that Demonization Li Tian really had a sudden heart.

Lu did not abandon his previous life as a shadow slaughter. This ability to observe the subtle mentality is indeed very powerful. After demonizing Li Tian, ​​he was called "residual soul change" and possessed the power in accordance with the law. The blessing of energy can enable individuals who perform the "Residual Soul Change" to cause the soul to change body to have the strongest strength protection at the moment of the change.

And the degree and time of this blessing of energy will be different due to the influence of both the caster and the subject. As is the case with Li Tian now, the power of this blessing can only be maintained for one and a half hours. .

In other words, Li Tian's residual soul changed energy blessing, compared with the energy blessing of Lu Buqian's crazy thunder blasting element, it has half an hour's taste.

From this point of view, Lu Fuqiu is undoubtedly defeated!

However, Lu did not abandon the sentence that said Li Tian's current state, but it was to demonize Li Tian's heart can not help but think.

Demonizing Li Tian was actually forced to perform the remnant soul transformation this time!

He never expected that Lu Buqi would have a way to escape his senses and hide from the ground and give him that fatal blow. Although the heart is not a devastating blow to his form, it will also completely destroy his energy operation mechanism.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was no white spot, such as a top-level expert who was hit hard, then Li Tian might be planted this time. Because the method of changing the residual soul is not necessarily successful. If the other party has a strong sense and will to resist, this method is extremely difficult to apply to the white and innocent body that is close to the Juding period.

Also when Li Tian's fate should not be extinct, Bai Shuigui was just hit by Liang Ting. In this case, he has reached the end of the road. So when Li Tian performed this secret technique on him, he had a glimmer of hope and chose Obedience.

The hope of innocence is naturally to use Li Tian's secret technique to use his own hand to avenge himself and the Nebula Sword, which is also his only chance for revenge.

Therefore, as soon as Li Tian performed the "Residual Soul Change", Li Wutian swallowed his consciousness without the slightest resistance, and turned into a demonized Li Tian.

However, Li Tian's purpose has been changing after he obtained a clean body and continued to survive.

At first, the soul became fierce and felt very good. He wanted to kill the traitor Liang Ting first, and then kill the two gods and beasts of the Dragon Gate. Finally, they did not give up and beat them all.

At the back, Lu Fuqiang is more powerful, so that the soul becomes fierce, he can only change his choice and decide to kill Lu Fuqiu, and that's it. So the Ghost Tiger King left with so many people, he could only stare.

But now, when the soul becomes fierce, he hopes to force him to retreat, so that he can do whatever he wants.

As Lu Buqi said, once his "battery soul change" energy blessing status has disappeared, then although he does not want to become weaker like Lu Buqi's mad thunder blast, he can only recover To the original state of Juding. That way, facing the encirclement of Lu Buqi, Liang Ting and Tengyi, there is only one dead end.

But the reason why the soul has changed is that he hasn't run away, because he thinks that Lu Furen's state of mad thunder should also be time-effective.

At this time, it was a psychological confrontation between the two.

Whoever develops timid first chooses to fail.

Lu Fuqiu's mind is still very firm. He chose to gamble for an hour verbally, but he can only gamble for half an hour, because he can only persist for so long.

After this time, waiting for Lu to give up will be death!

This is no joke.

With the passage of time, in a blink of an eye, the two men were fighting over the Star City for nearly half an hour.

Lu Buqie ’s state of mad thunder has undoubtedly come to an end, and Lu Buqie can even smell the sound of death's step closer to him.

And at this time, there was a tiger howling in the distance, and the ghost tiger king forgot about it, as he said, after he settled away from them, he hurried back.

To make Tengyi rejoice, and Liang Ting's brow suddenly raised, there were two people behind the ghost tiger king.

Both of them are old men, with gray hair, dressed casually, and the wind is surging during flight, and the momentum is no less than the ghost tiger who flew in the body.

"Nervous!" Liang Ting's brow raised like two hills: "Why are they here?"

Liang Ting didn't know that the Nervous Heroes and Lu Buqie had a relationship, and Xiu Sheng and Lu Buqa had a bad smell, which had Jinlan's meaning. He was worried that the two of them were too much of an alliance. If they were to defend Li Tian, ​​that would be troublesome.

But soon, Liang Ting's worries disappeared.

Because the Nervous Man arrived here, Xiu Sheng chanted first: "Why are you two staring beside you, why don't you help me and not give up on my brother?"

Liang Ting smiled bitterly: "This will also help. The battle between Li Tian and the master of Lu Men is not enough to see who we call the masters of the world!"

Tengyi also nodded: "In this kind of battle, the sound waves, poison attacks, and wind spells that I am good at are not able to accurately attack Litian, so I might as well make trouble."

Xiu Sheng and Yin Chen naturally understand this truth, the grades are different, and they cannot intervene in some battles at all.

"But we have to do something? If we don't abandon our brother and defeat Li Tian and get hurt, we would like to join forces to fight against Li Tian, ​​I'm afraid we can't turn things around." Yin Chen Ningdao.

Xiu Sheng emphasized: "I have a way to try it!"

"Come on!" The ghost tiger king hurriedly. He spent two or three quarters of an hour with the unrepentant and Sikong family in the direction of Qianlong Hidden City, but just happened to be in the direction of Star City The fledgling nerve man is naturally very happy now, after all, these two people may be the power to control the war situation.

It seems that this is indeed the case.

Xiu Sheng's jaw head: "Although Li Tian Xiu is deep, you and I can't catch the horse, but the intensity of his consciousness can never be raised too far. We can use the attack of consciousness to interfere with Li Tian. . "

The word Xiu Sheng awakened everyone in the game.

Tengyi focused on the head: "This method is feasible. Although the interference attack of consciousness is not as obvious as the energy attack, it has a high degree of concentration. There is no situation where Litian can not be locked, and it may have unexpected effects."

"However, the interference of the consciousness can not be disorderly. After all, it is so weak that his consciousness is much stronger than any of us." Xiu Sheng said: "Our couple know a joint attack of consciousness. The matrix method is to achieve the purpose of unity by simulating the fusion of the five elements with the knowledge of God, which can bundle the five people's knowledge of God to achieve a unified offensive and defensive role. "

The Ghost Tiger King's eyes widened: "This method is feasible, as long as we can successfully interfere with Li Tian's consciousness operation, then his spell casting and mana release will have problems. The master will have the opportunity to reverse the situation and hit Li Tian ! "

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