"If you are afraid to stop because of difficulties, then the world ’s heroic posts will not be sent to you." Lu Buqi waved his hand gently and looked at the ridiculous Xiu Sheng: "Brother Xiu Sheng believes that the Prison Break Alliance The new mission is to brainstorm ideas and seek a door to the sky for the Prison Cave, and I take it seriously. "

"Brain brainstorming?" Xue Qingchen muttered to herself, but she was undoubtedly a more concerned person, including Lu Buqi, who was also following her, so she could hear her doubts.

This doubt is undoubtedly the doubt of everyone.

"Yes, brainstorm! Brother Xiusheng and Yinchen Laozi have studied together for nearly a hundred years and have tried countless times. They have not been able to gather together into a baby. They are not willing. Such unwillingness, presumably many people have And it's all people's helplessness after countless attempts. "Looking around the people, Lu Buqi abandon his lips slightly:" Although they all fail, everyone's feelings are different. "

After a pause, Lu never smiled: "Everyone said that failure is a **** success. The mission of forming this prison breaking alliance is to unite everyone, sum up thousands of years of failure experience, and find opportunities for success in it. "

"Failure is success fucking? Somewhat interesting ..." Xue Qingchen sighed softly.

Many people have similar feelings. There is no doubt that Lu Buqi's rather interesting speech has captured many hearts.

The yin and yang scholar sneered sneer: "But I feel that if you add the failures of others to your own head, you can get it, but it is a greater failure."

"If you think so, no one will mind you failing all the time!" Lu Buqi sneered, looking around at everyone: "But if anyone thinks that learning from many failures is likely to be successful, you may consider participating Come in. The Prison Breaking Alliance doesn't force all the people in Dongtian to recognize the idea of ​​the Alliance. You don't recognize it. When you look at it, you can only win with success. "

Xiu Sheng first responded to Lu ’s call: "Anyway, I do n’t care what other people do. My couple ’s failure experience is willing to be shared with others in the league. If I find a way, my couple will have to be the first. Enjoy it for a while. "

Liang Ting also said in a deep voice: "The breakthrough experience of the overlords of the three Dandan dynasties will also be taken out. It is difficult to achieve results by relying on one person to build a car behind closed doors."

Xiu Sheng and Liang Ting's unsuspecting reconciliation, but also had some effect. Xue Qingchen said loudly: "I agree with this idea, count me as one."

Lu did not give up a little surprised, but nodded slightly towards Xuexue.

"Xue Qingchen is still smart and has vision ..." Qiu Gaiming smiled gently: "Have so many hero posts posted, do you only attract so many heroes?"

When Qiu Gaiming's remarks came out, everyone couldn't help humming.

The beast statue Cangluo yelled: "The word of God of Wealth is bad, is it possible that he won't be a hero if he doesn't join the prison breaking alliance? If there is too much alliance, there must be more attention for this alliance with a crown reason. Otherwise, I'm afraid the festival is not guaranteed! "

"Yes, God of Wealth, if this prison-breaking alliance was formed just to find the mission of judanchengying, those people have their own ambitions, and some people are willing to move alone, so that this is no longer a hero, right?" The old man in sackcloth with a stag-headed crutch in his hand was faintly green.

"Of course, the formation of an alliance will not have only one mission!" The God of Wealth turned his head on his chest and smiled lightly. "The mention of Lu Menzhu is just the main mission at present. As for other missions, Lu Menzhu cannot help but Tell you more? "

Seeing Qiu Gaomei kicking the ball over, Lu Buqi took it: "Yeah, the formation of a visionary alliance will naturally not be for such a trivial matter. Only Lu Mou steals It is believed that a greater mission and a greater shore ideal require a noble character to be able to achieve it seriously. "

After a pause, Lu never gave up a mockery and laughed: "If even small things such as sharing the cultivation experience can not be done because of the weak character of self-righteousness, selfishness, and timidity. Then how to maintain the stability of Dongtian; how to protect the security of Dongtian; How to break Dongtian's imprisonment and promote the development of Dongtian? "

The three talks changed countless people's faces and felt ashamed. At the same time, Xiu Sheng and others couldn't help clapping.

Xiu Sheng Haha smiled: "Don't give up on my brother, well said, it is impossible to share mutual cultivation experience with mutual assistance and mutual benefit. Such selfish people will not be of much use to draw to the alliance. I am blind, but also It is said that there are a few insights in these hidden old things. "

"Xiu Sheng, you are the most nonsense!" The smile on the dark scholar's face disappeared, and his expression became increasingly ugly: "Does not people die for their own sake, how many people at the scene dare to say that they are not selfish?"

Hu Lan smiled proudly: "Practitioner, who doesn't have any pride in self-righteousness? I'm very self-righteous, what's wrong with this? Even I can't find a way to get a baby, who can find it in the world?"

"Young people are full of energy!" An old lady with a canvas-covered head in a corner coughed a few words: "What have you done, can you be of noble character and be able to do more for Dongtian?"

"At least, I know that the two couples, although weird in character and detached from each other, can deserve the chivalry without fear of danger and follow the blood sand madness for years." Lu Buqiu smiled slightly, and he could Understand, these three masters of Sandan have no temper and don't have their own ideas?

When everyone was speechless, Lu Buqi continued to say, "The lord Zongliang, the lord, is a rare and profound righteousness. After knowing that Li Tian, ​​who is too much an ally, is the evil blood sand mad monster, he will be guilty. The risk of killing, throwing away the dark and throwing the light. Unless he reveals Li Tian's whereabouts regardless of the danger, we cannot destroy Li Tianxin's conspiracy and kill it. In this regard, is it worthy of righteousness? "

Looking around at the crowd again, Lu gave up and chuckled: "There are people like this in the Prison Breaking Alliance, then at least, when Dongtian reappears the blood sand mad demons Litian, the mysterious arrogant **** of the sun and the **** of dragons, these troubled people , The Prison Breaking Alliance will stand up for the first time, bleed for it, fight for it? "

"They are indeed some kind of character. What about you? Where is your character noble?" The shadowy scholar stared at the landing and gave up.

Lu never gave up and smiled: "You can't define your own personality. But Lumou's magnificent seven-footed man stands upright, deserving of the sky, deserving of the sky, deserving of himself."

"Well said, you can't define yourself with noble character. But since some people question your originator, let me, the dog head military officer, say something and let everyone help you define it for you." Qiu Gaiming Lang smiled: "I will give a few examples ... Some of these examples are familiar to everyone, and some are familiar to everyone ..."

"When Lumen was still very young, he was eleven or twelve years old, and even when Li Lijue didn't start practicing, in order to save his father, he challenged the large households of the Zenu villagers at the time, but eventually hit with a weak body. The big account with seven powerful forces has become the new big account in the villages of Zenu ... What kind of character is this? "

Everyone talked about it. At the age of eleven or twelve, they didn't grow up physically, and they didn't practice their skills, so they dared to challenge the big seven-strong account. What kind of courage? What drives this courage is filial piety!

Lu did not give up looking at Qiu Gaiming, he knew that Qiu Gaiming must know more about him, but he never expected that Qiu Gaiming's understanding of him would be so deep.

"When he was a little older, Lu Men, who acknowledged his ancestors, became the young master of Yun Zeguo, and won the championship of Yun Zeguo Xuanwu Conference. Then, during the country ’s calamity, the society fell in love with everyone. When they only thought about Gou An, they dared to run for thousands of miles and ran alone in Kyoto, surrounded by the army, and rescued the eldest princess Yunqin and a dead loyal official ... What kind of character is this? "

Everyone buzzed again. If filial piety can be achieved by many people, it is also considered to be the root of people. It is not too rare. So loyalty to the country, especially when the country is in distress, it becomes very precious.

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