Indestructible Primordial Spirit

Vol 13 Chapter 145: The righteous person is a hero】

The excitement is undoubtedly coming to an end. Thousands of people gather fast and disperse fast, and soon there are only those who are absolutely worthy of the heavyweight in today's prison cell.

In addition to the dragonmen and the people who have joined the prison breaking alliance, there are only dark scholars, Zhang Jueyin, and Huaxianpo.

"Student of poisonous insects, Lao Zhang and Lao Hua, if you don't want to join our broken alliance, then you still stay here?" Xiu Sheng looked at the three with annoyance. He didn't like these self-righteousness and thought of himself. When the character holds the pinch man.

"You just talk too much!" Hua Xianpo also glanced at Xiu Sheng with an angry look, and at the same time looked at Yin Chen: "Big sister, take care of your old man, and say a few words that no one thinks he is dumb."

"I can't control it, it's all the old man who cares about me." On this occasion, how can Yinchen give his man a full face: "Fell, I don't think he's wrong. Since you are not in the league, you still stay What are you doing here? Next, we should exchange training experience within the alliance, and the composition of the research alliance organization. I am afraid that you, the outsiders, are inconvenient? "

The Huaxianpo wanted to be close, but she was boring. It was a little embarrassing, but she was not willing to give up the opportunity: "Can't I join the Prison Breaking Alliance?"

The question of Hua Xianpo's question was to let Xiu Sheng and others naturally look at Lu Buqi and Qiu Gaiming, no doubt they have already shown the attitude of looking forward to Lu Buqi and Qiu Gaiming.

Hua Xianpo also suddenly looked at Qiu Gaiming: "God of wealth, if I am willing to share my cultivation experience, should I also be able to join the prison breaking alliance?"

After looking at Lu Buqiu, Qiu Gaimai hit haha: "It should be okay, but I want to ask, why should you join the prison breaking alliance?"

Xiu Sheng also grinned: "That is, I was just running on me and not abandoning my brother ... Is it just a way to get a baby?" This philanthropy is really ridiculous. "

"Xiu Sheng, don't look down on people!" Hua Xianpo glared at Xiu Sheng: "My consciousness can't be achieved, even those guys who just scammed just now? Even if someone doesn't master Judan Cheng in his whole life Infant's method tells me that since I choose to join the Prison Breaking Alliance, I will naturally comply with the Alliance's mission, and I will never say anything else. "

"It sounds like Huaxianpo I know." Qiu Gaiming smiled comfortably. "Since this is the case, I agree with Huaxianpo joining the alliance, I don't know what the opinions of other allies are."

Everyone is looking at Lu Buqi again. These eyes will undoubtedly convey a signal again. As long as Lu Buqi opens his mouth, it will become a reality.

Lu did not abandon his sword and raised his eyebrows lightly. He looked at Huaxianpo. When he was somewhat embarrassed, he smiled: "Lu has no opinion. Lumou hopes to learn more in front of Huaxianpo's predecessors."

The Huaxianpo sighed a little sigh of relief, and smiled embarrassingly: "Luomen shouldn't make fun of my wife, just now I'm just a bit angry but you have misunderstood it. Now I want to come, Lumen can't be wrong. You ca n’t do such a small thing in cultivation experience, why do n’t you contribute your energy to Dongtian? ”

"Senior Hua Xianpo is profoundly righteous, Lu is pleased, and welcomes to join the Prison Breaking Alliance." Lu Buqi smiled, his eyes were clear, no doubt he had left all the unhappiness before him.

But not everyone will have such an open mind.

When Qiu Gaiming looked at Zhang Jueyin and the shadowy scholar, Zhang Jueyin apparently couldn't pull his face: "Since even some children with yellow mouths can find a way to become a baby, I can also, I won't follow this time Everyone is upset, go ahead, and see you later. "

There was a slight regret in Qiu Gaiming's eyes, but he also smiled: "The old Zhang is leaving, I look forward to your good news."

When Zhang Jueyin walked away, the old man with a strange smile on his face said: "Personality really determines the fate of people."

The shadowy scholar's expression moved, but he looked at Lu not abandoning: "Lümen, in fact, here I have a very interesting question to ask you."

Looking at this person who has been targeting himself, Lu Buqi raised his lips slightly: "Excuse me, I hope I can answer you."

"You say, the current mission of the Prison Breaking Alliance is to brainstorm ideas to find a way to become a baby. But you already have a way to become a baby, but you are restricted to only a few people. ? "

Lu Buqi laughed and said, "Originally speaking, it's still for the purpose of gathering dandan into a baby. You may not have figured it out yet. The reason why we want to coordinate everyone's cultivation experience is to find us. Those who rely on their own strength can gather together to become a baby. Because external force is ultimately external force, the treasures that can be used and many objective conditions will one day be unable to continue to use because of many problems such as destruction and loss. "

Lu never asked: "If everyone has other tricks to gather Dandan into a baby, dare to ask, who will go to countless times to taste failure, to find the original and most natural way to gather Dan into a baby?"

Everyone looked at each other. Although there was no answer, the expressions of the people could conclude that no one would do the kind of unpleasant things.

"No one is there ... then if in our generation we break off the idea of ​​relying on our own strength to gather a baby into a baby, what will our descendants do? If this continues, once the method I have mastered can no longer be used, Then I am afraid that after thousands of years, even if there is no law to imprison, no one will be able to gather together and become a baby. "Lu Buqian said indifferently:" The only thing that is exhausted is fishing, but foolish people will do it. Although I am not a smart person, I don't want to ruin the hope of Dongtian because I have found a way to make tricks. In that case, I am probably a sinner of Dongtian. "

"Listening to the Lord of Lumen, Cangluo is really sweating!" Beast Zuncang looked at Lu Fuqi deeply: "Now I finally understand why the God of Wealth so respects you, and you see it alive than me A hundred-year-old guy is even farther. "

Hu Lan is also looking at his young master deeply, his spirit is much less, and even negligible. If Lu Buqi had used force to convince him before, then Lu Buqi's personality charm also conquered him.

Xiu Sheng Haha smiled: "When I first met Xiu Sheng, I had to be a cheeky brother, isn't it normal? Anyway, I promise here that even if I break through the infancy of God by trickery, then rely on my strength to gather Dan Chengying will also be a problem for my couple's permanent research. "

"The great heroes take Dongtian's rise and fall as their duty! My husband and I think they are heroes, but in this respect, they are better than never giving up." Yin Chen also nodded again and again in support of the concept of cultivation.

Liang Ting sighed in the side: "I am one of the six majors in Dongtian Zongtang, but never considered the responsibility that should be assumed for Dongtian ... Lümen was only in his twenties, but he always thought of the whole Dongtian, even already planning Dongtian's future ... It's really shameful! At the beginning, I promised to exchange my cultivation experience, and I was a bit selfish. But now, I promise that the Overlord will spare no effort to fight for the alliance. "

Every word you say is what everyone feels.

Looking at these giant arms in the sky, even because of Lu's words, he was so emotional that he even changed his three views. Qiu Gaiming and Tianji old man looked at each other, in addition to his eyes, there was deep consternation.

Maybe there are some people who are born with a powerful aura that can affect many people.

In fact, Lu Buqi didn't expect that this remark would cause such a great response. In the almost worshiping eyes of the princess daughter-in-law, he poked: "Of course, I also have selfishness. Because I promised God of Wealth He said that he would gather Dan into a baby by himself without any external force. I need everyone's help for this. "

Xiu Sheng Haha smiled: "Relax, don't give up on my brother, we can't build old cars one by one behind closed doors, but when we get together, we can always promote something famous. Let's just say this, your promise to the **** of wealth It's mine, so I have to get this done. "

"Thank you, brother!" Lu Buqi expressed his sincere gratitude.

At this time, the dark scholar seems to have finally found a reason to make a good choice: "Master Lu, I rarely admire people in my life, but today, I have served you. There were many disrespects before, Also please Haihan. "

Lu did not abandon the change of this shady scholar, but this change is undoubtedly pleasing. At the moment, Jianmei raised his eyebrows: "In fact, if I change to you, I will also have doubts about the skill and character of my" yellow mouth " Yes. Fortunately, I seem to have withstood the test and test of your predecessors? "

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