Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 146 Kashyapa’s wrath is coming again? (asking for monthly ticket)


God! God! God!

The roars of the two people overlapped each other and echoed in the heaven, overlapping one after another like waves.

In an instant, the two of them were about to curse!

At this moment, a wooden staff was raised and flew out across the sky in an instant, carrying a strong wind, and pointed it in front of the two immortals.

The wind is howling!

The hair of these two immortals danced wildly, causing their expressions to change suddenly.

"shut up!"

shut up! shut up! shut up!

The terrifying roar sounded again, and the sound was like the water of the Ganges River, powerful and continuous, echoing around the place.

The dazed immortals around them all turned their heads and involuntarily looked at the figure holding a wooden staff. They felt uneasy and anxious, as if they were enveloped in a rush of strings.

The chief priest also stared at the angry Kashyapa Immortal.

The gods also turned their heads and looked at Kashyapa Immortal with surprised and complicated expressions.


Sun God Suriya murmured.


Agni, the God of Fire, also breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head, clasped his hands together, and looked at Kashyapa Sage excitedly.

The gods also looked at Kasyapa with emotion.

Indra slowly turned his head and looked at Sage Kasyapa with a slightly startled look on his face. In his hands that were originally behind his back, the sharp vajra that flashed out of his hands also flashed with electric light and gradually dissipated.

Kashyapa Sage takes action!

Indra felt relieved and showed a relaxed smile.

He also raised the hand holding the vajra from behind his back, retracted it, clasped his clean hands together, and stared at the scene intently.


Indra murmured softly.

At this moment, Kashyapa Immortal was angry!

These two immortals have gone too far!

His child saved these people, but he was still cursed!

Kashyapa glared at the two immortals and said, "I know you, what kind of immortals you two are and what your names are!"

"Your name is Brilliance!"

Kashyapa Sage looked at the fat man on the left.

The next moment, he turned to look at the fat man on the right and said, "You are called Miao Xiang!"

"Both of you are Brahmins!"

Immortal Kasyapa said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the Brilliant Immortal and the Miaoxiang Immortal looked at each other, and they all looked at Kasyapa Immortal unhappily.

"Ren Kasyapa, the God of Fire Agni failed to protect us, and we were humiliated by the Asuras!"

"Are you going to stop us from carrying out the Dharma and put a curse on us?"

The Brilliant Immortal had a cold face, and his flesh grew thickly.

Immortal Kasyapa glanced at the two of them, but did not speak.

Holding his cane, he slowly stepped forward and came among the many immortals.

"Sacrifice, recitation, alms, asceticism, sincerity, tolerance, self-control and non-greed are the Eight Ways of the Dharma. Whatever you should do, do it selflessly!"

"But these characters will be destroyed by arrogance and conquered by darkness forever!"

With a sonorous voice, Kashyapa taught the immortals.

Then he turned his head, looked at Immortal Brilliance and Immortal Miaoxiang, and continued to speak.

"During these days in heaven, have you made sacrifices every day, recited the Vedas, performed alms, and accumulated ascetic practices?"

"Tell me what you have done!"

Kashyapa Sage angrily scolded.

Hearing this, the surrounding immortals could not help but lower their heads with guilty expressions on their faces.

During these days in heaven, they were indulgent.

The faces of the Brilliant Immortal and the Miaoxiang Immortal were hardened, and they gritted their teeth and continued to speak to Kashyapa: "We may have made our own mistakes, but the mistakes of the gods are not fake!"

Kasyapa's eyes were focused, staring closely at these two people.

"If you don't restrain yourself, you won't have wisdom. Only by abandoning wealth and love can you get rid of sorrow."

"As immortals, you are addicted to pleasure. This is the result of your karma, the reward in this world!"

Kashyapa's voice stopped abruptly.

He stared at the two people, paused, and then continued.

"Brilliant, wonderful, I know you!"

"I know what happened in your past!"

"You two are brothers and share the same wealth, but you are not satisfied!"

"Miaoxiang, you are not willing to share wealth with Huihuang. Huihuang, you are also jealous that Miaoxiang's asceticism is stronger, and you often curse your brother secretly in other people's ears."

"You all can't restrain yourselves and are obsessed with financial gain!"

"I curse you!"

Curse you! Curse you! Curse you!

Sounds echoed around, instantly resounding in all directions, and the sounds echoed one after another, almost shattering people's eardrums.


The Brilliant Immortal and the Miaoxiang Immortal tilted their heads back, as if struck by lightning, and were stunned to the spot.

The worshiping immortal also had a look of reverence on his face.

He also wanted to practice the Vedas diligently and become an eloquent Vedic master like the Emperor of Heaven and Kashyapa Rishi.

The faces of the gods could not help but froze in place at this time, and then turned into ecstasy. Just a moment ago, they were about to be cursed, but in the blink of an eye, it was Kashyapa Sage who cursed others.

The situation changed so fast that they almost couldn't react!

"Fortunately, father is here!"

Agni, the god of fire, looked touched.

The wind god Vayu, the water god Varuna and the sun god Surya all put their hands together and looked at their father Kashyapa with reverence.

Indra clasped his hands together and couldn't help being surprised.

Kashyapa Sage, indeed, his reputation is not in vain, he is also a little expert in curses!

In the eyes of many people.


Thunder roared, and the brilliant immortal and the wonderful immortal were bathed in the thunder and lightning. Their expressions suddenly changed, revealing two terrified faces.


"You will become a person with hands and turn into an elephant!"

The walking stick of the immortal Kasyapa pointed at the two and shouted loudly.


The thunder became more and more rapid and deafening, but everyone focused on the immortal Kasyapa.

The next moment, the immortal Kasyapa turned his head again and looked at the brilliant immortal beside him: "You will become a turtle and wander in the water forever!"

Along with the roar of the immortal Kasyapa, thunder resounded in the heavens and lightning flashed.



The wonderful immortal instantly fell to the ground and turned into an elephant with a height of six yojanas and a length of twelve yojanas.

The brilliant immortal turned into a huge turtle with a horizontal extension of three yojanas and a circumference of ten yojanas.

"Get out!"

Get out! Get out! Get out!

The sage Kasyapa opened his eyes wide and shouted angrily.

Boom! Boom!

The two giant turtles and elephants rolled like wheels, and instantly rolled out of the heaven, tumbling and spinning like meteors, falling towards the human world and falling into a large lake.


The sage who presided over the sacrifice was full of admiration!

The gods also showed a relieved expression.


Fortunately, they were not cursed!

Some of the sages looked guilty, while others lowered their heads and lamented repeatedly, feeling very depressed.

Indra's eyes turned slightly, and he felt a flash of inspiration.

It is true that knowing oneself and the enemy, winning every battle, can even dig up some black history and use old things to curse!

Learned! Learned!

Indra shook his head gently, and immediately felt the importance of intelligence work.

"Speaking of this guy Narada running around, I believe he should know a lot of things. Let's talk to him when we have time."

Indra thought.

Thinking so, he took a step forward, put his hands together, and said to the many immortals.

"The immortals don't have to be depressed!"

"Glorious and wonderful appearance are just scum among the immortals. The gods still worship the immortals!"

"Next, Agni will be the emperor of heaven again, and the banquet will continue. Everyone must stay in the heaven. There will be no shortage of music and dance."

Indra smiled.

Hearing this, the faces of many immortals changed slightly.

No way!

Come again?

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