Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 183 The war is about to start, here I come! (ask for monthly votes)

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

At this moment, Surya, Vayu and Agni looked at Varuna, all showing surprise and surprise.


"As expected of the Water God, you really have some brains, Fa Lou!"

"You're right!"

"Indeed, indeed, we five brothers have always advanced and retreated together. Now that Asura has come to fight, it is natural for us to bring Indra with us!"

The gods shook their heads and showed expressions of joy.

What a word that awakens the dreamer!

They could have taken Indra and the big stone with them on the boat, and they would be more confident then.

This can be regarded as the ultimate move at the bottom of the box!


"We have been renovating in the heaven for so many years, it's time to let these asuras know how powerful our gods are!"

Sun God Surya raised his fist, clenched his fingers, put it against his chest, and said with a smile.

"Yes, fight!"

Wind God Vayuya said loudly with excitement on his face.


Varuna, the water god, continued.

At this moment, the fire god Agni was once again ignited by the brothers in front of him, and confidence overflowed from his heart.

After failing so many times, it’s time to win once!

"We are immortal gods!"

"We are numerous and have an army of millions of immortals. We are brave and fearless. The Gandharva warriors are full of will. We have sophisticated weapons and extremely sharp divine soldiers. We have been defeated and fought without fear of failure. Why should we be afraid of these things? Asura!”

Agni, the god of fire, raised his hand and smiled.

"That's right!"

"We still have a good chance of winning!"

Sun God Suriya shook his head and waved forward, with high fighting spirit.


"Let's take Indra!"

"We five brothers work together to count the army and march towards the realm of the earth!"

In the middle of Pigongzha.

Vishnu stared at the heaven and earth waiting for him in the distance, with a look of contemplation on his face.

This time the land is fully prepared!

There is a high probability that the gods will not be opponents.

Even if he wanted to take action, he would have to wait until Andaka violated the Dharma, and the process would be very troublesome.

His mind was wandering and he suddenly spoke.


Bāraharata! Bāraharata! Bāraharata!

[Vishnu]'s voice is soft and has no reach, floating out from the snake bed, flying out of Vigong Zha, and spreading to the human world.


"Go and admonish Andaka! Stop this battle!"

Vishnu murmured quietly.

After all, Andaka is a child born in the sky. If he can be exhorted back, it will be a better ending.

The only person who has the qualifications and ability to admonish Andaka is the son of the Golden Bed [Bharaharata]. Now it depends on whether Andaka can be calmed down.

Human world.

Retreat in the forest.

A young man wearing a red sacrificial bandana was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

The sun was scorching above his head, his eyes were tightly closed, and his figure was like a boulder, motionless. Only his lips were whispering softly throughout his body, quietly reciting the name of 'Narayan'.

The ascetic—Balaharata!

He is undergoing penance to enter Vigonzha and accompany the Lord.

"Om~ Praise to Narayana!"


Suddenly, the young man's ears moved slightly, as if he heard some sounds.


[Bharaharata] opened his eyes suddenly, his expression was joyful, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"O Lord!"

"The Lord is calling me!"

Bāraharata listened intently, his eyes flickered, and he shook his head slightly.

"So that's it, the Lord asked me to persuade Andaka!"

Bāraharata blinked.

He was not very surprised that Andaka was the Asura King. After all, he had met Andaka when he was young and had an impression of this blindfolded cousin.

At that time, he vaguely realized that there was a very powerful power behind Andaka's eyes.

"Praise to Narayana!"

[Bharaharata] looked solemn.

He stood up slowly, stamped his stiff feet, stood up and walked towards the outside of the meditation forest.

Shua la la!

The sound of footsteps crushing fallen leaves and broken branches also sounded from beside him.

The pace is fast and powerful!

who? !

As soon as Bāloharata turned his head, he saw a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man wears a gold hoop on his forehead, holding his messy hair. He has a strong body and a bright red cloak hanging behind his back, making him look extremely ostentatious.

It's just that the middle-aged man looked sad at this time and walked forward with his head lowered.

It is Asura - the Vajra Body!

"Congratulations to you!"

Bāraharata smiled, clasped his hands, and spoke respectfully to his uncle.

This ashram was once a place of ascetic training for the sage Kasyapa.

Later Kashyapa Sage left.

This place was vacated and left to Balaharata. Later, the sage Kasyapa also came here with his Vajra body to practice.


The Vajra body looked up at Balaharata, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed.

"Are you going out?"

Balakharata looked at the lightly dressed Vajra Body and couldn't help but be surprised.


The Vajra Body sighed, with a wry smile on his lips.

That strong body actually looked a little downcast at this time.


"My wife [Valani] has always cared about me and served me every day, so I vowed to give her a blessing!"

"She asked me to do penance and give that child [Talaka] a powerful blessing!"

[Vajra Body] spread out his hands with a look of helplessness.

He also wanted to take his family to heaven through hard training, but he had already made an oath, and he had to fulfill his promise to Valani.

Now he can only do hard training first!

As for ascending to heaven, it may have to be postponed!

"The wife satisfies her husband, and the husband satisfies his wife!"

"This is also the responsibility of husband and wife. Since you have made a vow, you should fulfill it. This is also the dharma, haha."

"You go ahead!"

Bāraharata couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Hearing this, the chest of the Vajra Body rose and fell. He took a deep breath, flew up, soared into the sky, and flew towards the distance.

Bāraharata also smiled, raised his legs and flew towards the earth.

call out!

He is extremely fast and is familiar with the terrain.

Not long after, he came to the Asura Temple and heard Andaka's roar.

"too slow!"

"Too slow! Too slow!"

Andaka pressed his hands on a stone fence of the temple, smashed the huge stone fence with his hands, and let out a violent roar.

"When will those gods come?"

Andaka growled.

Instructor Su Jialuo on the side had an iron-faced face and a calm expression.

"Don't be anxious, just wait!"

"The gods are never fast enough. Our people have already seen that the heavens are gathering an army!"

Instructor Su Jialuo said calmly and patiently.

As long as they wait here!

They are the ones who have the initiative. There is no need to worry at all. It is the gods who should be anxious.


As soon as he finished speaking, a figure fell down, attracting the attention of Immortal Andaka and Sukara.

Bala Harada landed firmly on the ground, clasped his hands together, stared at the two people in front of him, and said.

"Teacher, Andaka!"

"I am coming!"

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