Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 197: The Death of Suni. This insertion is very good! (Please give me a monthly ticket!)

Indra was not worried about Sani.

Sani is not only a devotee of Mahatma, but also the god of karma and fruit in the future!

God of karma determines the consequences of karma!

No matter what, the Three Phase God will not let Suani die.

He might experience a resurrection from the dead and feel what it's like to be resurrected from the dead.

Back from the dead!

There are not many experiences like this!

As for Andaka, if Andaka kills Suni, Shiva will definitely be furious. At that time, he may not even need to take action, and a trident will fly over directly.

And Soni was only born not long ago.

Still a baby!

If Andaka killed Suani, wouldn't he be charged with infanticide?

"Kill yourself!"

"You committed suicide, so you don't have to be embarrassed by me!"

Indra clicked his tongue, shook his head slightly, looked at Andaka with a smile, and said slowly.


There were dark clouds in the sky.

Terrifying thunder resounded instantly, thunder fell one after another, rumbles resounded in all directions, and lightning burned the fields like torches.

Andaka looked horrified.

At the same time, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva all turned their eyes and looked at Andhaka.

Shiva's face was grave, and his eyes reflected this scene coldly.

The trident is also trembling!

At this moment, Andhaka clutched Sani's neck tightly.

He was also observing Indra's expression, but saw that Indra's expression did not change at all. He took a step forward, fell into the big pit with a bang, and then walked towards him with a quiet face.


"This is the son of the Sun God after all!"

Andaka roared.

Indra's expression remained unchanged and he continued to walk forward.

At this moment, Andaka made up his mind, gritted his teeth, and suddenly moved his trembling palms, instantly grabbing Suani's neck.


In an instant, Suani fell to the ground.


Accompanied by a deafening thunder, dazzling blue lightning exploded instantly, followed by the sound of booming Damaru drums.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom...

The rapid vibration of the drum seemed to contain endless anger, coming from all directions in the void and echoing in the wilderness.

"what sound!"


Andaka covered his ears and looked around in horror.

He wanted to find the source of the drum sound, but he couldn't find the Damaru drum at all.

"You're finished, Andaka!"

Indra opened his eyes and said seriously.


At this time, a trident was instantly thrown out of the void, as fast as thunder and as fast as lightning. It was instantly inserted into Andaka's belly, and it hit Andaka and flew away.


A crack was torn in the earth.

A sharp trident stood on the earth, with three prongs pointing upwards. Andaka's belly was pierced by the trident and hung on it. Blood flowed out of Andaka's body.

Andaka trembled and tried to break free, but couldn't move at all!


In an instant, white mist hit, and a figure in animal skin appeared in the ground.

Shiva's eyes were red and his chest was heaving.

The third eye on his forehead seemed to be open and closed, staring angrily at Andaka in front of him. Hot anger seemed to be bred in it and was about to spurt out at any time.

Lord Shiva is angry!


Thunders resounded in all directions, lightning fell one after another, the entire land began to shake, and lava volcanoes erupted.

Above the starry sky, countless planets vibrated, separated from their orbits, and began to collide with each other.

There was also a great flood in the human world.

"Praise to the heaven!"

Indra clasped his hands together, saluted, and took a step back.

Next it was his turn to enjoy the show!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Brahma and Vishnu appeared here instantly, clasping their hands together, praising the angry God of Destruction in front of them.

"Praise to the heaven!"

"Om~ Praise the heaven!"

Brahma and Vishnu praised.


"Please calm down!"

Vishnu stared at the sky and said with clasped hands.

At this time, the gods finally arrived. After Andaka was thrust away by this shocking thrust, the Asura army instantly collapsed and all began to flee.

The gods have just fallen!

Sun God Surya and others saw the angry sky at a glance.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The expressions of the gods suddenly changed, revealing a look of fear, and they shrank their heads and ran cautiously towards Indra.

The sky is actually angry!

Absolutely nothing good is going to happen!

"What happened?"

Surya quickly ran to Indra and asked in a panic.

Indra pursed his lips.

He turned around, patted Sulie's shoulder solemnly, and sighed.


"Your dead!"

Indra said.

Hearing this, Sulie was slightly startled.

He turned around and finally saw the fallen Suani.

Surya opened his eyes, moved his lips slightly, opened and closed, as if he wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say. The expression on his face was extremely complicated, indescribable, one part sad, one part emotional, one part disappointed. untie……


Sulie read this name and didn't know what to say.


The light flashes and condenses the figure.

Sukara, the Asura mentor wearing a white sacrificial robe and holding a long staff, then appeared.

"Praise to the heaven!"

Sukkaras clasped his hands together and worshipped Mahadeva devoutly.

He saw Mahadeva's anger!

That was the anger for Andhaka killing his followers!

But now as an Asura teacher, he had to save Andhaka.


"Andhaka killed your followers, but now he has been hit by you and has accepted the punishment. Please let him go!"

Sukkaras clasped his hands together and prayed.

Shiva's eyes were full of anger and he was silent.

Seeing this scene, Sukaras clasped his hands again.

He said loudly.

"Lord of beasts! Lord of all living things! God of asceticism! Protector of asceticism!"

"You are pure and flawless, you are brilliant! You shine in all directions!"

"Merciful Lord!"

"Antarka challenged the gods, this is the Dharma, Suni is the son of the sun god and one of the gods. He died in battle, which is also the Dharma!"

"You have punished Andaka for illegally killing believers!"

"Then please let him go who follows the Dharma and challenges the gods!"

Sura Sukara said.

Hearing this, Shiva looked gloomy, looked at Andaka, and fell silent.

"Sura Sukara!"

"How long has Suni been born? He is still a child, still a baby!"

"He should have a bright future. Maybe he will grow up to be a kind, useful person who contributes to the world!"

"But now there is nothing!"

"This is the sin of infanticide!"

Indra whispered.

Hearing this, Sura Sukara's face changed.

Baby? !

He opened his eyes wide, turned his head and instantly saw the fallen Sonni.

Killing an infant is indeed a serious crime against the Dharma!

But this Sonni is a baby? !

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