Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 199 I am sorry to Surya, I want to abdicate! (Please give me a monthly ticket!)


"Aren't you dead?"

Yama had a strange look on his face and stared at Soni in surprise.

He clearly sensed the death of this guy, so he did not send his Yama envoys. Instead, he personally took action and used the soul-binding lasso to capture Soni's soul, preparing to take him to Yama City.

It took so long for Suani to survive!

Yama's eyes couldn't help but fall on Shiva, he clasped his hands together and said, "Lord, is this your Conquering Death Curse?"

Hearing this, Indra blinked.

He glanced at Yama.

The old boy Yama was not like this before. He was arrogant at first, until the 'Conquering Death Curse' appeared.

Conquer the death curse!

At that time, the sage [Malikandhu] had no children, so he performed penance to Shiva, hoping to have a child.

Shiva granted his wish and asked Mahrikandu to choose between a stupid son who would live to be a hundred years old, or a wise and pious child who would only live to be sixteen years old.

[Molikandu] chose the second option.

Finally got a smart child!


[Morgan Deye] When he was sixteen years old, he knew that his time was running out, so he performed a puja to Shiva.

The god of death [Yama] demanded his life, which finally angered Shiva.

Shiva detailed the three crimes that Yama committed when he demanded the life of Morgan Deye.

First, he did not personally come to seize the souls of saints and ascetics, but sent his envoys to come, disrespecting the propagators of the dharma.

Secondly, out of arrogance, he interrupted Morgan Deye’s puja and without any hesitation when he saw the believers offering sacrifices to the Lord, he touched the Linga with a noose of death.

Third, he thinks that Brahma and the Emperor of Heaven cannot control him and can control the cycle of life and death and inflict death on anyone!

[Shiva] killed Yama and resurrected Yama.

Finally, he taught believers a spell that can defeat death - the Conquer Death Curse!

From then on, Yama's arrogance was dispelled.

"of course not!"

"This is the mantra of Shanggibani that was blessed by Sukara!"

Vishnu spoke then.

His eyes were like lotus flowers, and his smile was like a sunflower under the rising sun, full of brilliant brilliance.

Hearing this, Yama couldn't help but glance at Immortal Sukara.

It turns out this guy is the one causing the trouble!

He condensed in his heart and decided to keep an eye on this Sukara Immortal from now on. If this guy misused the blessings indiscriminately, he would file a complaint with the Lord.

"Since it is a blessing and Suani has been resurrected, then I will resign!"

Yama spoke.

After saying this, he bowed to the three lords and gods, then turned and retreated.

Soni is also considered his younger brother!

But he is too busy with things in Yama City, and he doesn’t want to get involved in things at home!


Yama disappeared here riding a black bull.

Shiva raised his head slightly and looked at Andhaka who was stuck on the trident in the distance. He raised his hand slightly, and the trident with Andhaka flashed and appeared in Shiva's hand.

He held the trident, turned to look at Suani, and said.

"Are you willing to go to Jirosa to perform penance?"

After hearing Shiva's words, Suani was moved and immediately put her hands together.

"Lord, of course!"

Suani said happily.

Shiva nodded slightly.

The next moment, a white mist emerged and enveloped Shiva and Suni.

"Greetings to the Lord!"

"Greetings to the Lord!"

The gods clasped their hands together and said respectfully.

Sun God Surya glanced at Suani who was gradually shrouded in white mist. He didn't say anything, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. He felt that the result was quite good, and he was even a little happy. At least he no longer had to look at Suani's stinky face. .


Shiva's figure disappeared here, and Suni also disappeared at the same time.

"Great Heaven actually took Andaka away and did not put him down!"

"However, Andaka's posture is quite interesting. One can be carved in the heaven and placed together with the three statues of King Asura."

Indra couldn't help but smile when he thought of Andaka's posture.

the other side.

The God of Creation, Brahma, rolled his eyes slightly, his white beard curled up slightly, and he showed a faint smile.

Andhaka is all Shiva's problem!

He also saw a good show!


"Now that everything has settled down, I will go back!"

Brahma finished speaking.

A faint golden light enveloped all directions, and under the brilliant brilliance, the figure of Brahma also disappeared here.

"Greetings to Lord Brahma!"

"Greetings to the Lord!"

Sukara sage also followed the gods and praised Shiva and Brahma, then glanced coldly at the evil Vishnu and the new villain Indra.

"Asura needs to recuperate next!"

"I have to find an Asura who can restrain Indra's blessing ability. Even if I can't find one who can restrain all of them, I can only restrain one of Indra's powers."

"With the cooperation of many people, there is a good chance of winning."

Su Jialuo thought in his mind.

He remained silent, his body turned into golden light, and disappeared with the breeze.

With the disappearance of Immortal Sukara, the gods finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"it is finally over!"

"Our gods have won again!"

Surya smiled happily, extremely happy, a hundred times happier than taking Sani back.

"Thanks to Indra and the Lord this time!"

Agni, the god of fire, breathed a sigh of relief.


Fengshen Fayou nodded slightly, with a smile on his face.

"Yes, Goddess Lakshmi is on our side, victory belongs to the gods!"

Water God Varuna also smiled.

The gods were jumping for joy.

Goddess Lakshmi's long skirt fluttered, exuding the brilliance of wealth. She took Yasutra's hand and appeared here. The two of them walked slowly towards the many gods, one on the left and the other on the right.

In an instant, the expressions of the gods changed.

They lowered their heads and sensed their bodies, and the power inside them was actually weakening.

"My strength has weakened again!"

"This feeling is the same as before..."

"is her!"

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

They all opened their eyes wide, looking at the goddess Jesetuo who appeared here in horror or fear.

The next moment, the gods shifted their positions in panic, hugged each other and ran quickly towards the direction of Goddess Lakshmi.

Looking at this scene, Yeseda shrank in fear, lowered his head and ran quickly behind Indra.


Goddess Lakshmi took a breath, tilted her head slightly, blinked her beautiful eyes, and looked at the god displeased.

Vishnu looked at this with a smile.

"The power of Goddess Yesedo is too special."

"You can't enter the heaven yet!"

Vishnu chuckled.

Indra's eyes flashed and he shook his head.

"That's right!"

"The Lord is right!"

Indra said.

Hearing this, Yeseda's eyes were full of worry, his hands were clenched, and he was staring at Indra's back nervously.

She won't be abandoned again, right?

"If Goddess Yesetuo wants to be accepted by others, she still needs to perform penance!"

Vishnu smiled.


Indra continued to shake his head in agreement.

Vishnu was very satisfied with Indra's agreement, and the smile on his face was peaceful and tender.

"Goddess, I see that you trust the Emperor of Heaven very much, but maybe you need to be separated from the Emperor of Heaven for a while."

Vishnu said.

Jesetuo was stunned for a moment, and a look of panic and loss instantly appeared on his face.

But the next moment, Indra's voice rang.



"I'm sorry Surya, I also committed a big crime when I was fighting against Andaka!"

"I feel so guilty. I really am not worthy of sitting on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven!"

Indra raised his hand suddenly and covered his face with his five fingers. He suppressed the laughter in his heart and made a low and hoarse voice.

Through Andhaka's actions that violate the Dharma.

He just came up with a great reason to give up his position as Emperor of Heaven!

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