Xin Xijia's beautiful eyes were dull, her expression was dazed, and her face showed hesitation.

"Don't forget there's Danba!"

"You still have Danba to take care of. Besides, Rahu is proficient in Maya illusion. No one can find him in this chaos."


Vibrajiti analyzed.

Hearing this, Xin Xijia woke up from her daze, looked at her husband helplessly, pursed her pink lips and nodded slowly.

She was, after all, more than just the mother of a child.

"I hope Luo Hu is okay!"

Xin Xijia murmured.

The two of them gradually disappeared into the Asura army and began to evacuate along with the crowd.


"we won!"

The voices of many Gandharvas shook the sky and echoed in this ocean of milk.

Joyful laughter and dancing also danced in this sea of ​​breasts.

Among these Gandharvas, one of them wearing golden armor raised the magic weapon in his hand and shouted closely, but there was a hint of cunning and confusion in his eyes. A proud look.

"Stupid Gandharvas!"

"It seems that they have not seen the illusory power of Maya in my Rahu. All I have to do is follow them back, and I can use the illusory magic to drink the nectar!"

"I will be the first Asura to drink the nectar, and then the king of the earth will also belong to me!"

"Everyone says that King Tanava [Ploman] is extremely intelligent, but it seems that he is far inferior to me!"

Luo Hu felt happy and shook his shoulders excitedly.

Compared with those foolish Asuras who only know how to act recklessly, he knows how to use wisdom better.

Amidst the cheers of many Gandharvas.

The action of the wild boar Raha did not stop. He waded through the sea of ​​milk and walked to Kurma the turtle. He clasped his hands forward and suddenly picked up the mandala mountain.

call out!

The turtle Kurma turned into golden light and flew into the distance.

Shesha, the Thousand-headed Snake King in the depths of the Milky Sea, has countless heads shaking slightly and spitting out snake messages, already knowing what the Lord's incarnation is going to do.

Mandala Mountain, as the pillar of the Three Realms, is located in the center of the Three Realms and runs through the three realms of heaven, man and earth.

This mountain must return to its original position!

In the arms of the wild boar Raha, the mandala mountain was pulled out from the back of the turtle. Trampling on this sea of ​​milk, looking up, heading straight into the void above.


A terrifying earthquake occurred in the three realms.

Mandala Mountain spans billions of layers of space, impressively penetrating the earth, human world, and heaven, returning to the center.

"Praise be to Lord Vishnu!"

Wild Boar Raha smiled slightly, showing two fangs, clasped his hands together, and turned into golden light and disappeared.

"It's finally over!"

Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, has a face like the bright moon, slightly moist cheeks, and a warm smile.

She held Vishnu’s hand and was all smiles.

Vishnu blinked.

"Actually, there are still some, but I believe that the Emperor of Heaven and others will take care of these."

Vishnu's eyes met Goddess Lakshmi's, and he slowly raised a hand, with light emitting from his palm.


Wherever the light shines, a clear space is covered.

The sea of ​​clouds ripples in the space, and sweet sounds echo. Su Hong's auspicious color fills the sky, waving happily, and flowers are blooming in it. Thousands of golden gates stand, dazzling, leading straight to a beautiful palace.

"What a nice view!"

"where is this place."

Goddess Lakshmi covered her lips and said in surprise.

"Pigongzha! I call him Pigongzha!"

"This is a gift to come back!"

Vishnu showed a warm smile and pulled the goddess of wealth towards the palace.

There is peace in Pi Gong Zha!

In the human world, it was shaking violently.

The huge Mandala Mountain instantly penetrated the human world and appeared in the center of the human world.

"Mandala Mountain has returned to its original position?!"

Indra thought.

Mandala Mountain returned to its original position, but the earth that was the battlefield in this war was still broken. The earth was cracked into countless pieces and became pitted. Countless trees and beasts were trampled and affected.

Endless sea water began to flood the earth.

Earth Goddess Ximi tilted her head slightly, her beautiful face full of worry.

She clasped her hands together and placed them in front of Feng Yu's chest, looking at Indra with her dark eyes pleadingly.

"Emperor of Heaven, I pray that you will use your divine power to restore the earth!"

The earth goddess Ximi said.

Indra stood in the air, put one hand on his waist, waved his big hand, showing a relaxed look, and said: "Don't worry, the Lord will take care of all this!"

Now that Vishnu has taken out the golden eye in another incarnation, he should also be able to clean up the rest of the mess!

Ximi nodded repeatedly.

The two came among the gods.

At this time, the God of Wind, Vayou, drove the divine chariot of Wind Horse, returned to the human world, rushed in front of the gods, and said loudly.

"Wild Boar Rafa Luoha left Mandala Mountain after returning it to its place. I don't know where he has gone now!"

Fengshen defeated the road.

"Ha, everyone is gone?"

Indra was slightly startled.

This wild boar ran away after hitting its golden eyes. Wouldn't it be their turn to clean up the mess in the human world?

"Can you just pray to the Lord?!"

Indra asked.

Sun God Surya frowned slightly.

"I just prayed and praised, but the Lord didn't answer me!"

Sun God Suriya said.

Hearing this, Indra felt a little strange.

What is the Protector of the World doing!

Now, if you are not here to maintain the world and restore the earth, why did you suddenly lose contact!

You won’t indulge in posting with your wife, right?

Indra turned his head and glanced at Ximi, who was looking at him expectantly.


Ximi was pitiful and had a pleading look on his face.

It seems that they are the only ones to take action!

"Let's help the Earth Goddess recover!"

Indra said.

He turned to look at the ground below.

After this battle, the land of the human world has been torn into pieces. Some of them sank to the bottom of the sea, and many were broken into islands. Only four relatively large parts of the land surrounding Mount Mandala remained.

"Gods, let me put these islands back together!"

Indra spoke.


The gods began to take action.

Varuna, the water god, contained the flood and caused the sea to retreat; Agni, the fire god, extinguished the mountain fires; the wind gods, moon gods, and sun gods, together with Indra, put the islands back together into the fragmented earth.


Indra's divine power surged out from his hands and turned into thunder and lightning ropes, moving the islands across the sea and into the earth.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces...

Although the island is big, it is not big before the power of the gods!

As the gods were busy, the broken earth gradually pieced back together, forming four broad continents surrounding Mandala Mountain.

"Finally done!"

A few months later, Indra's eyes brightened and he breathed a sigh of relief.

After these months of hard work, his power of hard work has increased significantly at a much faster rate than usual. The power of hard work he has accumulated now is close to a hundred years old.

"That's okay too!"

Indra sighed in his heart and couldn't help but look at his results with excitement.

Mount Mandala stands in the center of the human world.

Surrounded by four continents.

The continent to the north is very wide, with equal dimensions in all directions, with undulating mountains in it. The continent to the east is shaped like a half-moon, while the continent to the west is shaped like a half-moon, which is very contrasting.

The continent to the south is shaped like a car.

This continent is very lucky, a lot of life still exists, and many tall Jambu trees grow here.

Um? !

Indra's eyes were focused, looking down at the four continents below.

An inexplicable sense of familiarity rushed over him, impacting his mind.

"This is……"

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