Indian mythology, the Emperor of Heaven is not working today

Chapter 41 The whole army attacks, marching south and north (please read and vote for me)


The mount of Lord Vishnu!

Not long ago, Garuda went to heaven to look for Indra. As a result, he offended the emperor and was cursed by the emperor, never to see Lord Vishnu again.

The Radha Immortal really knew this.

Narada was sweating profusely.

Indra smiled.

"It's still bad to curse others!"

"I do not like!"

"But you can ask for blessings, blessings are more versatile!"

"It would be nice to ask the Lord to forget someone on purpose!"

Having said this, Indra put his ear to the ear of Narada Sage and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Naradha Sage, you don't want the Lord to forget you either~"

Narada Immortal's expression changed.

His smile was frozen on his face, it seemed like he was smiling but not smiling, like he was crying but not crying.



"It is our unshirkable responsibility as immortals to help the gods resist Asuras, maintain world peace, and spread the righteousness of the universe!"

"Of course I'm going to join in!"

Immortal Narada forced out a smile and replied.

Hearing this, Indra nodded.


"Agni, God of Fire!"

"You lead an army of 100,000 people, assisted by Immortal Narada, and go to the human world to resist the invasion of Asuras and suppress the Golden Bed!"

Indra said.


Agni, the god of fire, was in high spirits.

Indra then looked at the equally excited Wind God Vayu.

"Fayou, you are the vanguard!"


Vayu said immediately.

"Surya, Varuna, hold your position in front of the army!"


Two voices sounded immediately.

Hearing this, Indra was very satisfied with his arrangement.

"I'm waiting for your good news in the heaven. I believe you will be victorious and defeat the Golden Bed!"

Indra waved his hand and said.


"As soon as the heavenly army arrives, it will be defeated!"

Sun God Surya laughed loudly.

The other three gods are also full of confidence.

Their army of 100,000 people has the power of nectar and the power of immortality, and even a mere Asura can easily capture them.

Soon, the four gods, together with Narada Immortal who had a wry smile on his face, all moved out, ordered the army of one hundred thousand Gandharvas, and began to march from the heaven to the human world.

When these gods left, Indra's expression changed.

He rolled his eyes slightly, turned around, and hurriedly ran through the small woods in the mixed forest garden.

"Everyone who is coming, except the army, please pack your things, and everyone outside Shanjian City should also return to Shanjian City!"

Indra ordered in the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven.

The Gandharvas and goddesses present were confused, but they still obeyed Indra's order and began to summon the idle Gandharvas and goddesses to return to Shanjian City.

"God, what are you doing?"

At this time, the priest-priest immortal hurriedly arrived at the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven.

He looked at the goddesses who were busy cleaning up around him, and couldn't help but look puzzled, frowning and looking at the Emperor of Heaven strangely.


"The power of this golden bed is not ordinary. I don't think we can win this battle, so be prepared in advance."

Indra raised his hand to his mouth and cleared his throat.


"Vayu is brave and good at fighting, Varuna is calm and composed, the god of fire is fierce, and the god of sun is powerful. They all drank the nectar and their strength increased greatly, not to mention the sage Narada."

The priest-priest immortal looked puzzled.

Vayu, the god of wind, Varuna, the god of water, Agni, the god of fire, and Surya, the sun god, were all his good disciples.

Emperor Indra was slightly silent.

What the priest said makes sense.

It's just...

These four gods can be called the deflated F4 of heaven.

Every time Asura completed his penance and received blessings, the four of them were the stepping stones.

Of course, it's not just the four of them. If there are only four, the gold content is not enough, just like there are five of the four heavenly kings, and the fifth deflated king is him - the Emperor Indra.

"Just make plans early and leave a way out for defeat!"

Indra smiled.


"Then where are you going?"

The Immortal Priestess blinked and said curiously.

"I thought about it for a long time, and finally prepared four routes: south, north, east, and west!"

Indra stretched out his right hand and put his thumb to the palm of his hand, exposing four fingers.

"Go south and go to the underground Yama City in [South Jambudvipa], but the location of Yama City is too obvious, which is not good."

"Going north, Ji Luosuo is looking for Dadian. However, the Tianjie family has a big business. If we move there in Shanjian City, we feel that it will disturb the private space of Dadian and the mistress and affect their relationship as husband and wife, so I decided to forget it."

Indra shook his head and sighed.

The priestess was stunned for a moment.

"Wait a minute, you said Shanjian City has been moved there?"

asked the priest-priest celestial being.

"Of course, how could such a big place be lost!"

Indra nodded matter-of-factly.

"So if you want to go eastward, you can go to the Milky Sea to find Lord Vishnu, but this has to go through the space of the earth, which is dangerous and not cost-effective."

"It's best to go west to the Brahma Realm. The place is large and spacious, and you can enter and exit freely."

Indra nodded, touched his chin and said matter-of-factly.

At this time, the priest-priest immortal was confused.

All kinds of thoughts are rising in my mind.

The Milk Sea and the Brahma Realm are not in the east-west direction, so how can we say they are going east or west?

The Priest Immortal quickly shook his head and threw away these thoughts.

"Cough! Cough!"

"I think we should not rush, the chances of winning are still very high!"

"Let's see how the situation is with the gods first!"

As the Priest Immortal spoke, he waved his hand, and a smooth light mirror condensed out, appearing in front of Indra and the Priest Immortal.



Shiva Mahadeva is sitting on a big rock, with one foot on the ground and one foot on his lap.

He nodded slightly, closed his eyes with a smile, and entered meditation.

The sacred cow Nandi clasped his hands together and looked at his Lord with respect and admiration.

"The Lord smiled, something happy must have happened to him."

Nan Di thought of this.

His long ears twitched happily, and he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, showing a happy smile.

Above the sea of ​​milk.

Pigong Zha.

Vishnu breathed a long sigh of relief. There was still a peaceful smile on his face, but he was more cheerful than before.

He turned his head slightly and continued to look at his wife, Goddess Lakshmi.

Brahma world.

Brahma is also observing the movements of the three realms.

After he heard Indra's plan, his face froze, and his thoughtful expression was evident.

No way?

If this guy really loses to Jin Bed, he won't really move here, right? !

It’s all the fault of blessing!

"Husband, why do you look so ugly~"

Goddess Sarasvati was smiling. When the veena in her hand stopped playing, the beautiful heavenly sound suddenly stopped, and she looked curiously at Brahma beside her.

Brahma's beard trembled and his eyes rolled to one side.

"Sarasavati, my wife!"

"Would you mind having more people in our Brahma world?"

Brahma asked softly.

"A few more people?"

The goddess Sarasvati looked puzzled.

"Not much, just a few hundred thousand."

Brahma explained patiently.


The goddess of Sarashivadi frowned slightly, tilted her head, and a series of question marks appeared on her head.

Thanks to book friend [Geshu OwO] for the reward of 500 starting coins, and thanks to book friend [kiki_海星] for the reward of 2000 starting coins.

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