Senju Hashirama couldn't beat Senju Hashirama in physical combat. After Ryu was knocked back, he had no choice but to use his ultimate move.


The combination of Susanoo and Chakra. In the original book, Uchiha Sasuke and Shigego used it together, but Ryu used it differently.

To be precise, it is more authentic. At this time, Ryu's Susanoo is nearly 300 meters in size, which is more than twice the size of the complete Susanoo used before.

The size of Susanoo actually depends on the Chakra and pupil power consumed by the caster. The greater the consumption, the larger the size of Susanoo.

Senju Hashirama faced Ryu's Susanoo and used Wooden Golem Jutsu and Wooden Dragon Technique, but both Wooden Golem and Wooden Dragon were obviously much smaller than Ryu's Susanoo.

"Susanoo's Slash."

With one cut, Wooden Golem and the wooden dragon were split apart, and Ryu's target was always Senju Hashirama. The knife was actually directed at Senju Hashirama.

Rumble! ! !

The land broke apart, and smoke and dust spread all over the battlefield, but the smoke and dust couldn't stop Ryu's sight. He could be sure that it didn't hit Senju Hashirama's body.

"Sage Art·Wood Style·Real Number Senju!"

Senju Hashirama finally used the strongest move. The huge Guanyin Buddha statue and the densely packed arms are really countless. There may be a thousand hands.

Susanoo, Susanoo, who is bigger than the ordinary Susanoo, is almost indistinguishable from his younger brother in front of this Buddha statue.

"This is slightly larger than Ten Tails."

The corners of his mouth twitched a bit. This is the first time Ryu has seen Senju the true number. He has challenged Senju Hashirama once before.

But at that time, Ryu was still relatively weak, not to mention forcing the opponent to use the true number Senju. He didn't even use Wooden Golem, and the arrival of a tree world solved him.

"On top of the Buddha!"

Finally, he attacked. This shot the entire End Valley, defeated Susanoo's attack, and slammed into Ryu's Susanoo frantically.

"It's a fool's behavior to choose to hard-wire at this time."

Ryu is in the crystal on Susanoo's forehead, watching the fist that seems to be the end of the day with his own eyes. I'm afraid Ten Tails is standing here and will be beaten to the ground.

"Flying Thunder God Technique."

I didn't hesitate to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to escape, and then I saw that Susanoo was instantly torn apart by his fist, and the hill behind him was beaten into a basin.

"No wonder Uchiha Madara was defeated. It would be strange if he could win."

Standing in the distance, Ryu took a deep breath. There is no other way. There is only one way he can rely on winning. That way is to look back in time.

Only this pupil technique can make Ryu turn defeat into victory in the end, even if he is tough, he can't beat it at all.

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Even the Dust Escape and Boundary Stripping Technique Technique cannot cover the entire body Susanoo, not to mention the Wood Style Giant Buddha, which is more than ten times larger than the entire body Susanoo.

"I guess even if I use Kamui, I can't make it through."

Ryu still looks at the continuous attacks. It’s okay to have such bombardments continuously for more than five minutes, right?

"I wanted to be tough with you. Who knew you were so strong, you can only rely on your ignorance of me to kill you."

Ryu stared at Senju Hashirama who was standing on top of the Buddha. Before, he left a Flying Thunder God mark on Senju Hashirama's body, so Ryu can instantly appear next to Senju Hashirama.

When he came directly behind Senju Hashirama, the opponent reacted quickly. Before Ryu could attack, he fisted towards Ryu.

Without dodge, Senju Hashirama's fist went through Ryu's head.

"Kamui blur is easy to use."

There was a smile on Ryu's face. He hadn't used it before, but now even Senju Hashirama is lost.

Moreover, Ryu discovered that the pupil power and Chakra consumed by this Kamui blur are simply pitiful.

The ability is awesome and the consumption is small. Obito's awakening pupil technique is really strong.

Standing still, allowing Senju Hashirama to attack, while Ryu is also looking for a flaw in Senju Hashirama.

"Found it, back in time."

Ryu moved his hand in an instant, and the black Chakra sphere with a large spiral wheel appeared in his right hand, and then smashed it towards Senju Hashirama.

In order to prevent Senju Hashirama from being able to escape, Ryu also used time backtracking to prevent the enemy from escaping.

After hitting the target, Ryu immediately uses Flying Thunder God Technique to leave, otherwise the terrifying power of the big spiral wheel will be swallowed up with him.

This ninjutsu is suitable for throwing away from a distance, not suitable for close combat, unless it is a spiral wheel that uses power to reduce.

The big spiral wheel directly swallowed the Wood Style Giant Buddha at the feet of Senju Hashirama. When it was over, the Wood Style Giant Buddha was broken and not completely destroyed. The Wood Style Giant Buddha is already strong enough.

"It's not dead, did I hit Wood Clone?"

Ryu uses Kagura's eyes to lock onto Senju Hashirama's Chakra...

Wood Clone, it should be the strongest Clone Technique, can use all the ninjutsu of the body, even the blood ninjutsu can also be used.

Compared with Shadow Clone, Wood Clone is much better. Shadow Clone may be seen through, but Wood Clone is almost impossible to be seen through.

"It seems that Kagura's eyes will remain open."

You can only use the eyes of Kagura to perceive how much Chakra contains in the opponent's body and determine which one is the main body.

However, if you use it all the time, it will consume Ryu's energy, which may be nothing in normal times, but in the battle with Senju Hashirama, Ryu will be at a disadvantage.

Fortunately, Ryu got the blur of Kamui. He now has a fault tolerance rate. Even if he makes any mistakes, he can use Kamui to resolve it.

"No more clones are found around, this one is definitely the main body."

After investigating, Ryu's gaze became sharp, as long as it was confirmed that it was the main body, the opponent would never escape.

"Do it again, the big spiral wheel."

This move is one of Ryu's most destructive moves, because Ryu's strength is stronger, and the effect is stronger than Uzumaki.

"You can't run away."

In the past moment, Ryu uses time to backtrack to make sure he can definitely hit the opponent.

The last time I hit only one Wood Clone, Ryu felt aggrieved. This time it was definitely the main one, and Ryu was 100% convinced.

Because within tens of kilometers, there is no Chakra anymore except here, and Ryu uses Kagura's mind to perceive it clearly.

boom! ! !

[Ding, you kill Senju Hashirama projection, get: 300,000 points, Ashura Chakra, perfect Sage Body + Wood Style! 】


After hearing the prompt, Ryu completely relaxed. Now he can make sure that Senju Hashirama is really solved by him. Ryu will never relax without hearing the prompt.

This is also the lesson taught by Uchiha Madara using Izanaki the last time. Ryu was completely vigilant after suffering a loss once, and it is impossible to make the same mistake a second time.

Then Ryu checked the harvest. Even if it was his mentality, he couldn't help but smile at this time. Then his smile widened and he couldn't help laughing. Everything he wanted came out. Can you be upset?


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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