Mikoto has obtained Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan for too short a time, has not fully grasped it, and cannot use Susanoo completely.

However, Susanoo in the third stage is no problem to use, and her now explosively increasing Chakra is also sufficient.

"How did my daughter turn on Mangekyō Sharingan?"

Uchiha Yun was stunned and looked at Ryu who was standing in front.

Before the scene where Ryu helped Mikoto get promoted all the way to Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Yun did not see it, so he was shocked at this time.

Then Uchiha Yun was a little worried. Turning on Mangekyō Sharingan might not be a good thing. This is a curse. Mangekyō Sharingan will eventually become blind.

The people on one side did not know this news, but as the current elder, how could Uchihayun not know.

"I used a special method to help Mikoto turn it on, directly to Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, there is no danger of blindness, and now Mikoto has not fully grasped this power."

Ryu said with a smile.

Then Ryu watched the battle between the Uchiha, Uzumaki and Konoha Shinobi people. There were few people here, but they were all elites. Konoha Shinobi didn't have the upper hand in the 28th.

Ryu is not in a hurry to take action at this time. In fact, it is there to train the minds of the Uchiha people. The real strong are all killed in the war.

Moreover, seeing that the tribe is in danger, Ryu will also help to resolve it.

Especially some true elites, he can't let them die, these are the mainstays of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Yun has also shot, his current quasi-shadow-level combat effectiveness, as long as the shadow-class powerhouse does not take action, no one can beat him.

He took action mainly to see who was in danger, and then to rescue.

Uchiha Noo and Uzumaki Zangsuke fought, and the collision of the two Susanoo caused the surrounding ninjas to leave the battlefield far away.

However, there is no one blocking Mikoto, and Sarutobi Hiruzen did not expect that in addition to Uchiha Wild, Uchiha Mikoto, who is not well-known, also opened Mangekyō Sharingan.

The more I think about it, the more my scalp becomes numb, how many pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan are there in the Uchiha clan?

"No, I have to adapt. Only in this way can I help Ryu."

Mikoto looked pale at the dead ninja.

Susanoo suffered a lot of casualties as soon as he went down. Seeing these corpses, Mikoto felt uncomfortable.

Although Mikoto had killed ninjas before, he hadn't seen mass casualties, so I couldn't bear it.

However, Mikoto has a strong character, soft on the outside and strong on the inside. He quickly settled down and became more comfortable with Susanoo.

"The Uchiha tribe and the Uzumaki tribe are not too many. I have to kill the ninjas in Konoha Village as much as possible."

Looking at Hatake Sakumo who wanted to fight her, Uchiha Mikoto chose to ignore it. Anyway, Hatake Sakumo's several attacks could not break Susanoo's defense.

"For the patriarch, kill these Konoha Village bastards."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Kill, kill Sarutobi Hiruzen."

The Uchiha tribe is very hostile, and the situation of one-on-two and one-on-three is not let down.

Jōnin, at least two gou jade Sharingan turned on, in battle, one-on-one can almost kill the enemy in seconds.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was pale, he still underestimated the power of the Uchiha clan, and Uchiha Ryu has not taken any action yet.

"No, Uchiha Mikoto must be blocked."

Looking at Uchiha Mikoto who is killing all quarters, Sarutobi Hiruzen can't stand it anymore. There is no one who can resist the Konoha Village ninja.

Do you use Nine Tails Jinchūriki? It's not that I don't want to, I'm just afraid that Nine Tails will be used by the enemy instead.

boom! ! !

Suddenly behind Sarutobi Hiruzen, there was an explosion in the direction of the village.

"not good."

Turning around and looking at it, the huge body of Five Tails appeared in the center of the village. No wonder you didn't see Five Tails, but how did Five Tails pass?

If Sarutobi Hiruzen asks Ryu, Ryu will definitely tell Sarutobi Hiruzen that I used the Flying Thunder God Technique and came out of Summoning.

Ryu now has two Summoning beasts, one is Katsuyu and the other is Five Tails.

Yes, tail beasts can also become Summoning beasts. Nine Tails become Uchiha Madara's Summoning beasts. Uchiha Obito can also be Summoning Nine Tails after being inherited by Madara.

Of course, if it is sealed into Jinchūriki's body, there will be no Summoning.

"Uchiha Ryu, are you really that amazing?" Sarutobi Hiruzen yelled at Ryu.

"Hehe, are you supposed to say this? You brought people around my Uchiha clan first, right." Ryu smiled coldly.

Obviously there is a chance to get together and get together, but if you don't cherish it, then there is no way.

However, Ryu also knew that he wanted to defect from the clan, and Sarutobi Hiruzen would never allow such a thing to happen, otherwise other clan would follow Ryu to defect from the clan.

Five Tails is destroying wildly. Fortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen is also prepared to transfer the villagers of Konoha Village in advance and ask them to take refuge in the shelter.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care about talking to Ryu so much, and quickly attacked Uchiha Mikoto's Susanoo.

"The two shadows attacked Mikoto. Isn't this bullying her? Have you ever asked me."

Ryu said lightly.

Full body Susanoo, this is the first time Ryu has used it in reality. With a tall body, Susanoo in the third stage is very small in front of the real full body Susanoo.

Over a hundred meters tall, all the oppressive ninjas stopped.

"My patriarch."

The ninja of the Uchiha family looked at Ryu feverishly, as if looking at a god.

"Let you see what is the real Susanoo."

Ryu controlled Susanoo to slowly raise the sword, and then gently drop it. The terrifying sword aura cut forward, and the ninja, earth, and house in front were all split apart.

In the end, as far as the position of Naruto Rock, the ground was split like an abyss, and then even Naruto Rock was split apart.

This knife split open the Naruto Rock, the symbol of Konoha Village, and destroyed it along with the Naruto Building, destroying countless buildings.

The sword gas spread more than ten kilometers, making the ninjas of Konoha Village frightened.

"is that a lie."

One of the ninjas dropped his weapon and knelt down, with endless horror in his eyes.

"In the past two years, we Uchiha people have been killed a lot by your mission, Sarutobi Hiruzen, how do you think we should compensate?"

Ryu is located inside the crystal of Susanoo's head, and asks Sarutobi Hiruzen faintly.

In the past two years, Sarutobi Hiruzen has almost thought of a way to weaken the strength of the Uchiha clan, and various restrictions and suppression. Although they are secretly proceeding, Ryu is not a fool, and it is not invisible.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Susanoo with perfect body, his eyes were a little dull. When he saw Susanoo with perfect body, Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that he had lost.

The battle slowly stopped. Everyone looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen. The ninjas of Konoha Village lost their fighting spirit, especially those of Konoha's major families, who had secretly started to retreat.

Forced up, this Third Hokage can't fall down at this time, otherwise Konoha Village will really be over.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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