The fact that Konoha Village was razed to the ground quickly spread throughout the Ninja World.

The first reaction of those who received this news was that they did not believe that Konoha Village was the strongest Ninja village in the Ninja world, how could it be razed to the ground.

However, after knowing who did it, some people began to believe it, such as Third Kazekage, Third Raikage, Third Tsuchikage Onoki.

After all, the news that came back was not fake, and it was Uchiha Ryu who did this, and the entire Uchiha clan and the Uzumaki clan had defected.

Konoha Village was razed to the ground by a ninjutsu by Uchiha Ryu.


Onoki slapped the table and laughed. He thought that with Uchiha Ryu, he would be crushed by Konoha Village forever. Who would have thought that Uchiha Ryu defected.

"Good news, this is good news, worth celebrating."

Other major ninja villages performed similarly. Originally, Konoha Village had a strong background, and coupled with a Uchiha Ryu comparable to Uchiha Madara, major ninja villages were overwhelmed.

"Huang Tu, investigate the movement of the Uchiha clan, and let the news go, saying that I Rock Shinobi Village is willing to accept the Uchiha clan."

Oh Yemu told his son Huang Tu.

"Well, father, we, Iwa Shinobu and Uchiha Ryu have an antagonism, how can we accept them."

After hearing Ohnoki's words, Huang Tu couldn't help it immediately. At this time, he didn't take the opportunity to attack the Uchiha family, and even accepted them.

"Asshole, what do you know, there are no permanent enemies in this world. If Uchiha Ryu takes the Uchiha tribe into Rock Shinobi Village, it is not impossible to give him the next Tsuchikage."

Onoki slapped the table, and yelled at the loess with anger.

It used to be an enemy, but hatred cannot be forever. Onoki is really willing to accept the Uchiha clan.

As for the position of the next Tsuchikage, of course, it's just a talk at this time.

Those who have the idea of ​​Ohnoki, and other major ninja villages, if the Uchiha clan can be recruited, they can instantly become the strongest ninja village.

"Quickly, send someone to contact Uchiha Ryu and say that I, Hanzō of the Salamander, are willing to give him the leader position."

Hanzō of the Salamander from Rain Shinobi Village summoned Rain Shinobi and ordered.

Hanzō of the Salamander was serious at this time. He is different from the future. Hanzō of the Salamander at this time admires genius very much, and for Rain Shinobi Village, he doesn't mind giving up his position as the leader.

Now he is not as strong in power, and his ambition is to make Rain Shinobi Village the sixth largest Shinobi Village.

The Second Ninja War defeated Hanzō of the Salamander's confidence, but if Uchiha Ryu comes, Rain Shinobi Village will definitely become the sixth largest Ninja village.

These people think too much, and now Ryu has boarded the big ship to the country of water.(Read more @

The clansmen in the Kamui space are still inside. Ryu intends to release them after arriving in the Water Country. After all, the road is not so peaceful.

"Patriarch, can we really blend in when we enter Wuren Village?"

Uchihayun asked Ryu worriedly.

"Take your time, it is impossible to blend in in a short time, but the powerful family of Wunin Village is gone, and I have paved the way for the Uchiha clan."

By the way, Ryu directly told Uchiha Yun that he even controlled Third Mizukage, and Third Mizukage was his puppet.

After receiving this news, Uchiha Yun was really stunned. The leader of a big Shinobu village was actually controlled by Ryu.

"Really deserves to be the patriarch."

"Uncle Yun, just call my name in private." Ryu said to Uchiha Yun.

Now Uchiha Yun basically respectfully calls him the patriarch, because this is a rule and cannot be abandoned. Even if he becomes Ryu's father-in-law in the future, he will still be called the patriarch.

At least in front of outsiders, it must be like this.

"Well, I'll just call you Ryu in private." Uchiha Yun nodded, and it shouldn't be too much. After all, there is still a relationship with Mikoto.

Then Ryu approached Uzumaki Kai and told Uzumaki Kai a message.

Regarding the original attack on the Uzumaki clan, the original incident involved the participation of the Wurenin village, which was done by the ghost lamp clan. Ryu promised Uzumaki Kai to deal with the ghost lamp clan at will.

Now the Ghost Lantern clan is basically annihilated, and the survivors are also taken into custody.

The Shui Wuyue clan was almost destroyed, and the scattered clans also escaped from Wuren Village.

As for the Kaguya clan, they are still lingering and have no strength anymore. Those small families are basically wiped out.

Over the past two years, Wuren Village has undergone extremely bloody changes, making Third Mizukage a cruel and ruthless executioner.

"Third Mizukage's value has almost been played out, and then it is time for him to play his best role."

Ryu's eyes flickered, because of some bloody things that Third Mizukage did, his position in Kirinin Village was unstable.

There are many ninjas who want to overthrow Third Mizukage. At this time, just contact those ninjas who want Third Mizukage to die and "get rid of" Third Mizukage.

And under this condition, let the Uchiha clan enter Wunin Village smoothly.

Bloody suppression can also control Wuren Village, but if you do so, the interior will be very unstable.

After arriving in the Water Country, Ryu found a safe place and brought out the Uchiha and Uzumaki people in the Kamui space.

"Hmph, I will ignore you from now on." After Kushina came out, she snorted angrily at Ryu.

Ryu is helpless, but Kushina's anger is only temporary, and it is estimated that she will die in a few days.

I didn't have time to bother about Kushina for the time being, let her go to Mikoto, and then Ryu found Tsunade.

That's right, I found Tsunade. A year ago, Ryu and Tsunade cooperated and let Tsunade join Wunin Village and become the first person to break into Wunin Village.

"How, how did those Mizunos react?"

"They are willing to accept the Uchiha and Uzumaki clan into Wunin Village, but they want you to help them kill Third Mizukage." Tsunade said with a smile.

Others don't know, but she does know that the chaos inside Kirinin Village is entirely caused by Ryu, and Third Mizukage is just a pawn.

"Very well, the final value of Third Mizukage is to be solved by me."

"But if you want to be the Fourth Mizukage, I am afraid it is a bit difficult. Some people may not want to let you, an outsider, be the Fourth Mizukage."

"It's okay, they will recognize the difference in strength by then."

Ryu doesn't think this is a problem, even if he doesn't become a Mizukage first, as long as he settles down in Wunin Village, it is easy to control Wunin Village.

What he did before was not done in vain. To tell the truth, the powerhouse of Wunin Village is basically dead, and there is no other shadow class besides Third Mizukage.

In this case, those who are not strong enough, dare to be the next Mizukage? And Ryu controls not only Third Mizukage, but also some other elite Jōnin.

"Now there is still another big show to enter Wuren Village." Ryu is not in a hurry for the time being, so he will settle all the people here first.


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