Loquat Juzo and the others left, Ryu gave them a task to secretly contact those ninjas who were dissatisfied with Third Mizukage in Wunin Village.

A few days later, Kurihara Kushimaru came back to report to Ryu, telling Ryu that they had already contacted those who were dissatisfied with Third Mizukage.

And those people are not too dissatisfied with accepting Uchiha Ryu as Mizukage, but they must be able to defeat Third Mizukage.

"It seems that the time is ripe. It's time to go to Wuren Village."

Ryu didn't hesitate, and took a dozen elite Jōnin with him and headed for Wunin Village.

It's good to take people directly in, and the ninja guarding the gate of the village at the door is already from Li Shakuanwan.

"Master Ryu, don't you have a plan?" Muri Jinhachi, after sneaking in, asked Ryu.

"Plan, do you need that kind of thing?"

Does he still need to plan? To be honest, the entire Wunin Village can't beat him.

If it is not for the initial acceptance of the Uchiha clan by the villagers of Wuren Village, Ryu doesn't need to direct these, just do it directly.

"Take someone directly to the Mizukage building, I will solve Third Mizukage, and the others will be handled by you."

After Ryu gave the order, he set off directly, without using Susanoo's techniques that would cause widespread destruction, because in the future, Wunin Village will belong to him, so he needs to relax a little.

Destroying Wunin Village is destroying one's own things. For this reason, Ryu specifically asked Uchiha to wild them.

"Fire Style·The fire is extinguished."

The terrifying Fire Style directly enveloped the entire Mizukage building, and then countless Water Style ninjutsu began to extinguish the fire, but Ryu's Fire Style was not so easy to extinguish.

Water Style can restrain Fire Style, but small water currents can't extinguish the overwhelming fire.

"It deserves to be the Fire Style of the patriarch."

The Uchiha people have worship in their eyes.

In fact, the Uchiha people do not have the advantage when facing the ninjas of Wunin Village. The Fire Style that they are best at is restrained. Not everyone can break these restraints like Ryu.

"Am I hacking Third Mizukage cleanly, or will I fight with Third Mizukage for a while?"

Ryu began to think about this issue. After all, Third Mizukage is controlled by him. As long as Ryu wants to, he can make Third Mizukage commit suicide at any time.

"Kill it directly, this is the time when Li Wei is needed."

However, if you want to kill, you must kill them in front of many Wunin, and let them know their strength.

"For kindness, just use Water Style."

Seeing Third Mizukage who had left the Mizukage building and rushed out of flames, Ryu had already sentenced him to death.

"Water Style·Hard Vortex Water Blade."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The powerful S-level Water Style ninjutsu, when Third Mizukage just rushed out, pierced his heart, and half of his body was crushed.

"This this……"

"Third Mizukage died like this?"

"Killed by one move, is it so powerful?"

The Mizunomen, led by the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, saw that Ryu killed Third Mizukage in a single move, and they widened their eyes and didn't believe that the powerful Third Mizukage was killed so easily?

In fact, if he is not controlled, Third Mizukage can still struggle twice. Unfortunately, he is controlled by Ryu himself, and when he rushes out, he is dying.

"All other Third Mizukage cronies will be killed." Ryu ordered indifferently.

With the Uchiha tribe, and most of the Wunin Village chose to rebel, Third Mizukage is dead, and those cronies who belonged to Third Mizukage naturally cannot escape.

After that, things were much simpler. Li Hao Kushi Maru, Tong Cao Bai Bai Ren, and Loquat Juzo chose to recommend Ryu to become Mizukage.

They are the most prestigious ninjas other than Mizukage, and if they recommend them, even if someone is dissatisfied, they can only endure it.

The original Mizukage building was gone, but Ryu immediately used Wood Style to build another Mizukage building, which was more impressive than before.

"Wuren will be handed over to you for the time being. I will give you one month. After one month, I don't want to hear any voices against me."

Ryu enters the new Mizukage office, sits in the main seat and gives orders to Loquat Juzo and the others.

We still have to reuse them now, and we will take their place after the Uchiha clan is fully integrated.

Of course, for them, Ryu will not shed their grievances and kill donkeys. After all, they are all very powerful ninjas. With the Jōnin sword, ordinary elite Jōnin are not their opponents.

Together they even have the ability to siege and kill the shadow-level powerhouses.

The reason why I was hit hard by Third Mizukage before was because Ryu’s Wood Clone was playing a ghost, otherwise, only with Third Mizukage, it might not have been able to beat the Ninja Seven.

The Uchiha field was sent by Ryu to bring the Uchiha and Uzumaki clan into Kurinin Village, and set up a clan land at the center of Kurinin Village near the Mizukage building...

A month has passed in a blink of an eye, and now in Mizuna, the voice of resisting Ryu is very small.

All this is also thanks to the suppression of the Ninja Swordsmen. By the way, it is worth mentioning that the original Ninja Swordsmen with five people left to make up to the seven people again.

Among them, the big sword Samehada was given to Hoshigaki Kisame by Ryu, and the two-sword flounder was given to Uchiha for use.

As Ryu's confidant, Uchiha Noo naturally became the leader of the Seven Ninjas, and was responsible for the management of the Seven Ninjas.

And Ryu also held a Mizukage takeover ceremony, officially becoming Fourth Mizukage.

As for Yakura who was supposed to be Fourth Mizukage, he has now become one of Ryu's guards, and his strength is not weak now, and his quasi-kage level combat power.

He was not hostile to Ryu becoming Mizukage, so Ryu made him a guard.

"Konoha's loss is smaller than I thought."

After being busy for a month, Ryu checked the information about Konoha Village.

Now Konoha Village has been rebuilt seven or eighty eight, and the loss of Konoha Village is much smaller than Ryu had imagined.

Originally, Ryu thought that Konoha Village would kill more than half of them. Unexpectedly, the number of casualties was only about a quarter. Sarutobi Hiruzen survived, and even Hatake Sakumo survived.

Danzo, this old tortoise, should be the most complete preserved, and it did not appear from beginning to end.

"Konoha was hit hard, but the foundation of Konoha Village was not shaken."

Ryu shook his head slightly, a quarter of the population was damaged, and the entire village was destroyed, and the foundation of Konoha Village could not be shaken.

It only takes a few years at most for Konoha Village to recover seven or eight.

"Forget it, I will develop Wunin Village for the time being."

I didn't want to continue to target Konoha Village. In fact, Ryu's ambitions are not very big. Destroying Konoha Village is just to vent his anger for the people who have been killed.

Now I don’t plan to take a shot at Konoha Village, and the internal affairs of Wunin Village are enough for Ryu to have a headache.

Now Ryu regrets becoming Mizukage, especially when he just took over, there are too many things to deal with, and Ryu needs to use Shadow Clone to deal with it.

It is necessary to tap talents, and if he can handle everything himself, he will probably be exhausted.

What's more, Ryu doesn't want to focus on government affairs. He never forgets that the most important thing is to improve his strength. When he reaches the sixth level, he can relax. .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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