The battle lasted for less than half an hour, and the Konoha Shinobi troops were defeated again and fled.

After Wuren chased him for a while, he obeyed Kushina's order and gave up to continue chasing the enemy.

Sage Mode is running out of time. If you don't use Sage Mode, Kushina can be regarded as the peak strength of the movie class at best, and it will be dangerous to catch up.

"Count the casualties."

Kushina commanded, and at the same time let people clean up the battlefield and collect some materials that can still be used.

This time, about 50 people were killed in Wuren, and more people were injured, reaching more than 200 people.

However, their results are also very exaggerated. The number of Konoha Shinobi killed was about a thousand people. As for the injured Konoha Shinobi, those who escaped were all injured.

"The casualties are so big."

Kushina is not satisfied. Although it is a big victory for Wujin, Kushina wants to win with zero casualties, but Kushina also knows that it is impossible.

After experiencing the baptism of war, the strength of these surviving Mist Ninjas may not have improved, but their combat effectiveness has also improved a lot, with a lot of combat experience.

"I don't know if Ryu will blame me." Kushina muttered.

"I won't blame you. In fact, Kushina's performance shocked me. This is already the best result."

Ryu appeared in front of Kushina and spoke.

"When did you come? Will you follow me all the time?"

For the sudden appearance of Ryu, Kushina is no stranger to it, because Ryu is often out of sight, and was not used to it at the beginning, but now he is used to it.

"Well, I did follow you all the time."

Ryu nodded.

"Then you're worried that I won't be able to lead Mizuna well." Kushina looked at Ryu with a slight bitterness.

"No, you are wrong. I am simply worried about your safety. Although I know your strength is okay, I don't want you to be hurt a little bit."

Ryu hugged Kushina, sat down and said softly.

Leaning against Ryu's arms, Kushina feels very at ease, and her heart is sweet. Ryu is worried about her safety.

Kushina is also a woman, of course I hope that the person I like can always care about me.

"I thought you knew that I would be angry following you."

"How can I be angry? I'm not a woman who doesn't know good and bad. You followed me to protect my safety. It's too late for me to be happy."

Kushina flipped Byakugan, how could she be angry with Ryu.

"But Sarutobi Hiruzen ran away, which made me a little angry. He would be able to kill him immediately, but the sissy gave him away."(Read more @

Thinking of Sarutobi Hiruzen being rescued, Kushina couldn't help gritting her teeth. If she could catch the sissy Namikaze Minato, she would definitely punch him a hundred punches.

"I don't know if Sarutobi Hiruzen will choose to surrender next."

Ryu's eyes were a bit deep, but at this time, surrender was the best choice for Konoha Village.

"Should not surrender. I think they resisted very firmly, but even if they did not surrender, they would just resist stubbornly."

Kushina doesn't think Konoha Village will have a chance to come back, and even whether Konoha Village will become history is within Ryu's thoughts.

"Right, what's next?"

Kushina asked Ryu that he had already defeated the Konoha Shinobi troops, but Kushina felt it was not appropriate to pursue him.

Because they also have losses, and the supplies also need to keep up, I'm afraid they won't be able to deal with Konoha now.

"Send a message to Mikoto, and then just wait. If Konoha Village doesn't want to surrender, it can only dispatch reinforcements."

This is within the territory of the Fire Land, very close to Konoha Village. Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to dispatch reinforcements and will be able to support it soon.

The fight between Wunin and Konoha has now spread, and within two days of the fight, Konoha Village was defeated and fled.

Onoki, who had obtained this information, was not happy, even if he saw Konoha's opponent deflated, he couldn't laugh.

Wunin Village is too strong, Uchiha Ryu did not make a move, Konoha Village could not stand it, if Uchiha Ryu also made a move, wouldn't the entire Ninja world be swept away.

"If I can, I really want to help Konoha, but it's a pity that Rock Shinobi Village can't do it now."

Onoki sighed, and then began to curse the damn Third Raikage. He even dared to form an alliance with Uchiha Ryu. He was trying to seek skin with the tiger, so he was not afraid of being swallowed.

Rock Shinobi also has Sand Shinobi, and now they are not playing with Cloud Shinobi.

As for Rain Shinobi, a participant in the Second Ninja War, there is no movement now. Hanzō of the Salamander has no ambitions as before and dare not participate.

Besides, Rain Shinobi Village is no longer eligible to participate.

At the time of the Second Ninja War, Rain Shinobi Village was second only to the other five major Ninja villages. However, Rain Shinobi has not yet recovered its vitality. The Second Ninja War Rain Shinobi Village suffered the most losses.

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Shinobi Village has the foundation and can accept these losses, but Rain Shinobi Village cannot, and a defeat in the Ninja World War will be devastated.

"Old man, how is your injury?"

In Konoha's new camp, Jiraiya asked Sarutobi Hiruzen with concern.

"After the medical ninja's treatment, it is almost all right now." Sarutobi Hiruzen gave a grudging smile.

"It will be fine if Tsunade is still there. Your injury is a minor injury to Tsunade."

After Jiraiya finished speaking, the atmosphere became silent, Sarutobi Hiruzen said nothing, Orochimaru's eyes were inexplicable.

"Huh, it's just a traitor, now she has joined Wujin Village, and is our enemy." Danzo snorted, dissatisfied.

.. ........ ...

Jiraiya glanced at Danzo uncomfortably. Why did Tsunade become a rebel, don't you have any points in your heart?

But fortunately, Tsunade did not come. Otherwise, I really don’t know how to face Tsunade. Do I really want to become enemies with her?

Does Tsunade really have no feelings for Konoha Village? Jiraiya doesn't know, and there is no time to think about it, because Konoha Village has encountered an unprecedented crisis.

"Mr. Sarutobi, please consider my previous proposal. The only way to preserve Konoha Village is to submit a letter of surrender and admit defeat."

Orochimaru spoke to Sarutobi Hiruzen at this time.

"Orochimaru, what are you thinking?" Jiraiya didn't expect Orochimaru to mention surrender again.

"Idiot, this is the best choice." Orochimaru glanced at Jiraiya lightly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued to remain silent. As for Danzo, he certainly opposed it. Danzo would not be reconciled if he chose to admit defeat.

Also, if they surrender and admit defeat, how much would they have to pay? Uchiha Ryu will definitely take the opportunity to open his mouth, and even take the opportunity to swallow Konoha.

"Orochimaru, don't mention it anymore." Sarutobi Hiruzen finally said, he still rejected Orochimaru's proposal.

Orochimaru shook his head a little regrettably. In Orochimaru's view, continuing to resist does not make any sense. It will only cause meaningless casualties and make Konoha Village even worse.

But the final decision maker is his teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen, he only makes a suggestion at most, without any decision-making power.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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