"Sarutobi Hiruzen took the Konoha Shinobi and fled back to Konoha Village."

Soon after, Kushina came back with Wuren and reported the situation to Ryu.

Chasing all the way, Sarutobi Hiruzen decisively took the Konoha Shinobi and fled back to Konoha Village. Attacking Konoha Village was not so easy. After all, it was the nest of others and the defense was very tight.

If you attack rashly, you will lose a lot even if you can win, so Kushina returned with someone.

"Even fleeing back, it seems that Konoha Village is about to surrender."

Ryu chuckled and said, now Konoha Village has no choice but to surrender.

"Then Ryu, do you accept Konoha Village's surrender?" Mikoto asked Ryu.

Accept the surrender of Konoha Village, Konoha Village can still exist. If you don’t accept it, Konoha Village will become history, or you can choose to take the entire village and escape.

"Accept, the occupation of the entire fire country can't be managed, so Konoha can be left, but they need to pay the price that can keep them alive."

"I'm afraid there are more than these reasons. You must have Tsunade in your heart." Kushina looked at Ryu with piercing eyes.

Ryu touched his nose, and Kushina was right.

If Konoha Village is destroyed, Tsunade will feel very uncomfortable. Maybe she won't turn against 300 pairs, but she must be in a bad mood.

If Tsunade wasn't Ryu's woman, then Ryu wouldn't care so much, but Tsunade was Ryu's woman, and Ryu didn't want to see her sad.

"Huh, you are so kind to that woman, I'm jealous."

Kushina pursed her lips full of jealousy.

"Am I treating you badly?"

Ryu squeezed Kushina's nose and asked angrily.

Next to Terumi Mei watching this scene, eating dog food silently, a little envious in her heart, saying that she is now the age when she should find a boyfriend.

Just because I got used to being around Ryu, Terumi Mei’s vision is a bit high. Her current criteria for choosing a mate is that she can’t lose to Mizukage too much in appearance, and then she can’t lose too much to Mizukage in strength, and she still needs to love her, yes. She is good.

However, according to Terumi Mei's standard for choosing a spouse, he is probably ready to be single for a lifetime.

Compared to Ryu's relaxed side, Konoha Village is very dignified.

All the high-level Konoha had a meeting, and the heads of the major families gathered together, and they were discussing the next countermeasures at this time.

"Danzo, where did you go before?"

Jiraiya asked Danzo suddenly, because he didn't see Danzo on the battlefield.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Last time you were attacked by Nawaki, it shouldn't have been this time." Jiraiya gave a cold smile. Danzo probably hid because of fear of death.

At the moment when Konoha was alive and dead, Danzo didn't want to help Konoha, but he escaped. This behavior is too shameful. Jiraiya wanted to hack him to death.

"Is the old man you can question?" Danzo glanced at Jiraiya indifferently.

It was obviously a meeting to discuss Konoha Village's next decision, but the swords began to falter.


Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a low growl, telling Jiraiya not to mention it anymore. Now Konoha Village is in a precarious manner. If there is another disturbance inside, I am afraid it will be really hopeless.

"Patriarch Fugaku, what do you think?"

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Uchiha Fugaku's body, and when the others saw it, they followed Uchiha Fugaku's eyes.

Uchiha Fugaku frowned, what do you mean, what can I say, and then Uchiha Fugaku understood.

I guess I don't believe him, whether it is Sarutobi Hiruzen or other big families, they don't believe him.

After all, he is also from the Uchiha clan. What if he takes the opportunity to stabbing a knife at this time? I can't help but be on guard.

There was a big conflict between Uchiha Ryu and Uchiha Fugaku, but who knows if they performed on purpose.

"I don't have any opinion, let's follow Hokage-sama's will." Uchiha Fugaku said calmly.

If you doubt, let them doubt it, anyway, Uchiha Fugaku has a clear conscience in his heart, and it is impossible for him and Uchiha Ryu to come together.

Sarutobi Hiruzen fell into deep thought and didn't say anything.

At this time, it was impossible to act on Uchiha Fugaku because of some suspicion, and staying at the Uchiha branch house in Konoha Village did not act excessively.

In fact, there are other voices inside Konoha Village Uchiha branch house, such as rebelling altogether, just join Wunin Village.

In Konoha Village, they had a bad life. After Ryu left with his tribe, those of them who were labeled as branch houses were embarrassed.

I have suffered a lot over the years. If I join the Wunin Village, it is also a good choice. Now the Mizukage of Wunin Village is Uchiha Ryu.

For the sake of his clan, he should take them in and give them a good treatment.

I have to say that they think too much. Even if they really go to Ryu, Ryu may not accept them. For Ryu, they are already outsiders.

Those who were willing to follow him at the beginning have followed him, and the rest are not considered his clan in Ryu's mind.

The sound of Uchiha branch house in Konoha Village was suppressed by Uchiha Fugaku, so it did not reach Sarutobi Hiruzen and their ears.

"I chose to declare defeat and submit a surrender letter to Wuren."

After the atmosphere was silent for a long time, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally made a sound, and his words were like a bomb, making everyone stunned.

However, after a long time passed, no one stood up to object, even Jiraiya didn't say a word, just opened his mouth and remained silent.

Danzo also did not raise any objections, because he had discussed with Sarutobi Hiruzen before and this was a last resort.

It depends on whether Wu Ren accepts their surrender. If he doesn't accept it, he can only fight to the death.

"It seems that none of you opposes. In this case, it is assumed that everyone agrees."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a sigh of relief. Although the persistence in his heart made him not want to surrender, his heart finally eased after making a choice at this time.

Some other Konoha Shinobi people actually have the same ideas in their minds as Sarutobi Hiruzen, and they don't want to fight with Mizuna anymore.

After that, Sarutobi Hiruzen began to write a surrender book. This was the first time that Konoha Village was defeated, and it was defeated at the hands of his Third Hokage.

There will always be someone who will come out to take the blame. After this war is over, his position as Hokage must step down.

This news made Danzo's heart ecstatic. If Sarutobi Hiruzen resigns as Third Hokage, then it seems that he is most qualified to become Naruto.

What is the biggest obsession in Danzo's heart? When Naruto, the position of Naruto is Danzo's biggest obsession.

However, Danzo probably did not think that his teammate, Sarutobi Hiruzen, could not make Danzo a Naruto. Even Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura could not make Danzo a Naruto.

Because his personality is not suitable, no one knows what Danzo is better than them. It is appropriate to take charge of the root organization, but Danzo is really not good when it comes to being a Naruto in a bright place.


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