"Eilao Zang, Luo Sha is not suitable for being a wind shadow at all."

Chiyo, who left with anger, said to him after finding Eilao Zang.

"Rosa offended you?"

Seeing the angry Chiyo, Eilao Zang knew that there must be a disagreement. Rosha offended Chiyo, so Chiyo would say that.

"Sister, don't be self-willed, you can't change Fengying now, otherwise Sand Shinobi's morale will be completely gone." Eilaozou reminded Chiyo.

He was really scared. The sister was angry and replaced Luosha. After all, Luosha is not the real Fourth Kazekage now, and the agent Fengying can be replaced.

"Now in Sand Shinobi Village, there is no one who is more suitable to become Fengying than Luosha."

Eilaozang said with a wry smile.

Aside from the ability aspect, in terms of strength, there is definitely no more suitable than Luosha, unless he and his sister are willing to be the wind shadow.

But neither Eilao Zang nor Chiyo didn't want to be Fengying.

Ye Cang is pretty good, but her current strength is still somewhat lacking, and in other aspects, Ye Cang is far inferior to Luo Sha, such as supporters.

Luo Sha is a disciple of Third Kazekage. He learned Magnet Style from Third Kazekage, so the original supporters of Third Kazekage will support Luo Sha.

"And my sister, the overall situation is the most important thing. Now the ninjas of Konoha Village have come over, let's go quickly."

Eilao Zang took the still angry thousand-generation mother-in-law to deal with the Konoha Shinobi who had been killed.

In another battle, Sand Shinobi lost in this battle. Although it was not a disastrous defeat, he was forced to withdraw from the territory of the land of fire.

"Huh, I said retreat before."

Chiyo looked at the injured Luo Sha and gave a cold snort.

"Sister, Fengying is injured, so just say a few words less." He Laozang felt a headache, and felt that his sister and Luo Sha had different personalities.

"Then I don't know what advice Qiandai consultants have at this time? Do you take us away dingy?" Luo Sha asked Qiandai mother-in-law with some yin and yang.

"Rosa, what do you mean?"

Chiyo stood up directly, although she didn't stand up high, but she was very imposing.

"Losa, shut up." He Laozang shouted sharply.

No wonder my sister is angry, it seems that Luosha has indeed become rampant, this is not a suitable Fengying.

Facing Chiyo and Eilaozang, Luosha finally reluctantly chose to remain silent, after all, his reputation is still not as good as Chiyo and Eilaozang.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Even when Third Kazekage is still alive, he needs to face Chiyo and Ebazou politely.

"I don't have time to worry about you. Now I will send a message to Onoki, and let Onoki join in and deal with Konoha Village."

Chiyo looked at Luosha and didn't want to say anything. This was not a time of civil strife, so let's wait until the war is over.

"Let Rock Shinobi participate. Wouldn't it mean that they should follow along to distribute the benefits." Luo Sha frowned, with reluctance on her face.

Looking at Rosha who was reluctant, Chiyo raised his hand and pointed at him, feeling that this was an idiot. If Rock Shinobi Village is not allowed to participate, can they win?

Even if they really win, according to the current strength of Konoha Village, it will definitely be a tragic victory. Will they be eligible to enjoy the final result if they win horribly then? It's fine if it's not eaten.

Focusing only on the immediate benefits, Chiyo felt that Luosha was more and more unsuitable to be Fengying. His strength was okay. He could barely make do with Fengying, but his IQ seemed to be a bit short.

"If you don't want Rock Shinobi to participate, then take Sand Shinobi to retreat, and the war with Konoha is over."

The mother-in-law Qiandai said very strongly, and Eilaozang also followed the mother-in-law.

"Damn it, these two old guys." Luo Sha was angry from her heart, but in the end she could only choose to compromise.

"This is the last time I have compromised with you two old guys."

Order to go down, let someone pass a message to Onoki, and invite Onoki to take Rock Shinobi Village to attack Konoha Village.

And what are Ohnogi and Rock Shinobi doing now? They weren't idle either, Oh Nogi took Rock Shinobi into Taki no Kuni.

Onoki entered the country of Taki and shot towards Takinin Village. His main goal was Seven Tails.

In normal times, Onoki definitely can't attack Seven Tails, otherwise he will face the condemnation of other Dainin villages, but now everyone's eyes are attracted by the battle between Konoha Village and Sand Shinobi Village.

So after seizing this opportunity, Onoki took Rock Shinobi into Taki no Kuni and made a plan to capture Seven Tails.

Five Tails fell into Ryu's hands, and Rock Shinobi Village lacked a tail beast. Thinking about it, Ohnoki could only come to fight Seven Tails. This is also the best bully.

The other tail beasts were in the hands of the major Shinobi villages, only Seven Tails fell into the hands of the small Shinobi village. Taki Shinobi was actually in a very good location and it was difficult to be invaded, but facing Rock Shinobi, they couldn't stop it at all.

"Seven Tails Jinchūriki has finally arrived."

Onoki looked at the captured Seven Tails Jinchūriki and relentlessly extracted Seven Tails from the opponent's body. Then he prepared what could be called a net of heaven and earth. Seven Tails struggled and was defeated and sealed in a Rock Shinobi in vivo.

"Father, Cloud Shinobi seems to have noticed our actions?" Huang Tu came to Onoki and reported.

"Hmph, what if they found out, they found out it was too late, let's go."

Ohnogi glanced at Takinin Village. At this time, Takinin Village was destroyed and many ninjas died, but Ohnogi didn't care.

"But let people be on guard against Cloud Shinobi, lest they shoot us."

After thinking about it, Onoki gave orders to avoid being attacked by Cloud Shinobi. At this time, it is difficult to guarantee that Cloud Shinobi will not attack because of jealousy.

Rock Shinobi retreated smoothly. Cloud Shinobi didn't do anything. Knowing that it was too late, he gave up on Rock Shinobi Village.

"Damn Ohnoki, let him get ahead."

Third Raikage was a little angry. In fact, Third Raikage had thoughts about Seven Tails, but his idea was not realized before he was successfully taken away by Onoki.

If he knew the news earlier, he would still have a chance to cut Hu, but it was too late to know the news.

Afterwards, the affairs of Takinin Village were also stabbed out, and the entire ninja world knew about it. For a while, many criticized Rock Shinobi, especially Third Raikage, but they often criticized Onoki.

But this kind of painless accusation, Oh Nogi doesn't care at all. Once the benefits are obtained, what can you do if you scold me, anyway, I won't lose anything.

As for the crusade of Taki Shinobi Village, they just talked verbally. If they really want to be an enemy of Rock Shinobi Village, they don't have this strength.

"This fellow Ohnoki is really a chicken thief." Ryu couldn't help but curse secretly when he got the information.

It's not that Ryu cares about Seven Tails. In fact, Ryu doesn't care about the waste material of Seven Tails. Although it is the only one that can fly among the tail beasts, the strength is indeed the weakest of the tail beasts.

At the same time, Onoki also received news from Fourth Kazekage Rosa and invited him to deal with Konoha Village. Looking at this information, Onoki was also in deep thought, thinking about how to get the most benefit.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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