After defeating one Ōtsutsuki Kaguya projection, Ryu couldn’t wait to challenge the second one. This time it was much faster than before, and it didn’t take long to seal the Ōtsutsuki Kaguya projection.

【Ding, you defeated the Ōtsutsuki Kaguya projection and got: 500,000 points, immortal body, eighty gods air strikes! 】

[Ding, you defeat the Ōtsutsuki Kaguya projection and get: 500,000 points, Huangquan Hirazaka, swelling Truth-Seeking Ball, immortal body (get the card)! 】

[Ding, you defeat the Ōtsutsuki Kaguya projection and get: 500,000 points, kill the ashes, the undead (to get the card), and the eighty gods air strike (to get the card)! 】

[Ding, you defeated the Ōtsutsuki Kaguya projection, you get: 500,000 points, the immortal body (get the card), Huangquan Hirasaka (get the card)! 】

After defeating Ōtsutsuki Kaguya four times in a row, the abilities of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya have been wiped out by Ryu.

[Undead (Get Card)]: After using it, you can get Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's Immortal, which can be given to others to use.

【Eighty God Air Strike (Get Card)]: After using it, you can learn the Eighty God Air Strike, which can be used by others.

[Huangquan Biliangban (Get Card)]: After using it, you can learn Huangquan Biliangban, which can be used by others.

"The acquisition cards for the three immortals can be used by Mikoto, Kushina, and Tsunade." Ryu put the acquisition cards away.

At this time, Ryu discovered that as long as it is a bursting ability that Ryu owns, he will burst out the ability to obtain a card, which can be given to others to use.

This ability acquisition card can also be exchanged, but the points required for redemption are slightly higher. After all, direct exchange can only be used by Ryu himself, and the exchange ability acquisition card can be used by others in the same way.

Leaving the system space, Ryu called Mikoto, Tsunade and Kushina over.

"What is this?" Kushina asked Ryu to get the card with Immortal Body.

"This is so familiar."

After seeing this thing, Mikoto felt very familiar, and then thought of the sharingan advanced card that Ryu gave him back then, which is similar to this thing.

"The undead ability obtains the card. After using it, you can obtain the immortality of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, which can be restored no matter what damage is received, and it comes with the ability of immortality."

Ryu introduced them to Kushina.

"Really, who is Ōtsutsuki Kaguya? Why haven't I heard of it."

Tsunade has some doubts, this thing can really gain immortality?

"How to use it?" Kushina didn't have too much doubt, but asked Ryu to tell her how to use it.

"I must use it for you." Ryu took the card and chose to use it for Kushina, and then used it for Mikoto and Tsunade.

boom! ! !

The Chakra of Kushina, Mikoto, and Tsunade couldn't stop the skyrocketing. This change surprised Ryu.

"Is it incidental to increase Chakra's ability?"

I didn't know before, but after thinking about it, Ryu probably understood that the special physique of this immortal body is similar to that of the perfect Sage Body, but it should be more advanced.(Read more @

The strength of the three of them has improved a lot. If Kushina and Tsunade were both half-legged to the super shadow level before, then they are now properly super shadow level.

"It has changed so much?"

Kushina clenched her fists in disbelief, feeling the cells of her body full of endless vitality.

"I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it." Tsunade was a little unbelievable before, but now feeling the change, she believes it.

"There are two more ability acquisition cards here. The three of you will draw lots to determine the ownership."

Ryu took out the Eighty God Air Strike and Huangquan Hirasaka's ability acquisition card, which is not good for anyone, so let's draw lots and decide the ownership by luck.

Then the result of the draw was that Kushina got the eighty god air strikes, and Mikoto got Hiroizumi Hirazaka, Tsunade squatted in the corner and shut himself down.

"Should drawing lots be considered a gambling? It seems you are really bad luck."

Ryu looked at the autistic Tsunade with a weird expression.

"Wait, Kushina, you don't want to experiment with eighty magical air strikes here, right."

Suddenly feeling Chakra burst out of Kushina, Ryu immediately pressed Kushina's shoulder.

If you experiment here, I am afraid that the entire Uchiha family land will be demolished by Kushina.

The Eighty God Air Strike used by Kushina is definitely not as powerful as Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, but it will definitely be terrifying. After all, this is one of the strongest physical skills in the Naruto World.

If it is really compared, I am afraid that only the Eight Inner Gates Eighth Gate can be compared with the Eighty God Air Strike.

"I'll find a place to experiment."

Kushina still couldn't bear the idea of ​​using the eighty god air strikes she had just obtained.

"Then I will take you to a place where no one is."

Mikoto said to Kushina, and then Mikoto opened a dark space passage.

Huangquan than Ryosaka, the ultimate time space ninjutsu, apart from the consumption of Chakra, there are no other shortcomings...

Then Mikoto pulled Kushina into the space channel, leaving Ryu and Tsunade two people at home.

Tsunade looked straight at Ryu at this time, numb the scalp that Ryu had shown him, and frustrated his hands towards Tsunade.

"Tsunade, this is your luck."

"I know, but I am not reconciled." Tsunade said depressedly.

"Forget it, for your pitiful sake, I'll get you one with great compassion." Ryu finally reluctantly exchanged one.

It costs 200,000 points to obtain a card from Wood Style Blood Succession Limits, which is not too expensive for Ryu, who is now rich in assets.

"After using this, you can get Wood Style."

"What, get Wood Style?"

Hearing that he could obtain Wood Style, Tsunade's expression was particularly excited, and he stared at Ryu with wide eyes.

"Well, what you get is only Wood Style Blood Succession Boundary, but you need to learn about Wood Style ninjutsu by yourself."

If you include various Wood Style ninjutsu, this point cost more than 200,000 points.

"This is simple. As long as you can obtain Wood Style Blood Succession Boundary, it is not easy to learn Wood Style Ninjutsu." Tsunade didn't think this was a problem.

Indeed, it is not difficult for Tsunade, because Tsunade possesses Wood Style ninjutsu, and he could not master Wood Style blood inheritance limits before, so he could not learn it.

"Thank you Ryu."

"For our relationship, do you still need to say thank you? Tsunade, when did you meet?" Ryu waved his hand and said.

After all, in Ryu's impression, Tsunade has a thick skin. After all, he used to ask himself to borrow money.

Tsunade was excited to learn Wood Style Ninjutsu. Ryu told Tsunade that if there was anything he couldn't do, he could ask Ryu. After all, Ryu had already learned Wood Style Ninjutsu.

I learned Ryu but rarely use it. Now there are not many people who know that Ryu knows Wood Style, mainly because Ryu rarely does it now.

The battle is also in the system and the projection battle, no one else knows that Ryu can Wood Style, if the people in Konoha Village know that Ryu can Wood Style, I don’t know what it will be like.

I don't want to think about it. I sealed the projection of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya five times in a row. Even if every challenge is over, Ryu will regain his full strength and still have a sense of mental exhaustion, so Ryu needs to rest.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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