"Master Mizukage, shall we agree or not?"

Terumi Mei asked Ryu.

Fourth Raikage wants to visit Wunin Village, but if Wunin Village chooses to refuse, Fourth Raikage will not be able to come.

"Of course it is to agree. Why refuse? It is no good for us to refuse. It will be more beneficial if we agree."

Ryu has a smile on his face.

Seeing Ryu's smile, Terumi Mei felt that Fourth Raikage was going to be pitted. Is this being sent to the door to be slaughtered? I secretly sympathized with Fourth Raikage in my heart.

After Ryu responded, Fourth Raikage didn't let Ryu wait for long. In only three days, he brought the envoy to Wunin Village.

In the reception room, Ryu sat on the main seat and gave Fourth Raikage a faint look.

"Fourth Raikage, just say it if you have a purpose. I don't think you want to stay in Kirinin Village."

This is what happened to Fourth Raikage's heart. Fourth Generation Raikage really didn't want to stay in Wunin Village, because Wunin Village was too dangerous.

He decided to come to Wurenin Village, and he took a risk, but there is nothing he can do if he doesn't come. Should Uchiha Ryu go to his Cloud Shinobi Village?

In fact, Fourth Raikage really didn't dare to let Ryu enter Cloud Shinobi Village. He knew the destructive power of Susanoo.

In case Uchiha Ryu wants to do something inside Cloud Shinobi Village, no one can stop him, and there is a risk of destroying the village.

Not only are they Cloud Shinobi Village, but other villages do not dare to invite Ryu to come easily.

"Mizukage...sir, I want to shoot against Konoha Village. I don't know what you think?"

Fourth Raikage asked stiffly, calling Ryu Lord Mizukage, but he was not used to it.

Because they are all shadows of the same village, they are equal in status, but he feels as if he is a little shorter than Uchiha Ryu.

Ryu didn't care about Fourth Raikage's thoughts, but he guessed it before. As expected, Fourth Raikage wanted to attack Konoha Village.

This is not surprising, now Konoha Village has lost Fourth Hokage, and Jinchūriki is also dead. It is the time of weakness. When should I not take action at this time?

It's just that Fourth Raikage is worried about Uchiha Ryu. What if he tears up the peace agreement and angers Uchiha Ryu?

What's more, before, Sarutobi Hiruzen also announced a friendly alliance with Kirinin Village. Although Fourth Raikage doesn't believe it, what if it is true?

"Cloud Shinobi Village shot Konoha Village, and half of the gain was given to Kirinin Village."

In order to obtain Ryu's consent, Fourth Raikage took the initiative to give Ryu benefits.

"If that's the case, let's do it, remember to get the harvest and give it to Wunin Village, but don't get nothing."

Ryu directly agreed. Anyway, there is no harm to Wunin Village, but only good. Why not agree.

Ryu was directly persuaded and Fourth Raikage took a sigh of relief, but Fourth Raikage felt that the main reason for being able to convince Uchiha Ryu was that it was good for Kirinin Village.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

It should be impossible to let Uchiha Ryu let go without paying any price.

Afterwards Fourth Raikage left directly, the goal has been achieved, and there is no need to stay in Wunin Village.

Just like Ryu said, Fourth Raikage doesn't want to stay in Wunin Village for too long, because he has no sense of security. Staying in Wunin Village is always worried that something will happen.

"Isn't Fourth Raikage taking the initiative to come to the door to give benefits?" Terumi Mei said to Ryu after Fourth Raikage left.

"If he doesn't come, do you dare to shoot casually? Although I am really not interested in interfering, even if he doesn't come to see me, I won't say anything directly to Konoha Village, but Fourth Raikage doesn't dare to bet."

This is Ryu's influence in the ninja world.

"This time it is estimated that it is a war between Cloud Shinobi and Konoha, and other villages may not participate."

Ryu thinks it is impossible to cause another Ninja War, because the third Ninja War has just ended.

It is estimated that even the war between Cloud Shinobi and Konoha Village will not be very large, because in the third Ninja War, all other villages except Wunin Village suffered heavy losses.

Two days after Fourth Raikage returned, he declared war with Konoha Village.

Suddenly declared war on Konoha Village and Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was still dealing with Konoha Village's internal affairs, was stunned, and his face went dark.

"Did you tear up the peace agreement?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's biggest worry still happened.

"Naruto-sama, according to my understanding, Fourth Raikage visited the Wujin Village not long ago." Anbu Ninja once again brought bad news to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"What you said is true?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't sit still, and stood up, frowning.

"it is true."

"Go and inform Danzo's assistant, and two elder advisors are coming." Sarutobi Hiruzen gave an order to the Anbu ninja.

"Fourth Raikage is heading to Wunin Village. Is it possible to discuss with Wunin Village and fight against Konoha Village together?"

Pure Cloud Shinobi, at best, only makes Sarutobi Hiruzen feel a headache. If Kiri Shinobi is also involved, Sarutobi Hiruzen feels that he can wait to die...

It's not that you want others to destroy one's prestige, but that you know yourself. Konoha Village really can't compete with Wunin Village.

The strength of Uchiha Ryu, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that unless another First Hokage appeared, no one would be able to suppress it.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know that even if another Senju Hashirama appeared, it would not be Ryu's opponent.

Soon, Danzo, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu came here.

"Cloud Shinobi Village has declared war on us, you should know." Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo and the others.

"What?" Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu's eyes widened and looked shocked, but Danzo was not shocked at all.

Danzo already knows, but Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu have not heard from them.

"Sarutobi, how do you plan to respond?" Danzo asked Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"According to the information obtained, Fourth Raikage went to Wunin Village. This time I don't know whether Wunin Village will participate." Sarutobi Hiruzen told them bad news that Danzo didn't know.

Danzo’s root organization did know about Cloud Shinobi’s declaration of war on Konoha Village, but did not know that Fourth Raikage had gone to Wunin Village.

"Uchiha Ryu should be involved too?" Mitokado Homura frowned, and Uchiha Ryu was the one they feared the most.

"There is no exact information yet."

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't answer either. He just knew that Fourth Raikage had been to Wunin Village, but whether he persuaded Wunin Village to take a shot at Konoha Village, he didn't know this.

The only good news worth celebrating now is that so far, Wunin Village has not announced a war with Konoha Village.

As long as Wunin Village has not announced it, it means that Wunin Village has no intention of doing anything against Konoha Village for the time being.

"I haven't got the exact information yet, so let the Anbu Ninja gather information quickly." Utatane Koharu said, she was a little messed up at this time, Konoha Village just encountered a disaster like Nine Tails.

If Wujin Village and Cloud Shinobi Village join forces to deal with Konoha Village, then Konoha Village may become history. They are highly powerful, and the last thing they want to see is Konoha Village's destruction.

Whether it is the love of the village in my heart or for my own power, Konoha Village is not allowed to be destroyed, so I hope it is only Cloud Shinobi Village who will take action.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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