"Where did this little girl come from? The Hyuga family?"

Ryu looked at the little girl Terumi Mei brought over, with pure white eyes, and looked at Ryu in fear, with tears on her face.

Byakugan, it must be from the Hyuga clan, otherwise, is it from the Ōtsutsuki clan?

And Ryu looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"That's right, Master Mizukage, this little girl is indeed from the Hyuga family and was sent by Cloud Shinobi. I heard Cloud Shinobi said that she is the daughter of the patriarch of the Hyuga family."

After listening to Terumi Mei's words, Ryu's expression was a little weird.

"Are you Hyūga Hinata?"

No wonder I feel a little familiar. It turned out to be Hinata when I was a child, but now Hinata should be around three years old, right?

Hyūga Hinata was scared, and backed a few steps, his head down with a panic on his face.

"You mean she was sent by Cloud Shinobi?" Ryu asked Terumi Mei.

I remember that Cloud Shinobi did kidnap Hyūga Hinata, but didn't the kidnapping fail. In the end, the leader of Cloud Shinobi was beaten to death by Hyuga Hiashi.

Hyuga Hizashi also died because of this, and died in place of his elder brother, causing Hyuga Neji to hate the clan.

Now Hyūga Hinata was sent here by Cloud Shinobi, which shows that Cloud Shinobi successfully kidnapped Hyūga Hinata.

"It was delivered by Cloud Shinobi." Terumi Mei nodded.

The reason Cloud Shinobi sent Hyūga Hinata was because it promised three years ago that half of the benefits obtained from Konoha's shots would be given to Wunin Village.

However, Cloud Shinobi and Konoha fought for nearly three years, and in the end there was no victory or defeat, and Cloud Shinobi did not get any benefits.

It was the last time when the peace agreement was negotiated, Hyūga Hinata, who took the opportunity to seize, originally intended to seize Hyūga Hinata to study the secrets of Byakugan.

Only after thinking about it, this war did not benefit Wunin Village at all. After all, there was no benefit, so I chose to send Hyūga Hinata.

Although I am not willing to Byakugan, in order to avoid being troubled by Uchiha Ryu, I will give up if I give up.

"Dear Ryu-sama, this little girl looks so cute, so why don't you stay..." Terumi Mei approached Ryu and said to Ryu.

"Do you stay and take care of it?"

Ryu glanced at Hyūga Hinata. Although he was really cute, Ryu didn't like to take care of children.

"Okay, I have no problem taking care of it." Terumi Mei nodded.

"Then it's up to you."

Ryu glanced at Hyūga Hinata, who was afraid to say anything, and gave it to Terumi Mei. Otherwise, would he send Hyūga Hinata back?

If you want to send it back, is it to Cloud Shinobi or Konoha?(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"If Hyuga Hiashi comes to ask for a daughter, give it to him."

Ryu said to Terumi Mei as Terumi Mei led Hyūga Hinata away.

Hinata, who was originally terrified, heard Ryu's words, a slight joy on his face, when he said her father's name, should he take him back when his father comes.

Can I go home now? In an instant, Hinata's heart felt a touch of hope, hoping that her father would take her home.

"That little girl is so cute."

Mikoto stood beside Ryu at this time, with endless tenderness in his eyes.

Then, Mikoto looked at Ryu.

"Know what you mean, anytime you want to see her." Ryu smiled and kissed Mikoto's forehead.

"Well, then I'll go take a look first." Mikoto directly followed Terumi Mei, and the timid Hinata looked really cute and pleasing.

At the same time, inside Konoha Village, Hyuga Hiashi's face was as black as ink.

"Lord Third Hokage, the little girl was captured by Cloud Shinobi and must come back, otherwise my Hyuga clan will never end with them."

"Hiashi, now they don't admit it, and we can't help it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen had a headache and said to Hyuga Hiashi.

"Grab them, I believe the Interrogation Department should be able to tell them the truth." Hyuga Hiashi said angrily, looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Oh, Hiashi, I will help you bring your daughter back."

After speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen sent Hyuga Hiashi back for the time being.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said so, he can only believe in Sarutobi Hiruzen once, and he returned to the Hyuga clan. After returning, Hyuga Hizashi hurried over.

"How about brother, did Hinata bring it back?"

"No, Cloud Shinobi did not admit to taking Hinata, and the Cloud Shinobi we killed, they want our Hyuga clan to give them an explanation."

Hyuga Hiashi's fists creaked and creaked. He had never been so angry before. The daughter was taken away, and the other party wanted to ask them to explain, and even threatened them.

And Hyuga Hiashi also feels it, Third Hokage has the intention to calm down this matter, and now it is more towards Cloud Shinobi.

In fact, if it hadn't been for Third Hokage to stop him, Hyuga Hiashi would have taken the clansmen and arrested Cloud Shinobi, who was still in Konoha Village, and tortured to extract a confession.

"What to do then, Hinata doesn't know what to do now."

Hyuga Hizashi is going to be anxious. Although he is very angry with the clan, he still likes the niece of Hinata, Hyuga Hizashi.

Perhaps Hinata's character is not pleasing to Hyuga Hiashi, but other people love Hinata very much.

Hinata was arrested. In fact, they have already guessed the end. It is very likely that they have been killed now. The other party is not going to catch Hinata, they want Byakugan.

Obviously, according to Hyuga Hizashi's guess, Hinata must have been killed.

In fact, Hyuga Hiashi's guess is similar. It has been captured for nearly two days. They have been wrangling with Cloud Shinobi for two days, and the chances of Hinata being alive are small.

"¨" You go back first. "

Hyuga Hiashi said coldly to Hyuga Hizashi.

It's not against Hyuga Hizashi. He is in a bad mood now. Although he dislikes Hinata's character very much and thinks she can't carry the backbone of Hyuga's family in the future, he is also his own daughter.

Hyuga Hizashi didn't continue to disturb Hyuga Hiashi, but he felt that he needed to find those Cloud Shinobi, maybe Hinata hasn't had an accident yet.

Hyuga Hiashi didn't know Hizashi's movements, but this time the Hyuga family was stunned.

Hinata is the clan, but there is no clan. Curse Mark: Caged Bird, will Byakugan leak out? Some Hyuga people are not calm.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen is also very worried, the damn Cloud Shinobi actually gave him such a problem, what should I do now? Do you want to settle accounts with Cloud Shinobi?

But Cloud Shinobi refused to admit it, and even asked Konoha Village to give them Cloud Shinobi an explanation, asking them to hand over the murderer who killed them Cloud Shinobi.

Unless it is to turn against Cloud Shinobi Village, there is no other way, but now Sarutobi Hiruzen does not want to turn against Cloud Shinobi Village. If it turns against Cloud Shinobi Village, the battle will continue.

Konoha Village can't afford to toss a bit, so Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't want to use a tough attitude to turn his face with Cloud Shinobi Village, but the mood of the Hyuga family also needs to be taken care of.

Hyūga Hinata is the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan. The people who will inherit the entire Hyuga clan in the future will be taken away by Cloud Shinobi. The Hyuga clan will certainly not let it go easily.

It is a dilemma for Sarutobi Hiruzen, but he does not yet have a third option.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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