Joining Anbu represents the trust of Third Hokage, and there is no ninja in the Uchiha family yet to join Anbu.

Uchiha Itachi should be the first Uchiha member to join Anbu, but Uchiha Itachi is not yet born, and I don’t know if there is any chance of being born in the future.

Now Third Hokage invites him to join Anbu, do you really trust him?

Ryu raised his head and glanced at Third Hokage. Impossible, maybe he wanted to put him in Anbu to watch him.

"Sorry Naruto-sama, I don't want to enter Anbu."

Ryu resolutely refused.

He never thought about joining Anbu, and joining Anbu didn't do much to him.

Anbu is indeed a place to hone experience, but Ryu doesn't need it. I really want to improve combat experience. How good is it to fight in the system trial space.

In the trial space, it can be resurrected even if it is killed in battle.

If you enter Anbu, to be honest, it is really easy for Third Hokage to cheat yourself.

Rejected by Ryu, Third Hokage's face didn't change much, and he glanced at Ryu deeply.

In fact, he was already prepared to be rejected by Ryu.

"Just don't want to join, Anbu welcomes you to join at any time." Sarutobi Hiruzen has a gentle smile on his face.

"Take this, go to the 37th training ground for the assessment, I look forward to you becoming Chūnin."

Sarutobi Hiruzen gave Ryu a Chūnin examination approval letter, and Ryu left after receiving it.

After stepping out of the Hokage Building, Ryu felt peeped, frowned slightly, ignored him, and headed to the Konoha Village training ground 37.

"Is Sarutobi Hiruzen spying on me? This time I refused to join Anbu. I'm afraid Sarutobi Hiruzen pays more attention to me."

If Ryu chooses to join Anbu, he may be able to gain some trust from Sarutobi Hiruzen, but it is impossible for him to join Anbu.

The absolute obedience that Anbu wants is not suitable for people with autonomy and freedom like him.

"Hurry up and get Mangekyō Sharingan."

With Mangekyō Sharingan, Ryu really has the confidence, and now the comprehensive evaluation given to him by the system panel is Jōnin.

In fact, Ryu is not weaker than the elite Jōnin in all aspects, and lacks some combat experience at best.

If you get Mangekyō Sharingan, then Ryu can wrestle with the shadow class. At that time, except for Uchiha Madara, who doesn't know where he is, Ryu will have the confidence to face everyone.

These messy thoughts were fleeting, and Ryu came to training ground 37.

This place is where the assessment is now performed. The Chūnin assessment is here. If you want to become a Chūnin, you have to hold it in the hands of a real Chūnin for 10 minutes.

This is the way to become Chūnin now. I am afraid that I will take the Chūnin exam in the future, and I will be promoted to Chūnin by the way of passing the exam.(Read more @

"The Chūnin exam will be conducted not long after graduation, is it from the Uchiha family?"

The examiner in charge of Chūnin's examination glanced at Ryu. Although Ryu is not very old, the examiner did not underestimate Ryu.

Just because he belongs to the Uchiha family, he cannot be underestimated.

"This is your opponent Kishida Chūnin. As long as you can hold on to him for ten minutes, you will be qualified."

The examiner pointed to Chūnin, who had just appeared here, and said to Ryu.

Ryu nodded and faced a Chūnin. Although he would not underestimate him, he would not take it seriously.

"The battle begins." Kishida said blankly.

Seeing that Kishida didn't mean to shoot first, Ryu raised his eyebrows. This was probably for him, but Ryu would not be polite.

"Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique!"

Jieyin was completed in an instant, and the ten-meter fireball smashed toward Kishida.

The corners of his expressionless Kishida's mouth twitched. Is this the Great Fireball Technique? The big one is a bit exaggerated.

Even the examiner was a little shocked after seeing this Great Fireball.

C-rank ninjutsu, but in Ryu's hands, it is definitely not weaker than B-rank ninjutsu, even slightly better.

"Body Replacement Technique."

Kishida is also Chūnin who has experienced many battles, so the reaction speed is quite fast, and he instantly realized that he used Body Replacement Technique to avoid ninjutsu attacks.

"You have already lost."

Ryu stood behind Kishida, the sharp sword against Kishida's back heart, as long as Ryu stabbed him, he would be killed instantly.

"When did you appear behind me?"

Kishida asked Ryu in shock.

Ryu didn't answer Kishida's question, but the examiner next to him knew that Ryu had just used Thunder Shun, relying on the speed of the instant burst, to appear behind him before Kishida could react.

Lei Shushen is a technique developed by Ryu himself, based on some principles of ninjutsu, Lightning Style Chidori.

"Congratulations Uchiha Ryu, you are a Chūnin in Konoha Village from today." The examiner announced.

The assessment is ten minutes in Chūnin's hands, defeating Chūnin, it is naturally considered to be a perfect pass.

[Ding, the C-level task becomes Chūnin to complete, reward: 1000 points, Chakra! 】

Hearing the reward prompted by the system, Ryu smiled on his face, getting closer and closer to redeeming Mangekyō Sharingan.

If the projected characters he draws can beat one, he will be able to earn points to redeem Mangekyō Sharingan in an instant. Unfortunately, his luck is "too good", and the projected characters drawn are too powerful.

After becoming Chūnin, Ryu left here.

After he left here, the sense of peeping disappeared.

During the Chūnin test just now, someone peeped at Ryu, and Ryu could feel it with his own powerful perception.

And he can guess who it is, it must be Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In fact, Ryu's guess is correct. It is indeed Sarutobi Hiruzen who is peeping at him. Using the telescope Technique, you can see Ryu's every move through the crystal ball.

Just now Sarutobi Hiruzen personally watched Ryu's Chūnin assessment.

"The strength is very strong. Orochimaru may not have this strength at his age. I don't know if Sharingan is turned on."

Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes and muttered to himself.

This time, I did not see the full strength of Uchiha Ryu clearly. According to the displayed strength, it was at least the elite Chūnin.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knows that it is definitely not only the elite Chūnin, but the strength is definitely stronger. He speculates that it should be the strength of Jōnin in particular.

As for being stronger? Sarutobi Hiruzen thinks it should be impossible. If he is only ten years old, if he has the strength of Jōnin, it would be too enchanting.

It is good to have a genius in Konoha Village, but this genius is a member of the Uchiha family and it does give him a headache.


PS: Seeking collection, seeking flowers.

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