"Uchiha Ye, what's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Ryu looked at Uchiha Noo, and there seems to be nothing wrong recently.

"Patriarch, I want to give Uchiha Itachi a lesson." Uchiha's wild face was full of indignation.

"Why, did he offend you?"

Ryu remembers Uchiha Ye didn't meet Uchiha Itachi, did it go to Konoha Village last time and met Uchiha Itachi and had a conflict?

"Master patriarch, although Uchiha in Konoha Village is a branch house, it is of Uchiha blood after all. The patriarch gave them a chance. No wonder they didn't catch it to death."

"But that Uchiha Itachi actually helped outsiders deal with their own people. This kind of food is not worthy of having the blood of the Uchiha family."

Seeing Uchiha's wild angry expression, Ryu nodded and said, "Then you go, I will allow it."

Uchiha Ye wants to deal with Uchiha Itachi, so let him go. Even if he doesn't come and talk to Ryu, Ryu won't blame him.

"Thank you, Lord Patriarch."

After seeing Ryu's promise, Uchiha Ye's face showed excitement, and finally he could solve the food inside and out.

Although he didn't report to Ryu before, he could also go out, but Uchiha Ye still wanted to get Ryu's permission before making a move.

"Do you know where he is?" Ryu asked Uchiha wildly.

"I know, Kiri Shinobu Anbu is investigating."

Uchiha Nodded. Actually, Uchiha Itachi's whereabouts had been investigated, and then he came to Ryu to ask.

"Don't underestimate Uchiha Itachi, otherwise you will suffer." Ryu warned Uchiha.

In terms of strength, of course Uchiha Wild is stronger, Uchiha Itachi's strength is not even comparable to Uchiha Fugaku, and Uchiha Wild's strength is obviously better than Uchiha Fugaku.

But fighting sometimes depends on wisdom. Uchiha Itachi's wisdom is obviously not to be underestimated. If Uchiha is careless, he might really suffer.

"Don't worry, the patriarch, you have taught that the lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, and I will not despise his 々..."

Although it is not ashamed that Uchiha Itachi betrayed the family as a twenty-five son, his strength obviously needs to be taken seriously. I heard that Uchiha Fugaku died in the hands of Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Fugaku owned Mangekyō Sharingan.

Regardless of what method Uchiha Itachi used to kill Uchiha Fugaku, anyway, being able to kill Uchiha Fugaku is enough to show his strength.

"I don't know if Uchiha Itachi will survive this time."

Ryu looked at Uchiha Ye's back. Although Uchiha Ye said he was teaching Uchiha Itachi a lesson, his eyes were murderous.

Uchiha Ye feels that the existence of Uchiha Itachi is an insult to the glory of the Uchiha family, and he must wipe off this stain.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ryu doesn't care much about this. For Uchiha Itachi, Ryu has no good feelings, and there is nothing to say about conflicts in ideas.

Even if what he did was beneficial to most people, it was contrary to Ryu's values. Ryu naturally didn't like him anymore, so it didn't matter if he was killed in the wild by Uchiha.

"Uchiha Itachi has joined Akatsuki. I'd better go check it out."

Ryu thought for a while and wanted to put down the teacup.

Although Uchiha Itachi today is unlikely to pose a threat to Uchiha, within Akatsuki, will Nagato watch Uchiha Itachi be killed?

Impossible, even after Nagato knew the identity of Uchiha Ye, he would kill Uchiha Ye in revenge.

Uchiha Ye has been following him, and his loyal subordinate, Ryu can't let Uchiha Ye have an accident.

After Ryu left, Kushina walked out with a tray of dark objects in a daze. Where is Ryu? I was sitting in the yard just now, why did I suddenly disappear.

Ryu is gone, who will taste the cake I made?

I have to say that it's fortunate that Ryu left in time. Otherwise, I would have to taste the dark cake made by Kushina. No, it's not a cake. It's unknown.

Uchiha Itachi was found in the Uchiha field in the rain country.

Three Tomoe Sharingan stared at Uchiha Itachi, the murderous rising up telling Uchiha Itachi that the person who came was not good.

"Are you from Wunin Village?"

Uchiha Itachi felt the murderous aura on the opponent and asked.

"A traitor to the Uchiha family, I didn't expect that the Uchiha family has been passed down for so many years, and you are such a scum to help outsiders deal with their own people. Are you worthy of living?"

The mighty Chakra shook away the rain in the sky, and the terrifying threat made Uchiha Itachi's pupils shrink.

"Fire Style·The fire is extinguished."

In the face of Uchiha Itachi, the angry Uchiha Ye didn't want to say more, his hands were sealed, and a huge sea of ​​fire was spit out from his mouth, and the surrounding rain was instantly evaporated.

"What a strong Fire Style ninjutsu."

Uchiha Itachi did not hesitate. The Water Barrier stood in front of him. The environment of the country of rain is still very suitable for using Water Style, but even so, it still can't stop the overwhelming fire.

Using Body Flicker Technique quickly, relying on Water Barrier to avoid the sea of ​​fire for an instant, but the hair was still slightly burnt and yellow.

Uchiha Itachi, who had just avoided it, suddenly felt the sense of crisis coming from behind him, and subconsciously turned around and blocked his heart with Kuma.

With a pain in his arm, the whole person was knocked out, and the kunai in his hand was cut into a gap by Uchiha who suddenly appeared behind him.

"¨" No wonder the patriarch told me not to underestimate you. "

Uchiha’s wild use of fire extinguishing was just a feint, the killing blow was actually a sneak attack after he had escaped and relaxed. In the past, using this trick was rarely noticed.

Even if it was Quasi-Shadow, several of them died in his hands, but they failed in Uchiha Itachi's hands.

Although he is not old, he has the strength comparable to that of the shadow class. This is still the case without the use of Mangekyō Sharingan pupil technique. If you use Mangekyō Sharingan pupil technique, it is estimated that the peak of the shadow class will be afraid.

If you want to find the biggest weakness of Uchiha Itachi today, it is Chakra. His Chakra is more than the elite Jōnin. This is the limitation of age and body.

"You, a scum of the Uchiha family, are not very good, but your strength is pretty good." Uchiha wildly opened Mangekyō Sharingan.

Feeling the suppression brought by Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Itachi also quietly turned on Mangekyō Sharingan.

(Mano Zhao) Before Uchiha Itachi opened Three Tomoe Sharingan, but facing Mangekyō Sharingan, Three Tomoe Sharingan will be completely suppressed.

"Monthly reading."

Uchiha Itachi started to fight back, grabbing the moment Uchiha looked at each other wildly, and using MoonRead to pull him into the illusion space.

"Illusory Space? You are very courageous, and you are not afraid of causing a backlash to yourself." Although Uchiha Ye was tied up, he was not afraid at all, and frantically consumed his pupil power to fight Uchiha Itachi.

In an instant, the illusion space was torn apart, and then it shattered like an illusion, Yuedu was forced to break free, and Uchiha Itachi was backlashed.

The left eye kept bleeding and tears, and the eyes were closed and could not be opened temporarily.

Uchiha Ye was actually not feeling well at this time, forcibly breaking away from the monthly reading, causing his eyes to tingle slightly. Fortunately, he had transplanted First Generation cells, which would not be as serious as Uchiha Itachi.


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