After Ryu said that it would not affect him, Tsunade certainly chose to help Senju Hashirama.

"Sage Art·Wood Style·Real Number Senju."

The real number Senju is dozens of times the size of Nine Tails. The moment he appeared, he attracted the attention of the surrounding ninjas. This size was too terrifying.

I originally thought that the size of Ten Tails was terrifying enough, but who knew that Senju was actually slightly bigger than Ten Tails.

"Is that Tsunade?"

Senju Hashirama's eyes widened, and Tsunade actually mastered his Wood Style, and also mastered Sage Mode, giving him a sense of successor.

It's a pity that Tsunade is no longer a member of Konoha Village, but anyway, Tsunade is still his offspring.

Although he was a bit dissatisfied with Tsunade's choice before, he was still happy for Tsunade at this time.

"On the top of the tower."

The palm of the Senju Buddha hit the sky and the earth towards Uchiha Obito, and the surrounding earth collapsed in an instant, and the power of the fist was comparable to that of a mushroom bomb.

Even if Ten Tails stand in front of him, this trick can definitely hit the ground, but Obito is Ten Tails and Jinchūriki is not Ten Tails.

After discovering that the Truth-Seeking Ball couldn't stop him, Obito used Kamui to escape, but Senju's attacks were continuous.

Even if the first round of attacks has passed, the second round of attacks will come soon. To be able to connect, Obito faces a continuous Wood Style attack.

Three minutes later, Obito's face became difficult to look at. Five minutes later, Uchiha Obito was vomited blood by Wood Style Buddha's fist.

"Not crippled yet?" Tsunade looked at Obito who was still alive in surprise.

Although Obito has been beaten miserably, his injuries have recovered quickly. After becoming Ten Tails Jinchūriki, Obito's resilience is terrifying.

Even if it is not comparable to the immortal body, as long as it is not fatal, it will be fine to be hit.

"Tsunade seems to have helped him."

Ryu watched Tsunade beat Uchiha Obito and said involuntarily.

"Help him?" Kushina looked at Ryu suspiciously.

"Didn't you find out? Uchiha Obito's current strength is constantly getting stronger..."

Ryu feels that Uchiha Obito has reached the sixth level, and now he can be called Six Obito. At this time, Obito has an extra celestial robe with a black gou jade on the collar.

"Then do you want us to help Tsunade?" Mikoto asked involuntarily.

"It's not necessary for the time being. Although Uchiha Obito has become stronger now, it still does not threaten Tsunade."

Now Tsunade also has the power of the Six Paths. After using the Sage of Six Paths mode, the power of the Six Paths will be fully utilized. It is really not weaker than Obito of Six Paths.

Even if the strength of Obito reaches its peak, Tsunade will definitely not suffer, but it is impossible to defeat Obito.(Read more @

While Ryu was observing the battle between Tsunade and Rokudo Obito, an arrow burning with black flame flew towards Ryu.

"little tricks."

Ryu glanced at it, and then used Flame Control to control the black flame. The main function of Flame Control is to control the Amaterasu black flame, and the black flame is the Amaterasu black flame.

The person who attacked Ryu was Uchiha Sasuke.

It's not the original work now. Now Uchiha Sasuke is only about twelve years old, and he turned on Mangekyō Sharingan, which surprised Ryu a little bit.

In fact, Uchiha Sasuke can open Mangekyō Sharingan, partly because of Ryu.

Uchiha Sasuke already knew that Uchiha Itachi was dead and that Ryu was the murderer, so Uchiha Sasuke turned on Mangekyō Sharingan in anger.

He wanted to kill Uchiha Itachi, but Uchiha Sasuke wanted to kill Uchiha Itachi himself. He didn't want Uchiha Itachi to die in the hands of others.

Also, although he hates Uchiha Itachi on the surface, Uchiha Sasuke still has feelings for Uchiha Itachi, which is why he opened Mangekyō Sharingan after Uchiha Itachi died.

Uchiha Ryu killed Uchiha Itachi, and he was about to kill Uchiha Ryu.

"Everyone dared to provoke me."

Ryu looked at the second pillar, but he was not surprised that the second pillar had the courage. The second pillar never considered the enemy's strength.

"Goodbye, let your family go to the Pure Land of the Underworld to reunite."

Amaterasu Heiyan was under Ryu's control and attacked and killed the Second Pillar. The Second Pillar was under Susanoo's protection at this time, but it was useless at all.

Susanoo, who was barely able to use Susanoo, broke the two pillars in an instant, and Uchiha Sasuke wanted to use Flame Control to control Black Flame.

But now Black Flame is controlled by Ryu, so Uchiha Sasuke's Flame Control seems to lose its effect.

Obviously, he can control and extinguish Amaterasu Black Flame, but now it has completely lost its effect.

Amaterasu Heiyan's record in the original book is very poor, but it also depends on who uses it. Now, how can Uchiha Sasuke escape the Heiyan controlled by Ryu.

In a blink of an eye, Uchiha Sasuke was enveloped in black flames, and was completely reduced to ashes in the burning of black flames.

Killing Uchiha Sasuke, the No. 2 protagonist, Ryu didn't have much mood swings in his heart. There are so many protagonists' auras in the real world.

Since Ryu appeared in this world, he has not been a protagonist.

Didn't you see that Naruto was dead?

"¨" Bother me watching the show. "

Ryu continued to look at Tsunade and Liudao Obito.

At this time Tsunade used the Sage of Six Paths mode. Facing Obito, who had reached the six-track level, he could only use the Sage of Six Paths mode to fight Obito.

"Damn it."

Tsunade looked upset. She punched her and was again avoided by Obito using Kamui. Tsunade didn't master space ninjutsu at all, so she couldn't do anything with Obito.

The angry Tsunade didn't know, Obito was even more shocked. He didn't expect to become Ten Tails Jinchūriki, and he couldn't even defeat Tsunade.

Even Tsunade can't deal with it. So the question is, how should Uchiha Ryu deal with it?

Obito doesn't think Uchiha Ryu is inferior to Tsunade, his strength is definitely far more than Tsunade.

"Don't use Kamui if you can."

Tsunade stopped. If Obito didn't use Kamui, Tsunade was confident that he could beat Uchiha Obito.

But how could Obito not use Kamui obediently? Just kidding, he saw Tsunade's attack before, and he broke the ground with a fist (Li Li's).

I believe that even if a mountain is placed in front of Tsunade, it will be smashed by a punch.

Even after Obito became Ten Tails Jinchūriki, his body was harder than steel, but if he was punched, he would still get a hole.

"There is no need to entangle with Tsunade."

Obito knows what his goal is. His goal is Namikaze Minato, so Obito has been paying attention to Namikaze Minato.

Avoiding Tsunade's attack, Obito instantly got away and slew towards Namikaze Minato.

Seeing Obito chasing Namikaze Minato, Tsunade simply gave up and continued to deal with Obito. Anyway, now her grandfather Senju Hashirama is safe and the goal has been achieved.

"Why are you back? Did you find that Obito can't be dealt with at all?" Kushina jokingly asked Tsunade after seeing Tsunade back. She had clearly seen Tsunade's aggrieved aggrievedness before.


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