"Dust Escape·Primary Realm Peeling Technique."

When Ohnoki was chasing Namikaze Minato by Obito, he suddenly used dust to escape to Obito.

Sudden attack, if you change to another person, you can't avoid it, but Obito can use Kamui.

In the face of Obito's Kamui blur, it is useless to eliminate Dust Escape even if the blood is followed. In fact, even if Kamui is not used, Obito can deal with Dust Escape~ there are many ways.

"Planetary Devastation."

Rubbing out a black sphere with both hands, the black sphere flew up into the sky, and terrifying gravity erupted from the black sphere, and the gravel on the ground was instantly sucked up to the sky.

It also includes Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Kunai, which is a way to deal with Namikaze Minato after six Obito has been played around.

As long as Namikaze Minato wants to run, it will be difficult to catch Namikaze Minato. This Obito knows clearly, so there is only one way to deal with it, and that is to clear the Flying Thunder God of Namikaze Minato.

Not to mention that you can catch Namikaze Minato immediately. At least it is very restrictive. Now Namikaze Minato can only use Flying Thunder God to appear next to those who are imprinted by him.

But are there such people around? Namikaze Minato has left a Flying Thunder God mark on Obito, but no one else has a Flying Thunder God mark.

The biggest shortcoming of Flying Thunder God Technique is that it needs the Flying Thunder God mark to teleport. Now teleporting to the side of Liudao Obito is a self-rejection.

All other Flying Thunder Gods were confiscated by Obito's Planetary Devastation, and even Namikaze Minato's body was uncontrollably pulled and attracted by Planetary Devastation.

Many ninjas in various ninja villages also suffered, including White Zetsu, but Obito didn't care about White Zetsu's life or death.

"You can't run away."

After being unable to use Flying Thunder God Technique, the speed of Namikaze Minato is now completely inferior to that of Obito.

If Namikaze Minato can't be caught anymore, Obito can commit suicide.

After successfully catching Namikaze Minato, Obito couldn't wait to pull out the other part of Nine Tails from Namikaze Minato.

Then the question came, how to seal the power of this part of Nine Tails in the body?

Obito discovered this embarrassing problem when he caught Namikaze Minato and captured Yin Nine Tails.

Is it to take the Ten Tails out of the body, control the Ten Tails to absorb the Nine Tails Chakra, and then seal the Ten Tails in the body?

"Goodbye, Teacher Namikaze Minato."

Putting these thoughts aside for a while, Obito held the six tin rods formed by the Truth-Seeking Ball, and hit Namikaze Minato with one blow.

Don't worry about how to deal with Yin Nine Tails. The Namikaze Minato of Impure World Reincarnation must be dealt with first. Obito doesn't want to face Flying Thunder God Technique anymore.

Impure World Reincarnation's undead body can be recovered even if it is shattered, but the power of Truth-Seeking Ball can destroy Impure World Reincarnation.

In the end, Namikaze Minato could not escape the disaster, and the glorious sacrifice was in Obito's hands.

Namikaze Minato is indeed proud to be able to spend so long with Obito at the six-level.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Kakashi, you are overpowering."

Obito reached out and grabbed Kakashi's hand. Raikiri stopped directly in front of Obito. Even if this attack hit Obito, it would not be a threat to Ten Tails Jinchūriki Obito.

"Obito, I didn't expect you to be like this."

Kakashi stared at him with Sharingan, which belongs to Obito, and activated Kamui to use the power of space distortion to twist Obito's neck.

However, the abilities of these two Kamuis should be said to be mutual restraint. Kakashi's use of Kamui did not pose a threat to Obito.


Obito punched Kakashi in the face, Kakashi flew out like a cannonball, and several teeth were knocked out.

"Kakashi, you promised me to take care of Lin. I still remember the scene of Lin's death in your hands."

Obito's expression was distorted, and a shocking killing intent erupted in his heart. If this person were not Kakashi, he would have died.

"It feels like Obito and Kakashi are true love."

Ryu watched Obito's hands on Kakashi. Obito's men were merciful. With his current six-level strength, killing Kakashi can really be done with hands.

It's a pity now that Kakashi is not dead after Obito's punch. He looks very embarrassed, but he can still climb up vigorously. It can be seen how big the water Obito put.

Even if Kakashi has a 50-50 BUFF, it cannot be 50-50 with Obito in the state of Ten Tails Jinchūriki.

"Kakashi, go and regret it with Lin."

Obito walked towards Kakashi, who was frustrated. The previous punch was released, and it didn't affect Kakashi. However, after Obito mentioned Lin, he did break Kakashi's defense.

Anyway, Lin was killed by his own hands, so Kakashi has been living in guilt.

"Perhaps death is also a relief for me."

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Seeing Obito walking by, Kakashi didn't resist.

"Obito, if you really hate, then kill me, but Project Tsuki no Me give up and let everyone live in an illusion with Infinite Tsukuyomi. What's the point of such a world?"

Kakashi tried to provoke Obito.

But now Obito's will is very firm, he wants to create a world with Lin's existence, even if Kakashi says more, Obito will not waver.

"I will not kill you, I will let you see the world I have created with your own eyes."

Obito stabbed Kakashi with a black stick. It was not the black stick formed by the Truth-Seeking Ball, but the black stick formed by the yin and yang. Being stabbed would only lose the ability to resist.

He just made Kakashi lose the ability to resist, and didn't kill Kakashi.

"How about it, I guessed it right, you lost."

..... ..... 0

On the other side, Ryu smiled and said to Tsunade and them.

Before Ryu and the others used Obito to bet, Tsunade and Kushina bet that Obito would definitely kill Kakashi, because Obito's murderous aura was not fake just now.

Ryu is betting that Obito will never kill Kakashi. As for Mikoto, she is not involved at all.

"The two of them are really in love. Rin Nohara is actually just an accident. How could Obito be willing to kill Kakashi, so you lose. Remember to bet what you lost to me."

Ryu reminded them both.

Since it's a bet, it's natural to win. If Ryu loses, he can promise them not too much.

And if they lose, they must be obedient maids for a week.

"It's really unbelievable." Kushina glanced at Obito angrily. She was so unbelievable. She was ready to bet against Ryu.

"I seem to have amnesia. I can't remember what happened before. Did we make a bet before?" Tsunade started to shame.

"Oh, Tsunade, are you sure you want to cheat?" Ryu smiled and looked at Tsunade.

Intuition tells Tsunade that if she really shames her, the consequences will be miserable, and Ryu can't easily let go of herself.

"I'm not convinced, I will lose more because of Tsunade, she will lose every gambling, so I lose."

Kushina looked unconvinced, she was rash before, forgetting Tsunade's curse that every gambling would lose.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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