Afterwards, Ryu and Mikoto discussed, and while they were discussing, Kushina and Tsunade finally came back.

"What did you do before?" Ryu asked them with a smile.

"Huh? We went before..."

Kushina looked at Konan, motioned to Konan with her eyes, and wanted Konan to find a reasonable excuse.

Konan's expression became tangled when he saw Kushina's gaze, because Konan was not good at telling lies at all.

"We went fishing." Hyuga Hanabi said quickly.

"Yes, yes, we went fishing." Kushina nodded immediately.

Hinata glanced at her sister Hanabi. She didn't know who Hanabi was studying with. The nonsense came. As her sister, Hinata felt it necessary to teach Hanabi.

"Oh, I went fishing, what about the fish you caught Hinata?" Ryu suddenly asked Hinata.

"Huh? Ask me?"

Hinata stared at Ryu blankly, and was stunned by Ryu's sudden questioning. She and Konan were both not good at telling lies.

"Yes, of course I asked Hinata about you, because I believe Hinata you more here." Ryu smiled and nodded.

"What do you mean, Ryu, don't you believe me?" Tsunade glared at Ryu uncomfortably.

"Hehe, I heard that you guys went to'discussions' because of some contradictions."

Ryu laughed and looked at Kushina and Tsunade.

"Who said that? It must be Terumi Mei, right." Kushina was taken aback for a moment, and then probably guessed who said it.

It must be Terumi Mei. There should be no one else except Terumi Mei. Kushina gritted her teeth secretly, terumi Mei.

Tsunade also thinks that Terumi Mei must have said it, otherwise no one will tell Ryu at all, Mikoto will definitely not say it, because Mikoto doesn't even know it.

Only Terumi Mei and Ye Cang are known. Ye Cang will not say honestly, but Terumi Mei is the most likely one.

"Why, asking me this question, do you want to find Terumi Mei to settle the account?" Ryu glanced at Kushina and asked Kushina.

"I don't have this thought..."

Kushina said with a gloomy look, I don't know how Ryu will teach her this time, I remember what Ryu said before.

They shouldn't be at odds with each other. It seems that neither she nor Tsunade can escape punishment this time.

"It suddenly occurred to me that I have something to do. I'm leaving first." Tsunade glanced at Ryu, and then wanted to slip away.

"It's okay to slip away now, but if I get caught later, the punishment may be doubled, Tsunade, you have to think clearly." Ryu smiled and said to Tsunade.

"Ahem, I remembered it wrong just now, my business has been done."(Read more @

There is no way, I can only admit it. I can't hide past the first day of the first day but the 15th, and even be punished severely at that time, so let's just admit it.

"And you Hanabi, come here."

Ryu looked at Hanabi.

"What's the matter with me, doesn't it seem to be my business?" Hanabi stared at Ryu with wide eyes.

"It doesn't matter to you. Isn't the one who said the nonsense before you? You said it doesn't matter to you?" Ryu sneered.

"I have started telling lies at such a young age. If I don't educate you, won't I have to get worse in the future? I am teaching you for your father, Hyuga Hiashi, and come here."

"Woo, you are just looking for a reason to bully me." Hanabi cried out crying.

"Fake crying has one hand."

Ryu pulled Hanabi over and said faintly, "No tears came out. Would you like me to prepare some eye drops for you?"

"No need." Hanabi said angrily, turning her head.

"Hey, you have reason to lie to Kushina and the others." Ryu squeezed Hanabi's small face.

However, Ryu didn't really teach Hanabi, at most he just frightened her, but probably Hanabi is also used to it. Knowing that Ryu just scared her, he acted unscrupulously.

"Kushina badass."

Hanabi glanced at Kushina angrily. It was obvious that he lied to you. As a result, you are not only not helping, but also watching the show.

"Hanabi, what did you just say?" Kushina glared at Hanabi and asked.

She actually said she was a big bad guy, hehe, I really owe it to be cleaned up, Kushina feels it is necessary to clean up Hanabi, she is so arrogant.

"Hmph, you don't need to save me, but you still go to the theater?"

Seeing Kushina staring at her, Hanabi was not afraid at all. Kushina was wrong. If it weren't for helping Kushina lie, she wouldn't be bullied by Ryu now.

Even if Kushina didn't help her, Hanabi didn't care, but Kushina looked at her jokes too much, and Hanabi couldn't bear it anymore.

"Kushina is too unnatural." Tsunade glanced at Kushina, and said faintly.

Kushina was a little embarrassed at this time, and secretly glared at Tsunade. She knew that Tsunade was taunting herself deliberately.

After all, the two people had a fight before because of contradictions, especially this time they have not yet distinguished the victory or defeat.

"How are you going to punish us?" Kushina asked Ryu, also to change the subject.

"¨" If you punish you, let you help Terumi Mei. Everything is subject to Terumi Mei. What do you think? Ryu asked with a faint smile.

"Can I object?"

Kushina wanted to object instantly and help Terumi Mei. Who knows how Terumi Mei will toss herself by then, the key is that she is holding a chicken feather as an arrow, and there is no way to toss herself.

"Do you think you can object?"

Ryu asked back to Kushina.

"I know, but Terumi Mei shouldn't be too much, otherwise I will never give Terumi Mei face."

Talk to Ryu in advance, lest Terumi Mei arrange something more difficult for herself.

"Well, if Terumi Mei deliberately embarrassed you, you can come to me and say." Ryu nodded to Kushina, and Kushina agreed.

Anyway, Ryu said, even if you don't agree, Tsunade does not refuse, because Tsunade also knows that he can't refuse.

"Whatever you look at, I blame you."

Kushina noticed that Tsunade was staring at her, and suddenly (Li Wang Zhao) said to Tsunade shaking.

"Haha." Tsunade sneered, slapped the table with a slap, and the table fell apart in an instant. Konan and Hinata beside them shivered, but Hanabi felt very exciting, even wishing them to fight directly.

"I said you don't take me too much, or do you want the punishment to be aggravated?" Ryu glanced at both Kushina and Tsunade.

"I'm ready to eat, and I'm ready to eat." Mikoto relieved Kushina and Tsunade at this time. Kushina looked at Mikoto gratefully. As expected, she is a good sister, and Mikoto is the best.

After Mikoto noticed Kushina's grateful gaze, he gave her an angry glance. Kushina has been dishonest.

Between her and Tsunade, it must be Tsunade that Kushina provokes first, anyway, if there is another time, Mikoto will never relieve Kushina again, and it will make her remember.


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