"I think you should understand my purpose."

Ryu motioned to Kushina and told Kushina to step back.

Do you think that Ōtsutsuki is very threatening? In fact, in Ryu's opinion, Ōtsutsuki is just like that, not much better than Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

The main reason for Kushina to retreat is to use the power of the blade.

"It seems that there is no room for me to play."

Kushina depressed and chose to step back. In business, Kushina still listened to Ryu's words.

After seeing Kushina retreating, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya also chose to retreat wisely so as not to be affected.

"It just happened to take you to test the knife."

Ryu looked at the Ōtsutsuki form. This is his whetstone. I don't know if the Ōtsutsuki form can persist until he uses the 卍solution.

"You are too arrogant, you really think you have defeated Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, so you can be arrogant in front of me?" Ōtsutsuki's tone of voice also added a touch of anger.

From beginning to end, Uchiha Ryu didn't put him in his eyes. He looked at his eyes without any attention, and he looked down upon him extremely contemptuously.

This was the first time he felt such contempt, so Ōtsutsuki was really angry.

At the same time, Ōtsutsuki's mind is also active. If he can defeat Uchiha Ryu and turn him into his own weapon, he will not only be perfectly resurrected, but also gain stronger power than ever.

The current Ōtsutsuki style has not been fully resurrected. Cixian can't carry his powerful power at all, but Uchiha Ryu is different.

Not only can he carry his own strength, but he also has the strength to surpass himself. If he can win, he will be fully resurrected.

After he was resurrected, he could sneak revenge on Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, who had attacked him and sacrificed himself to Ten Tails, and almost let him die.

Just when Ōtsutsuki became more and more beautiful, Ryu started to get rid of his anger.

"Everything in the world is ashes! Flowing blades are like fire."

After Ryu began to unravel, the terrifying temperature caused the surrounding moisture to evaporate instantaneously, and the ground was dry and cracked. At this moment, holding a fiery blade of Ryu is like a huge furnace.

Feeling the terrifying temperature emanating from Ryu's body, Ōtsutsuki, who originally wanted to make Ryu his weapon, turned his face into pig liver.

"It's so hot."

Feeling the terrifying temperature, Kushina finally knew why she had to retreat. At this time, she was at least 100 meters away from Ryu, and she felt almost to death.

If you stand next to Ryu, wouldn't the whole person melt away.

"The power of that knife."

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya frowned. He had never heard of a knife with such a terrifying temperature in this world.

"Foot cut."

The sword pressure was cut again, but it was different from the previous sword pressure that killed Ci Xian, this time the sword gang had a terrifying temperature.

"Shaoming Vikuna."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

In an instant, Ōtsutsuki used Shaman Vikuna to shrink himself, and then avoided Ryu's sword cut.

"Yes, the response was very quick."

Ryu can clearly see the smaller form of Ōtsutsuki. The trick of Ōtsutsuki is actually very powerful. It can shrink the objects you see, and it can also shrink itself hundreds of times.

It's just that you can't shrink life forms other than yourself, and if you can also shrink life forms other than yourself, then it's truly invincible.

It is also very powerful now. For example, if you release a 10-meter Great Fireball, it can shrink into a tiny bit of Mars.

"The battle has just begun. You have to be careful not to die by accident."

Ryu waved the blade like a fire, and the flame released from the knife turned into a palm of his hand to envelop the smaller Ōtsutsuki.

The flame wall released from the blade of the sword seals the Ōtsutsuki inside like the palm of a hand. This is one of the fiery skills that burns the city.

However, Ryu has changed a little. The flame wall is self-contracting. Even if Ōtsutsuki stays in there forever, it will be burned to ashes.

"Forget that you seem to have spatial ability."

Suddenly sensing that Ōtsutsuki had left the encirclement of the flame wall, Ryu thought that spatial abilities, for the Ōtsutsuki clan, seemed to be basic abilities.

It seems that anyone from the Ōtsutsuki clan uses one or two spatial techniques.

"Then you guys stay away, I'm going to zoom in."

Ryu reminded Kushina and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya that it is best for them to leave here, because next Ryu is going to use the strongest move in the initial solution.

"How far do you want to hide?"

Kushina couldn't help but asked Ryu.

"You can go as far as you can, and it is best to return to the village now to be the safest." Ryu said to Kushina.

Seeing that Ryu didn't seem to be a lie this time, Kushina immediately chose to use Hiroizumi Hirazaka to leave, as did Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

"Hell from the heat..."

Dozens of pillars of fire rising to the sky, hundreds of kilometers in radius turned into scorched earth, everything is only a momentary matter.

"Want to use the spatial ability to escape? You might be able to escape in front of others, but you really can't escape in front of me."

Ryu realized that Ōtsutsuki wanted to escape, and suddenly sneered in disdain.

"Back in time."

In fact, this ability should be Ryu's most abnormal ability, the pupil technique that makes time flow backwards, and space ninjutsu is a younger brother in the face of time ability.

The Ōtsutsuki, who had entered the space portal and left, was still brought back to the original place by the power of time, passively bearing the terrifying power of the hot hell.

The body that transcended the steel didn't hold on for three seconds, and was directly melted by the terrifying flames, and the Zanpaku Sword also had a strong attack effect on the soul.

"You can survive, it seems that I underestimated your vitality."

Ryu unexpectedly looked at the Ōtsutsuki style with only part of his body remaining and was working hard to recover. Even Ryu felt surprised that he could survive.

But even if he survives now, he is only lingering.

"It doesn't make any sense to continue struggling, just let me end your pain."

Ryu said that he was very helpful, and he was so kind to help Ōtsutsuki get rid of it.

"If you kill me, the Ōtsutsuki family will never let you go." Ōtsutsuki threatened Ryu all the time.

"Do you threaten me with the Ōtsutsuki clan? Do you know what I hate most? Threats, I hate threats the most, you actually threatened me."

Ryu stared at Ōtsutsuki coldly.

"Are you afraid of death? You have been alive for thousands of years. Are you still afraid of death?"

Ryu's knife rests on Ōtsutsuki's neck, and the terrifying temperature caused his newly recovered body to be scorched again.

"I know you can't let me go, but I'm waiting for you, waiting for the moment you die."

Ōtsutsuki was indeed afraid of death, but he didn't beg Ryu for mercy, because Ōtsutsuki knew that even if he really begged for mercy, Uchiha Ryu would never let him go.

"I'm afraid you will never wait."

Ryu slashed decisively, and this time completely destroyed Ōtsutsuki's body, as well as his soul.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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