"Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, there are two Ten Tails in the ninja world. Where are the Ōtsutsuki-style Ten Tails blocked?" Ryu asked Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

This is something that Ryu forgot to do before. Before killing Ōtsutsuki, he should check his memory and find the Ten Tails of Ōtsutsuki.

"The concubine body doesn't know."

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's answer was straightforward, telling Ryu directly that he didn't know, and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya really didn't know, if Ōtsutsuki Kaguya really knew, she would have taken the initiative to get Ten Tails in her pocket.

"Really don't know?" Ryu asked Ōtsutsuki Kaguya again.

"The concubine really doesn't know where the other Ten Tails is. If the concubine could find it, she would have absorbed the other Ten Tails a long time ago."

If Ōtsutsuki Kaguya gets another Ten Tails, his current strength is definitely more than that.

Ryu also believed in Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. After all, Ōtsutsuki and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya are enemies, and he must not let Ōtsutsuki Kaguya find what he is hiding.

"Can you find another Ten Tails?"

"If you give your concubine Ten Tails, maybe I can find another Ten Tails." Ōtsutsuki Kaguya mentioned his Ten Tails again.

She didn't know where Uchiha Ryu put her Ten Tails, anyway, she couldn't feel it at all, it should have been sealed by Uchiha Ryu.

"Ha ha."

Ryu laughed and stopped talking, and gave it to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya Ten Tails. Who knows if she will do anything after giving her Ten Tails.

If you want Ten Tails to become a sacred tree and then bloom and bear fruit, you need a lot of Chakra. Maybe the woman Ōtsutsuki Kaguya re-launched Infinite Tsukuyomi for profit.

Even if he watched Ōtsutsuki Kaguya didn't have a chance to do it, Ryu wanted to eliminate this possibility.

After hearing Ryu chuckled, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya knew that this time there was still no hope, and wondered if there was any chance in the future.

"Do you know how to attract Ōtsutsuki peach style?"

Ryu asked Ōtsutsuki Kaguya a question again.

"May I not answer my concubine...?"

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya felt a bit resentful because Ryu didn't give her Ten Tails and was unwilling to answer his questions.

"You can try it. As long as you are not afraid of being sealed by me, it's okay if you don't answer. I won't force you."

Ryu smiled and said to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

"You call it compulsion?"

She threatened her with a seal, and she said she would not force her. Indeed, the choice was given to her, but does she have a choice?(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"The concubine can't contact them now, but they will definitely come to find the concubine."

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya knows that, like Ōtsutsuki peach-style, they will be found one day sooner or later, and there will be no escape from a battle.

"That seems to have to wait."

Ryu can't help it, is it going to other planets to find the Ōtsutsuki trio? I don't know where they are and how to find them.

"How do you know Ōtsutsuki peach style? There should be no information about Ōtsutsuki peach style in the ninja world, right?"

At this time, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya suddenly reacted, even Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo may not know how Ōtsutsuki peach style, Uchiha Ryu knows.

There is also Ōtsutsuki, he knows too much.

"Don't worry about how I know."

Ryu flashed and left. At this time, Ryu entered the system space, and the Ten Tails that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was thinking of was also in the system space at this time. This is why Ōtsutsuki Kaguya could not perceive the whereabouts of Ten Tails.

It was put in the system space by Ryu, how could it be felt by Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's ability.

"The system, extract the projection of the characters."

This month’s character projections have begun to be drawn. Hope to have good luck. Don’t expect to be able to draw character projections from other worlds. At least give yourself a six-level character projection and let him earn some points.

[Ding, you have drawn the Uchiha Obito projection! 】

"It's not good luck."

Ryu is a little disappointed. If it is Obito, Ryu is still a little interested, but Uchiha Obito and Ryu lost interest in an instant.

"Keep it here, and solve it when you have time." Ryu was not interested in the challenge, and came to Xiao Meng's side, patted Xiao Meng, and woke Xiao Meng up.

"Ryu, why are you in the system space?"

"I'm here to chat with you. It's not welcome. If I'm not welcome, I'll leave." Ryu made a gesture to leave the system space.

"Wait a minute, of course you are welcome. Besides, you are my master. How could I not welcome you? I dare not."

Xiao Meng's spirit came in an instant, she was boring to stay in the system space, Xiao Meng also had her own feelings, she would also feel lonely.

So most of the time Xiaomeng spends her time sleeping. Anyway, after falling asleep, she feels that time will pass quickly, and she can't feel lonely anymore.

But what Xiaomeng is looking forward to most is that when Ryu enters the system space, he cherishes the time he spends chatting with Ryu.

This time, Ryu is indeed looking for Xiaomeng to chat, mainly because he has nothing to do. It is better to come to the system space to accompany Xiaomeng.

Well, if you let Terumi Mei know that Ryu is so idle, it might be annoying.

As the leader of Ninja Village and the master of the entire Ninja world, but he doesn't do anything serious, if Terumi Mei catches Ryu, he will definitely be killed.

Accompany Xiaomeng for half a day, and then leave the system space in Xiaomeng's reluctance.

The next thing is to do some business. The first is to find another Ten Tails hidden by Ōtsutsuki.

Although this Ten Tails was blocked, it was considered an unstable factor. As the current leader of the ninja world, Ryu of course had to wipe out all the unstable factors.

Then the trio of Ōtsutsuki peach style, Ōtsutsuki Urashi style and Ōtsutsuki gold style was solved.

Eliminate the three of them who may appear in the Ninja world at any time, so Ryu can rest assured to destroy the Ōtsutsuki family.

If Ryu goes to solve the Ōtsutsuki home now, what if the three of Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki take the opportunity to steal Ryu’s home?

Although this possibility is very small, Ryu doesn't want to gamble even if the possibility is small (Li Zhaohao).

Anyway, knowing that they will come, so just wait and wait a few years. Ryu is not impatient.

So the next day, Ryu set off. When leaving, Ryu took Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. This time Kushina did not leave with Ryu.

The reason why I couldn't follow Ryu was because I got caught up in Hinata's sister Hanabi, a nasty little girl.

The reason why Hanabi would pester Kushina is because of Ryu's instructions to Hanabi. In order for Hanabi to agree, Ryu also promised a lot of benefits to Hanabi.

The promise is just a promise. As for when it will be fulfilled, it depends on Ryu's mood. If Ryu is in a good mood, the promised benefits to Hanabi may be fulfilled.

But considering that she can still use that little girl in the future, we shouldn't bully Hanabi too much, at least we should give her some benefits.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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