After Ōtsutsuki Kaguya destroyed Mount Myōboku, he continued to follow Ryu to find the whereabouts of Ōtsutsuki Ten Tails.

To be honest, the difficulty is the same as finding a needle in a haystack. If it weren't for Ryu who has nothing to do now, he would definitely give up and continue searching for the whereabouts of Ten Tails.

In a blink of an eye, five days passed. Ryu didn't know how many secret spaces he found, but he still didn't encounter the Ten Tails that was blocked by Ōtsutsuki.

"Go back if you can't find it anymore."

Ryu is also a little annoying, and it doesn't matter if he can't find it. Since it is so secret, it is impossible to be found by other people. As long as it is not released, there is no threat.

And even if it is released, the threat of Ten Tails is actually limited.

Ten Tails is very powerful, but it doesn't have much wisdom in itself. It's too stupid, so it's easier to deal with.

But when Ryu was about to give up searching for Ten Tails, he actually found Ten Tails.

"Hehe, I was going to give up, but luck suddenly came."

Ryu looked at the Ten Tails imprisoned in this space, and the Ten Tails of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya-it was the same ugly.

"Can this Ten Tails be handed over to my concubine?" Ōtsutsuki Kaguya- asked Ryu.

Looking at the Ten Tails in front of him, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's eyes revealed a touch of greed, um, desperately wanting to get the Ten Tails in front of him.

"Hehe, you think pretty beautiful."

Ryu smiled. Of course, this Ten Tails Ryu has to be in his hands, how could it be handed over to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Now this Ten Tails has not been cultivated into a sacred tree. If you want to grow into a sacred tree, the fastest way should be to sacrifice life.

Who knows what crazy things Ōtsutsuki Kaguya would do after getting Ten Tails.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya had guessed it a long time ago. It is unlikely that Uchiha Ryu will give Ten Tails to her. Even if he knew it in his heart, he was a little disappointed.

I can’t get my Ten Tails back, and now I can’t get even this Ōtsutsuki-style Ten Tails.

This Ten Tails, Ryu was also thrown into the system space. In the system space, even the true gods can only stay honestly.

"It's time to go back. If you want to walk around the ninja world, just do whatever you want, but it's best not to do anything, otherwise, don't blame me for not letting you go."

Ryu's goal has been completed, and it is natural to return to the village.

As for Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, Ryu does not restrict Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's actions.

However, although her actions will not be restricted, Ryu will never let Ōtsutsuki Kaguya do anything.

"My concubine will go back to the village with you."

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya has no interest in the ninja world, so I might as well follow Uchiha Ryu.

And Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki they didn't know when they would find it, and it is safer to follow Uchiha Ryu.

Using Huangquan Hirazaka, leaving this space, Ryu returned to Ninja Village.

There is nothing wrong in the village, everything is on the right track. The ninjas in the big villages are now considered to be people in Ninja Village willingly.(Read more @

It may also be the reason why Wujin Village was renamed Ninja Village directly. It made them feel good to accept it. At most, it was merged with ninjas from other villages.

With so many ninjas together, there will definitely be conflicts that erupt. Ryu will not suppress these conflicts, but will also control them.

For example, in the construction of an arena, any contradictions can be resolved in the arena, and even a life-and-death battle is okay.

If some contradictions have been suppressed, it will only be counterproductive in the end.

"Have you found another Ten Tails?"

Kushina asked Ryu.

"Of course I found it. It took me a lot of effort to find that Ten Tails."

In order to find the Ten Tails of Ōtsutsuki style, Ryu was almost vomiting when looking for it. Every day, he shuttled through the space channel opened by Huangquan Hirazaka.

"What about Ten Tails, I want to see?"

After hearing Ryu say that I found it, Kushina's curiosity reappeared and wanted to see the Ten Tails that Ryu found.

"I'm probably going to disappoint you. You won't see that Ten Tails anymore."

Ryu put the Ten Tails in the system space, he still can't bring others into the system space.

Items are fine, Ten Tails can be brought into the system space by Ryu, that is, the system considers Ten Tails to be a type of item.

"And Ten Tails has nothing to look at. Ten Tails are all the same ugly."

The Ten Tails of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya are ugly, and the Ten Tails of Ōtsutsuki are similar, and even look uglier.


Kushina snorted, thinking that Ryu was stingy and didn't want to show it to her.

"Well, just treat me as stingy."

Ryu can't help it, otherwise he wouldn't mind taking Kushina into the system space.

Maybe after waiting for the system to be upgraded, you can take other people into the system space. Specifically, you have to wait until the system is upgraded.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Thinking of the system upgrade, Ryu couldn't help but think of the task of destroying Ōtsutsuki's home. This matter must be carried out quickly.

But before heading to the Ōtsutsuki home, Ryu has to deal with Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki and the others.

Going to the Ōtsutsuki home is very time-consuming. Ryu doesn't want to go to the Ōtsutsuki home to destroy the Ōtsutsuki home, but Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki and the others run over to do the destruction.

In a blink of an eye, it has been three months since Ryu caught Ten Tails and returned. In these three months, Ryu has dealt with Shinobu's affairs very seriously.

By the way, Mikoto and Konan also became Ryu's secretary to help Ryu.

There was another Kushina who was also helping, but Ryu disliked Kushina's help, so he drove Kushina away.

..... ....... .......

"After you improperly throw your hand at the shopkeeper, I feel much more relaxed."

Terumi Mei said to Ryu, that Terumi Mei has had a lot of things in the past few days. Ryu has solved many things on her own, and her workload has been reduced by at least three times.

"Don't be too happy, I'll give it to you after a while."

It is impossible for Ryu to deal with the work of Ninja Village and become the master of Ninja world. Isn't that enjoyable? If Ryu is allowed to work hard, then Ryu will definitely not do it.

The smile on Terumi Mei's face disappeared, and it seemed that she would not be happy for a few days.

After finishing the work and returning, Ryu finds Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

"How about it, did you think of a way to get Ōtsutsuki Momosaki to find it quickly?" Ryu asked Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

"The concubine has no way."

I've been asked by Ryu several times, and every time Ōtsutsuki Kaguya tells Ryu that there is no way, in fact she really can't.

And speaking of it, in the heart of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, they do not want Ōtsutsuki peach-style to come, if they never come, it would be good for Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

"If you can return Ten Tails to your concubine, maybe your concubine can find a way to contact them."

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya mentioned Ten Tails to Ryu again.

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me? I believe you don't want to know the consequences of lie to me."

Ryu smiled and said to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

"That's fine." Ōtsutsuki Kaguya has nothing to do with Ten Tails, she just wants to get Ten Tails back from Ryu.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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